it's a Pennyworth thing

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Living with Alfred and Y/N has it's perks and it's problems.Most of the time I can't understand what they are saying due to the amount of British slang laced over everything.

People found that out the hard way.

Y/N came to pick me up from school one day, other kids mocked me but I didn't care because Y/N was a joy to be around.

"Good day?" Y/N asked when I bounced over to them "we learned about the civil war again" I then went on to rant about everything that had happened that day.

Y/N didn't interrupt me or anything, they just hummed and nodded , we were nearing the car when a kid shouted "hey look a Brucie and his babysitter" Y/N whipped around to look at the kid.

It was the same one who had developed the reputation of firing spit balls at the back of my head during class. Y/N was staring at him so violently I thought his head would explode.

"If you insult myself or Bruce again , I will personally show you the insides of a hospital , now bugger off you Billy no-mates" and for good measure Y/N did what Alfred referred to as a 'two-fingered salute' before pushing me towards the car.

That night , while I was trying to sleep , the sound of Alfred and Y/N arguing raged through the house.

I knew I shouldn't but I listened in the best I could "you pillock what were you thinking"  Alfred shouted "well the slag needed to be taught a lesson" Y/N shouted back.

Not being able to listen in any longer , I went down to the kitchen to confront them. "Master Bruce, you're up late ain't ya" Alfred was smiling nervously while Y/N had crossed their arms and leaned back on the counter.

"Could you stop fighting it's difficult to get to sleep" I asked politely "our apologises Master Bruce , it's nothing, it's a Father thing" Alfred laughed awkwardly "no it's not , it's a Pennyworth thing" I said.

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