feelings suck

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Y/N Bullock slammed the door the apartment they shared with their Father ,Harvey, who was currently passed out on the kitchen table with a half drunk beer in hand.

On hearing the door slam , he shot up like a rocket "hey dumpling , how was the date" he asked. They scoffed "I would much rather be run over by train then ever having feelings for anyone ever again, this shit sucks".

"Hey , Bullock's don't think about dates after they've happened, we move onto the next and carry on" Y/N sat in the chair opposite him and tapped their leg on the floor "is that how you met mom?".

Harvey took a deep breath "yes and no , your mother was very special to me" he took a drink of his beer and tried not to look at Y/N. "Good to know" they rolled their eyes "I'm just thankful you don't look like her" Harvey rubbed their arm as he went to get another beer.

Y/N let out a small laugh as they watched Harvey dance to the refrigerator "you want one?" He called. That was the best thing about Harvey, he didn't care about small things.

"Sure" Y/N shrugged as Harvey continued to dance around the kitchen "listen sunshine, if you want dating advice you should ask your uncle Jim" Harvey placed the bottle infront of them "pa that would be like asking the captain of the titanic how to swim".

Harvey nearly choked on his beer "he's not that bad is he" Harvey sputtered "meh" Y/N twirled the beer around before drinking it "don't sweat it kid , they'll be others , better than that jackass".

The pair locked eyes "we're still going to arrest em though" Y/N smiled "hell yeah sweetheart" Harvey smiled back "I'll drink to that" the pair tapped their bottles before downing the whole bottle.

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