10: For Damian

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Olivia and Damian watch from the couch as the blond leans up to kiss Bruce. She makes a gagging sound and the adults look towards them. Damian pretends to snore. He yawns and stretches. "Unh, I was reading. I must've fallen asleep. What's going on?"

Olivia sat up and raised an eyebrow at Bruce. His face was priceless. "Oh and who might you be?" She asked walking over towards the children.

"Bruce's..." Damian started.

"My ward." Bruce interrupted. "Well he will be soon."

"Olivia Johnson." Olivia said emotionlessly and ignored the woman's outstretched hand.

"That's the second time you've surprised me tonight. Olivia has grown into a beautiful young lady." Blondie says.

"Damian's had a difficult life and I don't want those cultures in the press corps descending on him just yet." He says bending down. "So we've been..."

"Keeping me a secret." Damian says.

"Only until the paperwork is finalized." He assures the boy, but they both know that's a lie. "Then we'll proudly announce the newest addition to our family. I should've told you Samantha, but..."

"It's none of her business." Olivia glared. Surprising all three of the people in the room. Though Damian didn't show it.

"Olivia, that's not very nice apologize." Bruce says.

Samantha bends slightly to look them in the face. "No there's nothing to apologize for," She grabs Damian's face. "You take in these unfortunate children and give them a chance at a better life." Olivia slapped her hand away.

"We're not charity cases." She growled. She didn't know why she resented the woman so much but she gave off bad vibes. Olivia felt like crying and hitting the woman at the same time. She ignored the glare Bruce gave her as she walks back over to the couch.

They see Samantha off and Bruce walks over to the couch. "What was that all about?" He asked bending down in front of her.

"Nothing." She says scooting over and getting off the couch. "I despise blonde people."

"So you don't like her because of the color of her hair?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Did I not just say that?" She growled turning her head. He sighs and stands.

He talks to Damian and lets her stand by herself. "Why was she even here?" She asked angrily.

"She's a friend." Bruce replied. "I have no idea why you're acting like this, you're usually open to meeting new people."

"Yea whatever. I'm going to sleep." She glared and teleports to her room.

The boys watched as the green light faded and looked at each other. "What are you reading?"

"Who does she think she is?" Olivia asked herself. "Walking in here eating my food." She paced around her room anxiously for several minutes before lying down.

Her skin was clammy and she struggled to breathe. She fell into a dreamless sleep. Images flashed through her head and a voice was whispering. Blood clouded her visions and red eyes beamed. A crimson bat symbol. The voices get louder. "For Dark Seid." She sat up in bed a silent scream caught in her throat.

She grabbed her head as images of her family sing played in her head. Her eyes were burning and the pain was unbearable. "Save them." A voice whispered.

She shook her head and everything stopped. She breathed heavily as she jumped off of her bed and went to find Bruce.

She heard voices in Damian's room and opened the door.

"Where's Damian?" She asked looking around. She noticed the injuries in Bruce's chest and tilted her head in confusion.

"Out." Was all Bruce said.

"Without me?" She pouted.

"I'm sure he went to get you before he left." Alfred assures her before leaving the room.

Dick turns the light off and they watch as Damian climbs through his room window. The light goes back on. "Where were you?"

"Dramatic much?" Olivia muttered.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" Damian asked rushing over to his injured father.

"You don't get to ask questions." Bruce tells him. "Now where the hell were you?"

"Out." Damian sneered.

"Where?" He asked.

"Just out."

"Out, has suddenly become a far more dangerous place." He glared. He grabbed the sai that was tucked into his waist. "What's this?"

"That's mine." Damian whined.

"I don't think so."

Olivia watched them go back and forth.

"A biological accident doesn't make you my father." Damian tells him. "And it sure as hell doesn't make me your son."

Olivia jumped off of the bed and walked over to Damian. "There's a school in Switzerland run by a retired general who knows far more than I do about boys and discipline." Bruce says standing up. "Try this again, that's where you'll be spending the next year."

Olivia scoffs and crosses her arms. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing It just seems to me that you ship all your problems away." Olivia says. "Wonder how long it'll take before you get send me off too." Bruce walks out the door leaving them with Dick.

"You really played me for a fool." He says to Damian as he picks up the tray of medical stuff.

"Not hard to do." Damian says. Dick leaves and his tough facade fades. He pulls off his mask and turns to face Olivia.

"It's okay Damian. Just apologize and we'll pretend this never happened." She tells him.

"He won't accept it." He says taking off his cape and shirt. Olivia turns around as he gets dressed. "I'll do it, if you come with me."

"Lets go." They walk towards the door and stop as Dick says something to Bruce.

"You know I did my share of sneaking out too back in the day." Dick says.

"Those things are our there, Dick. If Batman's a Target, so is he."

"Then talk to him about it." Olivia presses her ear to the door. Damian follows suit.

"He doesn't listen."

"But Bruce he's just..."

"He's not you, Dick." Bruce interrupts. "Before I took you in, you had loving parents. You had a heart."

"And he doesn't?" Damian put his head down.

"That's not what I mean." Bruce says. "Or is it? I don't know. Maybe biological tires w aren't enough to make a man a father. Or a boy a son." Olivia places her hand on Damian's shoulder and he shrugged it off.

"He's only 14. He'll figure himself out eventually. Just give him some time."

"Maybe I am a biological mistake." He sneered. "You think I'm heartless too? Don't you?" He asked.

"No. Of course not." Olivia tells him. "Nobody's perfect. Not even the great Bruce Wayne. Mistakes are what makes us human."

"I just want to be...I don't even know what I want." He stutters angrily.

"That's because your focused on what everyone else wants you to be. No one can live your life for you, Dami. You'll figure it out. I know you will." She kisses his cheek and walks towards the door. "Goodnight. Please stay out of trouble and remember I'm always here for you."

Damian grabs her hand. "Olivia I...thank you."

"No problem. I'm not exactly child of the year either." She grinned. Damian's heart stopped for a second and he swallowed heavily.

He stepped closer to her and pulled her by the arm. Olivia looked up into his eyes and he leaned down. He pecked her lips and pulled back.

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