
342 48 45

India Hodges
September 3
1:21 pm

"Christian's friend carlos... you think he cute?" Autumn asked as she looked out the window across the street where I'm guessing he was this morning. I shrugged, scrolling on my phone

"He ain ugly. But he ain Christian though"

"Of course he ain Christian" autumn told me as she walked away from the window and sat beside me on the couch "they both fine as hell to me but the only thing Christian got that Carlos don't is his eyes"

"I ain lying. I'll have kids with him just for the eyes"

"Alright now. He obviously fertile with a whole baby in his arm"

"He only got just one. You reaching"

"Yeah and ain no tellin how many more he got that he don't know of. Christian look like a hoe. Especially when that baby still fresh outta the womb and he all up in yo panties"

I rolled my eyes at autumn

"You a hater bruh"

"How? I'm just stating facts"

"You just mad Tremaine don't wantchu"

She sucked her teeth "that ain got nothin to do with shit. And trust me if I really want him I'll get him"

"And yet he just had a whole baby too but the difference is he still with egypt so while you callin Christian a hoe, you a home wrecker"

"I ain shit. Who says they happy?"

"Tremaine obviously happy" I told her while looking at Tremaine's most recent ig post from earlier this morning "A year ago today on my 17th birthday I finally made you mine and you been making a nigga happy ever since. I know you tired of hearing me tell you I love you every day but shit.. get used to it cause we still got forever to go.... he seems pretty happy to me"

Autumn rolled her eyes while I laughed at her and our momma walked in through the door with bags in her hands

"Ion need help. I'm good" she sarcastically yelled

"Good" I mumbled while liking Tremaine's post

"Whatchu say lil girl? Don't make me slap yo ass"

She sat the bags on the other chair and sat beside them

"I'm so tired"

"Ion know why you go shopping so early" autumn told her

"I went with one of my friends from work. Courtney... she just started working there not too long before I started" momma explained while taking her cardigan off "her daughter go to school with y'all"

"Who?" Autumn asked and I puckered out my top lip while looking at her

"You probably don't even know that girl"

"Unlike you I talk to more than Akira, Tremaine and egypt"

"Egypt.." momma spoke up "that's her name. Lightskin really pretty"

"Mhhhh" autumn muttered under her breath. Momma reached into one of the bags she brought in the house while I started talking

"I know egypt"

"You do?"

"Yeah. That's Akira's best friend"

She stopped reaching into her bag and looked at me confused

"Her best friend? Before or after the baby?"

"What her baby gotta do with anything?"

"I'm just asking because usually sisters don't take too well to their brother's babymommas"

Hell On EarthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora