Chapter Three- I Go To My First Class

Start from the beginning

That was certainly going to have to change. 

I began to hastily write in my book, and Winona just turned to me with a slightly amused expression upon her face. 

It was soon after that we were set free from the lecture theatre, and I could observe that outside the window, the sky was beginning to cloud over a little. 

"Hey," Winona said to the girl who had arrived late, to get her to stop in her tracks, as she began to walk past us. 

"Hey...Winona, right?" the other girl asked. 

Winona nodded her head. 

"And you're Lily, right?" Winona asked. 

Lily smirked. 

"Yep. That's me. I am she," she stated.

"Hi Lily," I interjected, then, and she turned to me and raised an eyebrow. 

"Did I ask?" she asked. 

"Well, technically, you just did," I stated. 

"Well, anyway..." she trailed off. 

I felt the air become a little cooler, but I don't think it was simply down to the fact that the sky was graying over outside, and this was a typical autumn chill. 

"I'm having a party in a few hours, back at the dorms," she stated. 

Ah, so it wasn't just Zara who had been throwing them, it seemed. 

"Just make a note that Zara's not invited," she stated, then. 

"Why's she not invited?" Winona asked, with an expression of curiosity. 

Lily's cheeks pinkened a little at her question. 

"I have my reasons," she stated, matter-of-factly, "Just see that she isn't there, alright?" 

She began to move away, but Winona spoke again. 

"Wait, Lily. Can Sel come with?" she asked. 

Lily looked between the both of us, with a deliberative expression present on her face, and simply shrugged. 

"Okay," she stated. 


I'm kidding. I wasn't entirely convinced that I wanted to go to this Lily Everett's party. She seemed undeniably cold. 

She went to move away again, but sooner than she was able to, she bumped right into the guy I had met a few days ago. 

I searched my mind for his name for a moment, and then remembered- Ulric. Ulric West, to be specific, but I doubted that there were many men at the university called 'Ulric'. 

Either way, I thought it was a pretty cool name, and even though Ulric and I hadn't spoken for very long, I already thought him nicer than Lily. 

"Hey Ulric," she greeted him, with a sincere smile. 

"Hi Lily. I saw you enter class late but-" 

Lily just blushed. 

"Don't bring it up," she said, releasing a nervous laugh, "It's a good thing I like to be the center of attention. I'm getting off on a great start," she stated, but I wasn't entirely convinced she was joking, in truth. 

"You really are," Ulric replied, with a thoughtful smile. 

Lily just shot him a warning look. 

Ulric's expression became a little more serious after that. 

Lily turned her attention away from Ulric for a moment, as Zara walked past. 

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