11: Rush

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An: long and rushed but I'm trying to move past this movie and bad blood so I can post Teen Titans already 😭

Olivia felt the blood rush to her
cheeks as she looked up at Damian. She cleared her throat and turned her head. "Uh thank you for...that...the kissing thingy ya know." She stuttered.

"Do people normally thank others for kissing them?" Damian asked taking a step closer.

"Uh duh. It's Uh common courtesy...like when someone opens the door for you." Olivia said taking a step back.

"You seem a little offish...So all I have to do is kiss you to shut you up?" He teased.

"Whatever, just don't take Bruce's words to heart. He tends to speak before thinking sometimes." Olivia rolled her eyes and teleported to her room and flopped down on her bed. Damian smiled softly at the green smoke left behind and turned towards the window.
"You dickhead! You cheated!" Olivia yelled as Dick put in the code for a fatality.

"Johnny Cage Wins."

"How did I cheat?" He asked leaving back onto the couch.

"You spammed the nutcracker move the whole last round." Olivia says throwing her hands in the air.

"Your main is Jade, it was the only move I knew." Dick said watching as Johnny Cage  ripped open Mileena's stomach.

"Jade's not in this one, that's Mileena." Olivia tells him throwing a pillow his way. "I was going easy on you, let's have a rematch."

"Fine, but if you lose again, don't say I didn't warn you." He goes to character select and chooses Jax.

Olivia smiles and chooses Mileena Piercing. As soon as the intro is over she teledrops and lifts him into the air. Dick mashed buttons and tried to block but Mileena cannonballs under him and pieced him while he was in the air.

She does a brutality in the second round and takes Jax's head off while jumping over him. "Brutality, Mileena Wins Flawless victory."

"Yea, hold that L." Olivia smirked, placing the controller on the table.

"What the hell? I didn't even get to touch you, button masher." Dick whined.

"Hate the game not the player." She shrugged.

"That's not the saying! It's hate the player not the game."

"That doesn't even make sense why would someone tell someone to hate them because the other person is inferior to them?" Olivia asked.

"You think everyone is inferior to you."

"Let me see you teleport to the other side of the world, then we'll talk about inferiority." She resorted with a smirk.

"That don't even help my accusation about you thinking you're better than everyone." Dick squinted shaking his head. He stood and looked around. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She asked just before all the lights started to flicker. She grabbed Dick's shoulder and took them to the cave.  Dick ran to his case to get his uniform and Olivia walked over to the bat computer where Alfred and Bruce stood.

"Red  security grid up and active?" Dick asked placing his domino mask over his eyes.

"Unless someone shut it down and didn't bother to tell us." Bruce replied side eying Alfred.

"Most unkind sir." Was all Alfred said.

"Where's Damian?" Olivia asked.

"It's Bruce Wayne or Batman the courts came for. Either way they're about to get a welcome they'll never forget. Olivia go put on your uniform." Bruce said pulling the cowl down.

Tell Me You Love Me|| Damian WayneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora