"What's up Zara" He nodded toward me. He had his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket.  He towered over the cheerleaders but he was only a few inches taller than me. 

"What are you all up to?" I removed my arm from Monique as she took her place beside to her boyfriend. "Have you tried the basketball game?"

"Not yet," Byron answered.

"Babe, they have a giant dolphin." Monique pointed toward the stuffed animals that were hanging over the booths. "I love dolphins."

"I'll win that for you," Byron answered confidently. 

"We'll see you later." Monique pulled Byron away in a hurry while Logan followed behind them like a third wheel. 

I waved goodbye to them as I continued my trek to the Ferris wheel that Madison and Devin were probably on already. Like magic, Kenzie appeared beside me.

"Where did you come from?" I stared at her in confusion.

"Lemonade stand," Kenize answer as she took a sip of her drink.

"Why did you leave me?" I sidestepped my way through some people who stood in a massive line to get fried Oreos 

"I couldn't stand being around Barbie and company," Kenzie answered. 

"I don't know why you don't like Monique. She's so nice and positive," I said.

Kenzie rolled her eyes at me as she took another sip of lemonade. I expected another round of silent treatment from her.  If  Madison didn't steal Devin away, we could have been on the bumper cars. I only had a couple of months left to spend with my best friend before he left. I need to get him away from Madison.  As we walked in silence someone knocked into me when they took a step back. My eyes couldn't help but widen when I realized who it was.

Amelia Janokoski stood in front of me. She was two grades ahead of me at Westwood. She was unofficially ranked as the prettiest girl in school  during her time at Westwood. All the boys lusted after her and almost every girl hated her. She was known for her looks and her revolving door of boyfriends. She was dressed in an off the shoulder white crop tops that showed off her toned body and distressed jean shorts.  The last I heard about her was that she dropped out of UCLA and moved to Las Vegas. She was dating some magician. 

"Sorry," Amelia said. Her pouty lips turned into a smile when her dark eyes focused on me. "Zara Wexler, is that you?"

"Hi, yeah. Amelia." My mind was an utter mess as I tried to find ways to form coherent words. There was something about the way Amelia's dark eyes could leave you in a trance. when they landed on you. "How have you been?" 

"I've been doing great. I moved back to L.A. from Vegas a few months back," Amelia said as she ran her fingers through her long and luscious brown hair. 

"Is it because you lost all your money, you slut machine," Kenzie stated bluntly. Her eyes narrowed as she stared Amelia down. 

"Kenzie!" I couldn't help but look at her in shock and disappointment. I quickly turned my attention back to Amelia.  "She didn't mean that."

"I always say what I mean," Kenzie emphasized. 

A laugh erupted from Amelia's lips. "Still as pleasant as ever. Aren't you Mackenzie?" 

Kenzie growled in response. Never call Kenzie by the name Mackenzie. She did not like it. She thought the name Mackenzie sounded like a dumb Valley girl who got low-fat frappes at Starbucks. 

Okay, I have about five seconds to de-escalate the situation before Kenzie ended up attacking Amelia. Think of something fast Zara.

"Kenzie, can you help me with my camera?" Aslan ran over to us. He skid to a stop when he saw Amelia and I swore the poor boy blushed when he made eye contact with her. "Wow!" 

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