"But isn't that selfish of him!? He'll just be leaving me in the end!" Bakugou yelled as he used one of his hands to clutch onto his heart. "What you don't think that breaking up with him is selfish either?" Nezu said and Bakugou bit his lip as he hung his low refusing to let the adult see the tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.

"B-But he would be alive." Bakugou croaked out with his head still hanging low. "Katsuki, there are only two things that this boy is looking forward to the most in life, and that's a future cure for his sickness and being with you." Nezu said while pointing at the blonde who lifted back up his head. "Surviving isn't living. If you break up with him now you'll just be preventing him from living his life the way he wanted which would just make him feel miserable, and I know it will make you miserable as well." Nezu said and just as he finished his sentence the phone on his desk began to ring.

While Nezu went to answer the call Bakugou looked down at his phone and stared at his lock screen which is now a live photo with the beginning of the picture being Izuku with his arms wrapped around the blonde's neck as he kissed his cheek. Bakugou gently pressed the screen and watched as the image began to move.

Izuku pulled away from the boy's cheek giggling as he did so. Bakugou then turned his head to look at the smiling boy, he reached his hand up and pulled Izuku's face close to him connecting their lips in a quick kiss. Smiles were present on both of their faces as they pulled away from one another. The live photo then stopped on the image of them smiling as their foreheads were touching.

'I just want to keep you safe.' Bakugou thought as he stared down at the phone screen. "Bakugou." Nezu said and the blonde looked back up at him. "Can you deliver some textbooks to the library for me?" He asked and Bakugou nodded his head before getting up from his seat. "And think about what I told you while you're at it." Nezu said and Bakugou nodded his head again before walking out the door.

Bakugou walked down the hallway carrying a box full of textbooks as his mind continued to buzz as he thought back on his conversation with principle Nezu.

'Either way, you think about it we're both going to be selfish and make a sacrifice.' Bakugou thought while staring down at the box in his hands. *sigh* 'Maybe I should let Izuku make his own decisions.' He thought as he went to turn down a corner.

"T-That's really all the m-money I have!" Bakugou raised his head when he heard a distressed voice. Down the hall, a short and chubby boy was seating on the ground with his back up against the wall. Standing in front of him stood a shaggy blue-haired teen smirking down evilly at him.

"Oh come on I know you have more than that. Just give it to me now and the nurse won't have to take care of your broken arm." The teen threatened making the boy below him start to sweat and shake out of fear.

"Hey, jackass." Bakugou said making the two teens turn to look at him. "Well if it isn't Katsuki Bakugou."The bluenette said while smiling and walking up to the blonde. "Leave." Bakugou said while looking at the boy on the ground who quickly nodded his head and scurried away.

Once the boy was out of sight Bakugou turned his attention back on to the other teen who was smirking at him. "You know what I can't stand about you?" Shigaraki asked making Bakugou lift his eyebrow up questionably. "That before everyone feared and hated they did everything you said just so you wouldn't hurt them but now you're all buddy-buddy with each other. What gives!?" He sneered while pushing the blonde's shoulder.

"I'm supposed to be the one in charge now but you still have them wrapped around your damn finger! And because of what you wanting a couple of brats to have toys for Christmas!? That fucking pisses me off!" He yelled and shoved the blonde again.

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