you get hurt and are sent to hospital

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AutisticSeesaw has requested two preferences that are similar so I hope you don't mind me combining them (and Esquenopues sorry for forgetting)

AutisticSeesaw has requested two preferences that are similar so I hope you don't mind me combining them (and Esquenopues sorry for forgetting)

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Because of how much Jim is at work he has to leave you alone often. He was on patrol with Harvey when he got a call from the nurse , she said you'd fall down the stairs of your apartment building. He rushed over there the second he was allowed to and nearly burst into tears when he saw you laying in the hospital bed. He was with you every second while you were healing with a cast on your leg , he took you to work with him one day and all the officers signed your cast

 He was with you every second while you were healing with a cast on your leg , he took you to work with him one day and all the officers signed your cast

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Harvey had convinced you to start working part time at the GCPD when he was made captain. The pair of you were looking for a monster that had been at large for weeks , you decided to split up and not long after Harvey heard the monster attack something. He rushed over, shooting wildly and accidentally hit you and the monster. The monster died after being shot in the head but you had been shot. It wasn't anywhere vital but he still rushed you to the hospital where he felt guilty every day you were in there

 It wasn't anywhere vital but he still rushed you to the hospital where he felt guilty every day you were in there

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Getting hurt wasn't rare for either of you but Oswald hated to see you in any sort of pain. So when he got a call from Edward saying someone had attacked you on the street he rushed into protective dad mode and ordered someone to find whoever attacked you while he went to the hospital to check on his child

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