Thranduil You Blonde Bitch

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"What happened to the both of you?!" Aragorn ask as they see (Y/n) and Legolas soaking wet when they came back from their little river trip.

"It's nothing, we're fine" Legolas replied,
"We just fight a giant sea creature!" (Y/n) said.
The two looked at each other and giggled.

Gimli and Aragorn smirk, "Looks like you two have a good time huh" Gimli says, "Yeahhhh" she replied.

On the same day, the fellowship is now officially done as they look at the different paths they'll be heading.
"So, it's time" Legolas whisper,
"This will ain't be our last meeting, I knew it" Gimli says
"Of course, we'll still be at Hobbition when the wedding comes, kindly send us some invitations" Mery says giggling with the other Hobbits.

"Relax guys, I'm gonna meet the parent first" (Y/n) says.

(Y/n) stared at the tall king infront of her. Thranduil have this serious face, good posture and scary aura, but does are not the thing that bothers her.

It's his hair...

His long, straight, and shiny hair.
She was very distracted to his hair, and keeps mentally asking 'how can he keep his hair looks so good?'.

"May I ask where are you from?" he ask.
"Oh, I'm from a distant land" she replied,
"You better give me more than 'a distant land', I need to know the name of it... for future preferences"

'This guy got some trust issues, I already looked like a good person. Right?' (Y/n) thought to herself, "There's no need for that, I'm sure you'll know soon"

"It's a simple question yet you can't give me the answer" King Thranduil said in a serious tone, "Well nevermind, you and my son won't last long"

"What do you mean?"
He smirked and say, "There's no need for that, I'm sure you'll know soon" mimicking her.

(Y/n) was about to make a sassy remark but Legolas arrive with Tauriel behind him.
"(Y/n), I want you to meet Tauriel"

She offered her hand and they both shake hands.
The moment the 2 female met each others gaze, that's when they knew they'll be very close.
"Perfect" Thranduil exclaimed and look at Tauriel, "Why don't you take lady (Y/n) for a walk around the palace while I talk some important matters with my son"

Tauriel bowed before leading (Y/n) out of the throne room.

When Thranduil is sure that (Y/n) is out, he turned to look at his son.
"I believe we've already talk about this"

"I know Ada, but give her some chance I can prove to you that she's the one" Legolas says trying to convince his father.
"I have seen enough" Thranduil seriously say, thinking about his and (Y/n) conversation, "She's not worth my trust"
"But Fath-"
"Tell me Legolas, do you really know who she is"

Legolas didn't answer. "It's clear that I'm right. She will never be your bride nor a friend"
"Hold up Father please listen..."
"I want you to cut all your connections with this girl and forget about her. She'll cause nothing but trouble"

"No! You can't do this anymore! You can't control me-"
"Have you already forgotten about your responsibilities as a prince? I told you, I'm only doing this for you and for the future of Mirkwood"

Legolas clenched his fist, "I wish, I wasn't born as a prince, as your son" he said glaring at his father.
"Well... You're not the one who decides"

Both of them turn their gaze at the sound of the door opening.

The two ladies laugh and have fun while exploring the castle.
"I never knew you're this fun, I actually thought you're a serious one" (Y/n) said taking a bite at the apple they stole on the kitchen,
"And I never thought I'll encounter some wild woman like you who stole food in the kitchen even though is wasn't necessary" Tauriel laugh.

"That doesn't matter now, cause you and I are now besties!!" (Y/n) said throwing her hands up,
"Besties?" Tauriel ask,
"Yeah besties, like bestfriends..."
"Oh I see... Yes we're totally besties!"

Both of them head out to the garden,
"This garden looks beautiful" (Y/n) says fantasizing on the scenery.

(Y/n) saw a familiar figure from afar. It's Legolas.
She smirk thinking about jumping on him. She made her way to him quietly trying to hide.

But everything went downhill when she saw what's happening.
Her mischievous smile turn into a frown and she can feel her heart dropped and stopped beating for a second.
She tried to control her feeling and emotions building inside as she put some tough face to hide the pain.

It's Legolas kissing another girl...

Tauriel came and saw what's happening. She look at (Y/n), who has a straight face.
(Y/n) force a smile, "What a beautiful sight" she said.

Legolas and the girl broke their kiss and look at (Y/n), "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your little steamy session" she said and run away.

When she was far enough, she heard someone running at her.
She kinda hope it's Legolas following to apologize and explain everything to her.

But no, it's Tauriel who's hugging and comforting her now.
(Y/n) wiped her tears dry and put a tough face again.
"(Y/n)..." Tauriel whispers looking at her with concern and worry.

They broke the hug as they hear someone's coming their way.
Both of them see Thranduil along side with some guards.

"From now on, I declare that you, (Y/n), is no longer allowed to step a foot on Mirkwood and make connections with everyone inside it" Thranduil said having a little staring contest with (Y/n),

"You don't have to worry your highness, we have the same thought in our minds" she said and she actives her magic.

Her eyes glowed green as green mist surrounds her, she looked at Tauriel and smile, "Farewell bestie... May we meet again"
And after that she took off and fly away from Mirkwood, not caring where she's heading to, as long as she's far away from there.

She enters Mirkwook with happiness and love...
Didn't expect she'd leave with a brokenheart...

Happy New Year!
So sorry for not updating, but I'll try my best to continue this!

So stay tuned!!!

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