12: Admired

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2 years later age 16
Bad Blood
Olivia chewed her gum as they watched out an interrogation near the Gotham harbor. Some guy with electrical outlets was shocking the guy hung up from a chain.

Olivia laughs as she sees the girl with a red wig on. "Looks like someone has an admirer." she teased. The woman starts shooting at the men. "She's almost out."

Batman jumps down after she gets knocked down by a body. She stares at him in awe. "That's no way to treat a lady." Olivia walks from behind him twirling her staff above her head before bringing it down to her side. She widens her stance.

"Guess we'll have to teach you some manners, electro dick head." The man growls and shoots electrical currents towards her. She spins her staff quickly, absorbing the energy and combining it with her own. "That's not going to work."She teleports behind him and hits him in the back of his legs. Her staff separates into two.

Batman uses the wanna be macho dumbass in front of him as shock head tries to electrocute him. He throws his unconscious form into the ground. Batman shoots his grappling hook and attaches it to the flying guys ankle. Red head jumps ontop of him.

Olivia hits the guy with a face mask in the stomach before jumping in the air and kicking him in the face. She throws her staff and hits him in his...sensitive area. She winced and leans against her staff. "Take your time getting up."

She shakes her head at him with a small smile and looks around for Batman and the weird woman.

She walks over and sees them fighting electro and maca. "I want you out of here. Now." Batman tells her after saving her from getting shocked. The red head doesn't listen and one of the hive attached his explosive jet packs to her back.

Olivia sighs, "I got it." She tells Batman running past him to assist the red head. Batman grapples after them. Olivia teleports and hits the grenades. "Fore!"they explode in the air.

"This wasn't a break-in. Was it, Firefly?" Batman asked as Olivia stands behind him as he questions him.

"Of course not." he answered in a raspy whisper.

"Their working for someone new." he tells the red head.


"This is truly an honor Batman, I've waited so very long for this moment. Though the circumstances are less than ideal." They all turn to face the new guy. Olivia looks him up and down. She noticed how his mask had bat ears on the top and raised her eyebrow.

"Another admirer." she scoffed. She looked over at the bald woman with markings on her face. "It's not Halloween yet, Hellraiser" she smirked as the woman glared. "I honestly can't tell what that expression is. It's difficult without eyebrows."

"Do I know you?" Batman asked.

"Intimately...and not at all." the man answered.

"There something you wanna tell me, B-Man?" Olivia teased. He gave her a blank look.

"And you rag on me for stealing your look" Red says. She runs at him and he blocks her attacks before picking her up by the throat. He throw her down the sound of her flesh hitting the metal rings out.

"His looks better." I tell her crossing my arms looking down at her. Batman and him start fighting and she jumps onto his back. He grabs her by the neck and throws her into Batman. "Now it's just embarrassing." Olivia holds out her hands and twists it causing the man to fly into the wall, it's eerily green glow attracts the big guys attention. Red is thrown over the side of the walkway. Batman uses his grapple to catch her.

"Onyx, now." I block two of the needles but one still hit Batman. "Rest well, Batman" He presses a button and explosions come from everywhere. Batman attaches the grappling hook to her leg and swings it. Olivia and red fly out of the warehouse into the water below. Red swims to the surface and looks around for the girl.

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