08: MK...Mulan

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Another chapter that's all over the place. After the time skip the Romance will be exceptionally...Good. Don't want to rush it tho.
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Alfred watches as Olivia and Bruce argue about Damian's position on the team. "He waltzes in here and suddenly he gets to go on patrol." Olivia fumed.

"Olivia, he's going. End of the discussion." Bruce tells her clipping his belt on. He puts on his cowl and stops walking as Olivia stands in front of him.

"As what Robin? Jason, is Robin he can't just tak-"

"Jason is dead!" Everyone stops and stares at him. "He's gone, Olivia." Olivia gives him an emotionless look before turning around she wipes her face.

"Olivia," Dick calls after her as she grabs her bag.

"Did you know?" She whispered. Dick is quiet. "Did everyone know?" Dick nods his head. The chair flies towards him and he ducks.

Olivia leaves the room and runs towards the elevator. "Really, Bruce?" Dick growled and runs after her.

He stands by the elevator waiting for it to come back down. Alfred gives him a disapproving look before going to stand next to Dick.

They both step into the elevator. "Come on, Damian." They both get into the car, Damian feels uneasy. 'Who the hell is Jason?'

Olivia closes her door and locks it. She opens her closet and grabs 2 suitcases. She pulls the drawer open and starts tossing the clothes onto the floor. Her eyes are clouded by her tears. "Stupid Oli." She tells herself zipping up one of the suitcases after folding the clothes.

She lays down on the couch and stares up at the stars. She turns over and starts crying. 'Stupid.' she thought bitterly, it was so obvious. He wouldn't just leave. He would've told her or at least took her with him. She lifts her hand watching as the sparks flicker. She wipes her face with her sleeve. The tears still flow.

She ignored the knocks at her door as Dick and Alfred beg her to let them in to explain. She rubs her eyes helplessly wishing the lump in her throat would disappear.

Olivia doesn't know how long she sat there staring at the sky. It could've been hours for all she knew. She stands up and climbs down the ladder. She grabs the blanket Jason gave her when she first came and held it close to her chest. There was a carton deer on the front. Bambi.

He was like an older brother to her, he always would spend time with her until she fell asleep, he never was angry when she woke him up for the stupidest of things. The tattered still blanket  had a small picture of Bambi stitched into the corner. He would always call her Bambi.

She climbs back up and lays down. He loved chili dogs even though they were unhealthy. He can't be dead. She falls asleep with tear streaks on her face.

"19...20...21...22...23...24...25..." Olivia covers her mouth as she watches Jason walk around the room. "Hmm...where could she be?" She smiles as he walks out of the room.

"Aah!" She screams as she was suddenly pulled from under the bed.

"Found you, Bambi." Olive laughs as he tickles her. He's tosses her in the air and catches her.

"You cheated, JayJay." She laughed pushing his face.

"You wound me, I would never cheat." He said holding his chest. "Round number 25 it is." Olivia jumped from his arms and ran. "Make sure you hide well this time!" He says covering his eyes. "1...2...3."

Olivia's eyes snapped open. "Ugghhh." She groans as she wipes her eyes. She stretches her arms above her head and gets out of bed.  She walks towards the door but her hand freezes on the knob. She walks towards her desk and grabs a pen and paper. She writes down, "What time am I leaving?" And opens her room door. She grabs the tray of food and looks up.

She jumps back and holds her chest. "What the heck dude?"

Damian walks post her into her room. "Come right in, why don't you." She muttered under her breathe. She walked back into her room with her tray.

"Father cancelled the flight. He didn't want you to leave angry. Pennyworth said you were hungry and told me to bring the food to your door." He said.

"Thanks." She says sitting down at the table in her room.

"I'm uh..." she looks over at Damian and sees he looking towards the door.

"What?" She asked stuffing a fork full of pancakes in her mouth.

"I didn't wish to try and replace the other Robin, Jason." He tells her. "I just wanted to... never mind."

"It's okay, it's not your fault that Bruce and the others lied to me for 3 years." She motioned for Damian to sit down with her. She held up the fork of pancakes to his mouth and his face turned red. "I know your hungry. Just eat some and we can spend the rest of the day watching princess movies to make me feel better."

He bit the fork and chewed slowly. "It doesn't taste as strange as I originally thought it would." They splits the rest of her breakfast that way. She'd have a bite then he'd have a bite.

"Hey I'm going to change then we can go to the theater room." She walks into her closet leaving no room for Damian to disagree. She changed into shorts and a T-shirt with iron man on it.

She walks out and grabs Damian's arm walking down the stairs. She opens the door to the theater. "Voila I present to you...Heaven." Olivia turned on the popcorn maker and made drinks for them.

Damian glances around the room. He touches the chair and hums. "Sufficient." He sat down in the middle row and waited for Olivia. Her arms were full of snacks and the drinks hovered behind her. One floated over to Damian and he hesitantly grabbed it before placing it in the cup holder.

"So Disney marathon?" She asked breathlessly drooping t the snacks onto the seat next to her.

"Disney?" He asked.

"Oh my chocolate fountain... you have a lot to learn my little grasshopper. We'll start with Mulan and then watch our Queen Tiana." As she listed off all the movies they'd watch, Damian watched her with a slight smile on his face. "...then we'll end with The Little Mermaid. Gotta save the best for last."

The lights dimmed as she pressed play. Damian watched as her face lit up when the first song started to play. "You'll bring honor to us all." She sings.

She laughs when the matchmaker's dress is on fire and scowls when she tells Mulan she's a disgrace.

For most of the movie he watched her instead of the screen. He watched as she followed the hand movements in 'I'll Make A Man Out Of You'. "Is this movie the reason you chose the bo-staff as your weapon?" He asked.

"Yes and no. I chose the bo staff because of Jade." She says stuffing candy into her mouth.

"Was this Jade a master of the arts?" He asked.

"No she's a character in Mortal Kombat. She can teleport too."

Tell Me You Love Me|| Damian WayneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon