Chapter One- I Suppose Moving Away From Home is Never Going to be Easy

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Jacqueline soon emerged from the house in her leggings and over-sized white t-shirt, and came to pull me into a hug, taking me by surprise. 

She met my gaze with those golden-brown eyes of her, and for once they appeared full of warmth. 

"I'm going to come and visit, okay?" she said, then. 

"Okay, mum," I replied. 

"And you stay safe, Sel. I love you so dearly," she stated. 

I felt like sobbing, but I knew I had to keep it together. I had this habit of being overly-sensitive, especially when it came to the people that mattered most to me. 

"I love you too, mum," I replied. 

She just beamed back at me, and held my face in her hands, so that she could place a kiss upon my cheek. 

I felt my blood rush to the surface in a blush. 

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Jacqueline asked me, then, probably analyzing the slightest shifts in my expression. 

She had always been good at that, being perceptive of the emotions of others. 

This just didn't hold true for herself, unfortunately, but that was where my amazing father, Steven, came in. 

"A little bit," I said, exhaling in a nervous breath. 

"Hey, you're going to be just fine, princess. I promise," she told me. 

My heart warmed at the mention of 'princess'. My mother hardly ever called me that anymore. 

She tended to reserve using it for her good days. 

"Yeah? Do you reckon?" I asked her. 

"You're beautiful and kindhearted, Sel. Anyone would be lucky to be your friend," she told me. 

I smiled at that.

My dad soon gave me a wave, signalling to me that it was time to go and sit in the back of the car, ready for the two-hour journey. 

My sister quickly rushed over to the house to use the toilet, but then came back speedily enough. 

My mother was staying home, but she waved us off as my dad started up the engine of the car, and began to drive us from London to Cambridge. 

My heart sped up a little, in the anticipation of going somewhere new, but I attempted to settle my thoughts by looking out of the car window, as Violet hummed along to her music next to me. 

I really did adore her. 

She was helping me to calm down, at least. 

The drive seemed to go even more quickly than I had expected to, and in my anxiety I felt my stomach doing flips. 

This was always the case when I went somewhere new. I couldn't help but feel ever so slightly overwhelmed. 

I just had to remind myself that this would be so worth it. 

University would grant me a degree, yes, but perhaps I would make new friends, too. 

Although, this was something I had always struggled with. 

Soon enough, and a few hours later, my dad pulled into the car park nearby Cambridge university, and I anxiously tucked some of my wavy brown hair behind my ear, before stepping out of the car. 

My father helped me with some of the bags, as did Violet, and we began to carry them towards my new accommodation. 

I would be staying in a small room, in halls with other university residents. 

Eventually, we entered my room, and began to make it feel a little more homey. 

My father placed my laptop down on my main work desk, and Violet helped me with my bed sheets. 

"Can I just stay with you? I'll hide in the wardrobe," she joked. 

I sighed. 

"I wish, Vi. What am I going to do without you?" I asked her. 

She just stepped forward to gently tuck my hair behind my ears, then. 

"Be a bad ass, Selina. You're going to be just fine," she told me. 

I really hoped that she was right. 

"Just, be yourself," she said. 

"Error 404: I don't know how to do that," I said. 

She met me with a sympathetic expression, and then kissed my forehead. 

"Well, angel pie. Your sister and I better get going," Steven said, though he had this slight glint of sadness in his eye. 

I just quickly stepped forward to wrap my arms around him. 

"I really will miss you dad," I said. 

"You too, love. You're going to be okay. As Violet said, just be a bad ass," he told me, with a sincere expression, filled with kindness. 

"Okay, dad," I said. 

"Look after yourself, baby," he told me, as he stepped outside of my room. 

Violet noticed my worried expression, and just reached out to wrap her arms around me again, in a reassuring embrace. 

"I love you, Sel. Take care of yourself. Call me. And don't do too many drugs," she said. 

I just smirked her way. 

"I won't do any," I said. 

"Don't get pregnant," Steven said. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, but felt the corner of my mouth lilt up in my amusement, all the same. 

"Unlikely, dad," I said to him. 

"Good, good. Anyway, see you later, honey," he stated. 

"See you later, dad," I replied, "You too, Vi," I said, because she didn't seem to want to move herself away from the doorway of my new room. 

Her eyes widened a little, as she seemed to catch herself. 

"Right, right. I'll call you tonight, okay? See you later," she told me. 

With that, she and my father had both headed out of the building, leaving me to return to the comfort of my new home. 

I collapsed upon the bed and stared up at the ceiling, as I offered myself a silent mental pep-talk. 

I could do this. 

I would be just fine. 

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