A little crazy

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We always have a bag in my car for when we hang out here. It has and air mattress, floaties, some hangover pills, flashlights, and matches. We carried the bag into the cave. The cave was really cool and it took two years for us to find it.

 The cave was really cool and it took two years for us to find it

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We took out the air mattress. Grayson watched us. We lit a fire using some branches we found outside of the cave. After we finished getting it set up it was about 11:00 pm. Tommy took her edibles and smokables out of her bag.


She started dealing them out to everyone except me. Grayson took one of each.

" which one do you recommend Tommy?"

"So if you want a strong hit without the smoking hassle you should take the edible. Me personally I like the smoke."

Grayson ate it and plopped on the air mattress. Tommy was getting excited. She pulled out the alcohol and gave one to Grayson. Cristy doesn't like beer so she never drinks it.

An hour later***

Tommy and Cristy are visibly high and drunk. They were uncontrollably laughing and doing stupid things. Grayson on the other hand didn't seem the least bit of either. He was just sitting there on the ground. He looked amused. I was getting over Cristy and Tommy.

"I'm going to go for a swim"

Grayson looked up. Then he stood up.

" I'll come too"

I jumped in without any hesitation. It was cold, bearable, but cold. When I rose up from the waterI saw Grayson standing there. He took his shirt off and jumped in. He rose up under me and threw me in the air.


He started laughing then got me a floaty. We sat in them, talking.

"Grayson are you high?"

"Oh yeah never been more high in my life, I won't remember anything in the morning."

"Really you don't seem like it."

"Yeah it's a natural talent."

I laughed.

After three hours it was 4:00 Am. Tommy had already passed out on the air mattress. We packed up and left. Cristy sat in the back of the car with Tommy so that she could take care of her. Grayson sat in the front with me. Everyone fell asleep with in five minutes of driving. I sent Cristy and Tommy to their house. I didn't know where Grayson lived. I shook him a little. He stirred.

"What the fuck do you want"

" where do you live"

"In the..."


"12 r..."

He wasn't going to talk to me. I was going to just take him home. He could sleep on the couch. School was starting in three in a half hours. I pulled up to my house and got out of the car. I put Grayson's arm over my shoulder and pulled him out of the car. I could tell he was trying to wake up a little more. I felt bad for him.

I opened the door and put him on the couch. I put a blanket over his body and a pillow under his head. He stirred and mumbled.

"Mmm comfy"

I smiled. I went up to my bed and set a timer for 7 am. That meant I had two hours to sleep. I slept the second I hit the bed.


I woke up to my alarm clock. I quickly got changed.

I got cereal for me and Grayson

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I got cereal for me and Grayson. I also got aftermath hangover pills because he didn't take the before pill last night.
I walked over to the couch and shook him as hard as I could.


"I want you to get your ass out of bed!!"

"Shhhhh my head hurts"

"Karmas a bitch"

He got off the couch. We ate breakfast quietly for a while. Grayson spoke.

"What happened last night?"

"Well Grayson, ya got high and had fun, then we swam in the pool for a while, then you passed out in the car"

"We didn't.."

I knew what he was trying to say. I couldn't resist.

"Yes we did I thought you would have remembered though"


"No dumbass"

"Oh ok....uhh..good"

"Besides aren't you into Tommy?"

"What? No I mean she's cool but I don't like her"

"Oh I thought"


We went back to eating our cereal. Afterwards I drove to school. I was tired.

"Hey Bella, maybe I should drive"

"If you insist"

We switched and I fell asleep. I woke up to Grayson shaking my shoulder. We walked into school. I slept through the entire first period which recharged me for the day. When I woke up the teacher gave me detention. I could see the looks on the goody goody church girls faces. I walked to my locker to get my books. Then when I turned around And saw.

"Hey girly how have you been"

Havin Gardener. The most popular boy in the school. He was only into me though. I guess he liked the bad girl vibes I was sending out.

"Havin... what do you want"

"A kiss"

I slapped him straight across the face. Apparently I slapped him so hard his nose bled.

"Your gonna regret that"

"No I'm not"

I walked to my next class with absolutely no regrets whatsoever. He deserved it. Whatever the consequences were. I didn't care. I was going to own it.

Thanks for reading hope u had a good day and a good week byeee.

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