Thirty Seven:

361 44 18

Egypt Hoskins
December 20
5:20 pm

While Tremaine sat on the end of his bed playing the game with Carson beside him, on his stomach watching, I picked up the mess rom around his room because even though he didn't mind it, it drove me crazy

"You know you don't have to walk over stuff you see sitting in your floor right. You can pick it up"

"That's what I got you for" Tremaine responded and I looked at him, picking up the shirt off the ground then threw it at him but he caught it, laughing

"I'm glad that's funny to you"

"It is.. chill out and stop tryina be my momma. Come sit down"

"No. You need to clean your room"

"I will"


"That don't matter. Come on" he grabbed my hand and pulled me on his lap before resuming the game

"So I see you gotta lotta stuff from Florida. That must be where you plan on going"

"Yeah. I been thinking hard on it"


"That's where I might just end up going"

"Well that's good. I'm happy for you...."

"Not and you sound like that" he chuckled

"Sounding like what?"

"Like you'on want me to go"

"I mean I don't but at the same time I do"

Tremaine paused the game and looked at me "elaborate"


"You heard me" he responded while he laid back on the bed. Carson looked over at Tremaine and I stood up off of his lap

"Nah sitcho ass back down. I told you to elaborate"

"Well sit up so we can talk then"

Tremaine looked over at Carson and shook his head "yo momma doing too much"

Carson smiled at Tremaine and attempted to crawl on him so I just picked him up and placed him on top of Tremaine before standing up again

"Forreal though Tremaine. I'm happy for you because you deserve everything you got coming for you and I only want the best for you"


"I just don't wantchu to forget about me when you leave"

"Why would I forget about you"

I shrugged "you gone be in Florida with all the pretty ass girls and you already know they gone be all over you"

"No they ain't"

I looked at him some type of way and he laughed sitting up, setting Carson on his lap in the process

"Stop thinking too much. Everything gone be the same as it is now. We gone FaceTime everyday, ima come home when I can and when I do you already know what we doing"

"That's whatchu say now until you get out there and the minute you meet one of them girls the only egypt you gone know is the country"

"Wha- Egyptttt chill with that. You already know I love you and I only got eyes for you"

Tremaine grabbed one of my hands. His momma walked in the room and before he could say anything to her she cut him off

"I ain come for you. I came to get my baby"

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