well what now

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A BOYFRIEND!?!? She had a boyfriend. My head was spinning. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there. I felt like if I moved I would burst into anger. I didn't know why I was angry. He looked like a nice man, but something was boiling inside me.

 He looked like a nice man, but something was boiling inside me

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Finally someone broke the silence.

"Bella this is Tom and Tom this is my daughter Bella"

Tom looked at me and took out his hand for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you Bella"

I looked at him.

"nice to meet you too"

I didn't shake his hand I walked to the kitchen.

"So what's the plan with you two are you eating here? orrrr?"

I was hoping my mom would take Tom away from me. I think she caught on to that too.

"oh we were just leaving, we just thought it would be good for you to get to meet Tom"

WE huh? that's what your gonna say now. WE? I needed to get away from these people.

"yeah ok sounds good, I'm sleeping over at Tommy's house tonight"

" sounds good honey bye"

I went up to my room. why did mom have to do this to me. the world was clearly against me today. I got a message on my phone. It was from Grayson.

Grayson:"I'll be at the train tracks in like 15 minutes where are you?"

I totally forgot about our hang out. I was so tied up with my anger issues. I grabbed my keys. The train tracks were only 10 minutes away so I wasn't really in that much of a hurry, plus I needed to wait for my mom and TOM to leave. They finally left after like two minutes so I got in my car and drove off. as I was driving I kept thinking about how bad my day was. I felt like crying. That's something I haven't done In four years. I haven't cried in four years.

I drove up to the train tracks and turned off the car. Grayson was sitting on the ground and looking at the stopped train. I walked over to him and sat down.

"what are you doing"

He looked at me. his eyes staring into my soul. In a good way.


"about what"

"what to spray paint"

I looked up at the cart. I wasn't in the mood to spray paint. Grayson got up and opened his bag. It was all black but it was these random pockets in it. He pulled out four bottles of beer and a bottle of Vodka.

"I know you don't drink and I'll reassure you the other two bottles are for another time"

I looked at him. The bottle of vodka was big. If he drank it all he would be more than trashed. I was having a bad day anyways. I heard alcohol cheers you up, or the other way around. I didn't remember. It would just be one time. I got up and took a bottle of beer, opened it, then took a drink.

"what are you doing?"

Grayson looked slightly concerned for me.

"well Grayson, I've had a shitty day sooo maybe I'll forget about it plus one more for me it one less for you"

He looked away. Back up at the train. He looked like he was going to say something. I took another big drink.

"hey Bella can I ask you something?"

"What's up"

"well your friends say you always dodge the question but I really want to know"

"Yes Grayson, I know the muffin man"

"No that's not what I was trying to say"

"spit it out then"

"well I wanted to know what your past was like' your friends say you were normal until the 8th grade"

I turned to face him. I didn't want to fight it. 

"Well my d-dad crashed a car, and my brother was in it a-and he didn't make it and t-then my dad thought it was his f-fault and h-hung himself"

I put my hand to my mouth. I haven't talked to anybody about this situation ever. I always just played it off like it never happened. Nobody asked me anything they were either too afraid or didn't want to make me sad. For the first time in four years I cried.

"Oh Bella I'm so sorry I didn't know"

He could clearly see that I was in a lot of pain. He pulled me in for a comforting hug. He was warm and comforting. I could feel Grayson's breath against my shoulders. It was warm. I just kept crying. I couldn't stop. I felt like I had no more control over my body or emotions anymore. I had completely let go of everything.

Okee dokee. I'll just end this chapter right here. Ok OK I'm getting excited about this story now. Ok let's get down to business. Let me start off by saying I hope you are having a great day and a great week. Now I just have to say. I have closed off chapter suggestions. BUT *drum roll* I HAVE OPENED BOOK SUGGESTIONS!! basically you Email(OR DM) me meisoka46@gmail.com and give me a book you want me to write. It can be any type of book. You can make suggestions to your book as we go along. Oh and feel free to add whatever you want. With me you are able to speak freely without judgement. I will also do a shoutout to you. Ok that's all I have to say about that. NOW if you liked this chapter please check out my other stories and vote for them. If you want to know more about ME then please follow me on insta @meisoka46. ok byee

You just read a total of 950 words you smarty pants

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