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Egypt Hoskins
July 4
1:15 pm

"I'm so mad we ain do shit yesterday for your birthday" Akira ranted as I packed Carson's diaperbag.

"I ain feel like doing nothing plus between me being outta work and Carson going through his formula and diapers fast I'm tight on money to go anywhere and do anything. Plus I still don't feel comfortable going out anyways"

"Ain't nothing wrong witchu egypt. You gotta little stomach so what? It looks good on you"

"That don't make me feel better"

I could hear the crunching of the gravel under my mom's tires as she pulled into the driveway of Aunt Terri's house so I looked out of the window seeing

"Can you go ahead and put Carson in his car seat. Momma outside"

"You know auntie got her baby.." she picked him up out of the crib and proceeded to strap him up in his car seat while he kept his face bawled up. Once he was strapped in we left the house and while she carried his bag I held onto the car seat tight. While she sat in the front with my momma, I sat in the back with Carson.

"You talk to Tremaine today?" My momma asked as she backed out of the driveway and drove off

"Yeah. Him and Mrs Gee went outta down to one of his aunts house after he go visit his momma"

"What about Christian?"

"No. I was just gonna take pictures when we get to Akira's house and send them to him. I don't like FaceTiming him"

"Why not?"

"It's just awkward"

"I bet it wasn't awkward when y'all made that baby boy"

I rolled my eyes while she and Akira laughed

"Seriously egypt. You gotta get over that cause he's gonna wanna see the baby while he's off at school"

"But I mean every conversations the same. I answer, I show him Carson, he asks me if he needs anything then it's this awkward silence until one of us hangs up"

"Y'all fault.." Akira muttered so I reached up and hug her

"You told him Carson running through them diapers?"

"Yeah. He cashapped me some money the other day to get some more but he must've had diarrhea the other day cause he was running through them diapers like crazy so I'm almost out again"

"Well my momma supposed to be giving you the stuff she brought when we get to the house" Kira reminded me

"And when I get my last check I'll see if I can get some more diapers"

I frowned realizing momma said her last check

"Last check?"

"Yeah" she looked through the rear view mirror with a smile "I quit both of my jobs and I start a new one next week as a receptionist working Monday through Fridays from 9 to 5 and I'll be starting at $10 an hour"

A smile stretched across my face. A new AND better paying job was exactly something I prayed for when it came to my momma because I know how hard she works and she didn't get the breaks she deserved

"I'm so happy for you momma"

"Thank you baby. This is exactly the blessing I needed"

I looked down at Carson and saw that he had drifted off to sleep with his pacifier falling out of his mouth so I pulled it all the way out and started looking out of the window. After a while we made it to Akira's house, where her parents were having a small 4th of July cookout that they always invited me and my family too.

"Oh my god" Akira sighed as we pulled into the driveway of her house "I thought he wasn't coming home until the 8th"

"You not happy to see your brother?" My momma asked her with a laugh and I looked over at Christian's car which my momma pulled up beside. Once we got out the car I grabbed Carson's car seat and followed Akira in the house with my momma behind us. The talking in the house quieted down as we walked in and Mrs Angie smiled when she saw us

"There they go... I just let Evan, Andre and Nevaeh go outside in the back"

"they good. This way they won't bother the baby anyways" my momma told her as she walked off to the back to most likely check on them

"Is he sleep?" Mrs Angie asked as I sat the car seat down and unstrapped him, picking him up.

"When we was in the car he was but now he woke up" I explained as I handed him to her and she smiled looking down at him while she held him in one arm.

"Akira told you I got some stuff for him?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Look at him getting so big already. With those big eyesss"

Carson let out a yawn and opened his eyes wide while smiling and I laughed

"Christian!" She yelled out. A few seconds later he walked from down the hall putting a shirt on seeing his momma holding Carson

"Your son here"

He reached down and grabbed Carson from her

"I thought you wasn't coming home till the 8th?" Akira bluntly asked him

"They let us go early"

"Go show egypt that stuff for Carson"

Christian looked at me and motioned for me to follow him and I did so, going down the hall to his room.

"You here till August ain it?"

"Yeah" he answered while sitting on the bed, kissing Carson's head and as I walked all the way in I saw the pile of stuff stacked up in the corner of his room. Boxes of diapers, wipes, clothes and stuff.

"When you gone lemme keep em?"

"I... don't know. You was tryina keep him?"

"Yeah. I wanna spend time with him while I'm home"

"We can work something out I guess"

"You guess?" He asked with a laugh. Carson opened his mouth and wiped his hand across his face while I went over to the stack of baby stuff, looking through it

"Can I ask you an honest question?"


"What made you wanna be in his life now? After you told me you wanted an abortion"

He shrugged "ion even know"

"You really don't know?"


I just shook my head and he payed attention to Carson

"You can go ahead and spend time with him. Ima be round there"

"Ight" he responded as I left the room to go back into the living room

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