Harry's pov

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I had done it, it was over, we were safe. Then a chorus of cheering, whooping and screams in relief broke out, gins plastered on the sea of faces surrounding me. But I was only searching for one.
Then I saw her, relief and pain in her eyes, she was in my arms, they were in my arms. In that moment, I could see a future with Ginny something I'd never even dreamed to imagine. Children and grandchildren surrounding us as we think of our long happy lives. But I was quickly yanked out of my dream as quick as it came, as funny screamed in pain and went limp.
Everything seemed to go in slow motion from that moment as I held her, calling out for help, lowering her onto a stretcher and being whisked off to the hospital wing, Mrs Weasley calling out for Madame Pomfrey as I held her hand as if she were my life.
"She's gone into labour, she passed out from the pain" she exclaimed as she analysed what was happening. "Rennervate", Gin shot up gasping, screwing her face up in pain, grasping my hand as if it was her life.
"It's okay,it's okay" I repeated as I tryingly attempted to calm her.
"The baby needs to come NOW" Madame pomfrey emphasised to us as gin cried out in pain again.
It might have been hours, minutes or days, that I sat there holding her hand as she brought the life we created into the world, I held her close and spoke words if encouragement softly.
It seemed days ago since I stood in the great hall only caring for the safety of the girl in front of me and the child she was carrying.
As Ginny let out one last heart wrenching scream, a smaller scream joined hers as our baby was breathing it's first breath. I felt tears rolling down my face, pure happiness and bliss engulfing me as I kissed Ginny on the head and watched as our beautiful child is place softly on Ginny's chest. I stared in awe at probably the most beautiful image I would ever see in my life, the happiest I had ever been with my family.
In that moment everything seemed right, everything was worth it, the pain and the suffering endured amounted to nothing compared to this one perfect moment.
"Congratulations" Madame pomfrey said quietly as the baby's screams soften to a peaceful sleep, "you have a baby boy".

I haven't written in months, so coming back to try to put something out was hard, really sorry that is no good .xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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