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Grayson let go of me. He gave me a reassuring smile and got up. He grabbed two bottles of spray paint and handed me one. I took it then got up. I was confused.

"Make it up as you go along"

I took another drink from the bottle and continued.

After about ten minutes I had to sit down. I had started feeling light headed. Grayson looked down on me.

"You good Bella?"

"Yeah a little light headed"

"You only had one bottle"

I laughed.

"Yeeaah but I've never drank before"

"Ok just sit there then"

I watched him spray paint. He was so elegant with his movements. It was like watching an angel. Even though he wasn't one.

After five minutes he sat down and opened two more bottles of beer then handed one to me. I took it.

"Hey Grayson how much do you bet I can't drink this in three seconds"

"Ten bucks"

"I'll take that bet"

He got out a timer. Grayson started it. I chugged the bottle as fast as I could. And... I WON. I drank an entire bottle in three seconds. Grayson pulled a ten out of his pockets and gave it to me.

"You sure you didn't dump it out somewhere?"

"Yeah I'm sure"

He laughed. We tried to see if Grayson could win him money back by chugging his beer in three seconds. He couldn't do it. But we finished our beers so he opened up the vodka. Poured it into the beer bottles and gave me one. Then I occurred to me.

"How are we going to get home, I can't drive"

"We could walk to my place"


It wasn't like he didn't spend the night at my house. I'll just crash on his floor.

After twenty minutes I was a hundred percent drunk. I couldn't stop laughing but I was tired, And I as acting kinda weird. Grayson was too though. By then we had finished our drinks. I was ready to leave. It was 8pm and it was dark.

"Let's go home"

I got up. Grayson looked at me and laughed.

"Ok, my house is a fifteen minute walk"

"Sounds fun"

I said that sarcastically. I did t enjoy walking very much but it was fine. I had Grayson to keep me company. We got out of the forest and onto the road. It was in the middle of nowhere so there wasn't really any cars. It started to sprinkle. Little raindrops hit my face.

"It's raining"

"Ha yeah no shit Bella"

"Shut up"

I pushed him.

"Hey don't you"

I started running. The rain started coming down hard. I kept running as fast as I could. Grayson was chasing me.



He caught up to me and grabbed me by the arm. Then he pulled me back into this position.

(Couldn't find a better picture so pretend it's them(and it's raining))

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(Couldn't find a better picture so pretend it's them(and it's raining))

I could feel that rain on my face. I could hear Grayson's breath. He grabbed my waist and I grabbed his. I pulled him closer to me. Our lips met. His lips were soft. Our kiss felt like it was going to last forever. I wanted it to last forever. He pulled away and smiled.

"That's not where I thought this night was going"

I laughed.

"Yeah but you liked it"


We got to his house. I stumbled and grabbed his arm.

"Woah you good?"


"Ok well tell me if your going to be sick ok?"


He opened the door quietly and snuck me upstairs. He put an air mattress on the floor. I laid on it.

"Bella what do you think your doing?"


"He picked me up and put me on his bed"

"I will sleep on the floor.. you can sleep on the bed"

I turned on my stomach and closed my eyes.

"But then I'll feel bad"

"It's fine"


I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up with a terrible headache. I couldn't recall a thing from last night. I looked around to see where I was. It was Grayson's house. Oh my gosh. How in the heck did I end up here. I checked my phone. There was a text from Tommy.

Tommy: "Next time tell me ur plan before you tell your mom ur having a sleepover at my place don't worry I covered you anyway"

Well that was a relief. I thanked her. I checked the time. It was almost noon. I looked over the bed and found Grayson. I tapped on his shoulder to wake him up. It worked.

"Mom just... Bella!?"

I gave him a small smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"I dunno Grayson what am I doing here"

Grayson looked really confused then gave me a smirk. He pointed at me.

"You got drunk last night didn't you Bella"

"Well no fuckin shit"

We clearly didn't remember anything from last night..which sucked, but I was hungry.

"You own food in this house?"

Grayson took his covers off. Woah. That dude has abs. I definitely started blushing. I looked at the ground and started picking at the wood like I was interested in it.

"We should go to Waffle House because my parents don't usually get food for me"

That was weird. Maybe they were just busy like my mom and didn't have any time to get food.

"Oh and I gotta go to work in about an hour"

"Oh work starts for me around three"

"Uhh.. you should be quiet leaving cause my mom and/or dad likes to fall asleep to the TV"


This is where this chapter ends mah dudes. I hope you are having a great day and a great week. If you liked this book than vote for it and check out my other books. And again I am doing something I like to call BCC that stands for Book collaboration creation the steps are down below. Anyway if you wanna follow me on social media then you can find me on most platforms @meisoka46. Thank you byee

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1.Email me meisoka46@gmail.com

2.tell me about your book

3.You can Email me ideas and we can talk about them throughout my story wrighting

4.feel free to tell me any idea you have and I will not judge

Thank you 😊

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