Thirty Five:

358 48 38

Egypt Hoskins
October 31
1:45 pm

Because of all that shit that happened over the weekend due to autumn running her mouth I REALLY didn't wanna go to school today so my momma told me I could stay home today but while I was home I could be useful and get my stuff set up at the new house

Carson laid on his stomach beside me on his blanket while I sat on the floor unpacking his things and putting them into a dresser aunt Terri got for him

"Eww Carson stop tryina eat the blanket" I pulled it out his mouth and he started to fuss so I picked him up and sat him on my lap. I guess now irritated that I picked him up he frowned and started to grab on his hair so I stood up, hearing somebody knock on the door

"I'm coming"

As I got to the door and opened it, I was completely baffled seeing Christian. Carson, who was obviously excited to see his daddy, wore a kool-aid smile on his face as he leaned towards him so Christian grabbed him

"I thought you already left for school?"

"Nah. I'm bout to head they after I leave here. I came to see my son"

"You can have him. Matter of fact take him witchu"

"Yeah you say that now until I pull out the driveway with his ass and you gone have a whole breakdown" he responded while he walked into the house behind me and closed the door

"You right.. how'd you know I was here?"

"Ol boy grandma. I went to see if he was over they and she told me You was here. Why you ain tell me y'all was moving"

"I found out Saturday. Besides, why is it your business?"

"Anything that involves my baby is my business"

I rolled my eyes while walking back to my room and heard Christian following me

"When the next time you coming home?"

"Ion know yet. He might have to come to me a couple of times though"

"Well we'll figure all that out when we get to it"

"And when is that?" He asked while grabbing Carson's pacifier off the bed, sticking it in his mouth. I sat down on the bed and grabbed my phone, looking at Tremaine's text

"Whenever we get to it" I repeated while I started to text him back. Christian kissed his teeth and grabbed my phone before shoving it in his pocket

"Me and you talkin right now. Ol boy can wait"

"What else do you wanna talk about Christian?"

"My son name"

"What about it?" I asked as I sighed and slapped my hands down on my lap

"Why he cant have my last name?"

I looked at Christian dumbfounded that he even asked that question. I understand that he's a great father and everything to Carson but, that all happened AFTER Carson came.

"Well Christian you do realize that you kinda started getting involved after I came home from the hospital after he was born. All the paperwork and stuff was already done and plus nobody knew he was yours anyways"

"Well now they know and I want my son with my last name"

"I mean it's whatever. It's not that deep to me. I'll just have to talk to my momma and see what we gotta do to get it changed"

"Yeah you do that and let me know what she say"

"Orrr you could've just called her"

"Me?" He asked with a laugh and I nodded

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