Dark Hooded Creatures

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Sun shines at the horizon making (Y/n) be on the good mood. She's humming while walking, enjoying every second in this peaceful forest.
She didn't know where she were into or going to, she's just walking in some random direction. Berries and fruits are the only thing she's eating, given by the plants and trees who knows her.

Almost whole day, (Y/n) didn't saw anyone or anything, except trees and animals. She's bored.
Soon, night came having the moon shines at its fullest. But unlike the last night, this night gives her bad vibes. She can feel through the cold air that something bad will going to happen. That's why she'll not going to sleep tonight, she needs to guard herself for the possible attacks.

Out of nowhere, she saw 5 scary dark hooded creature moving fast. Because of her curiosity, she followed them and saw where they are heading.
On a old ruined structure on a hill, she cant really see clear because of the thick fog in the air. But she was sure that she saw the 4 little creatures she met yesterday.

She quickly run towards them and summoned her staff. While running, she bring her weapon in front of her and focuses on it. Her staff glowed golden and without effort, she broke her staff into two and the the glowing stopped, showing 2 katana in her hands.
As the 5 hooded creatures now approach the scared Hobbits.
(Y/n) run into the first and nearest hooded creature and she slices it back, the creature scream with a high pitched sound, gaining the attention of other.
2 of them attacked her but she easily dodged it and she skillfully used her katana to sliced them both. But her blade doesn't kill this creatures, it only weakens them.
She looked at them and activating her powers. Now her katanas are covered with green fire.
The 3 hooded creatures raised their swords and attacked her. She swung her katanas blocking their attacks. She ducked and sliced them at their opening, now the 2 hooded creature screams in pain while burning in a green flame. And finally she killed the 3rd one without breaking a sweat.

She heard the Hobbit screams in pain and looked at his direction but sees nothing. Using her powers, making her eyes glowed green allowing her to see the Hobbits invisible form on the ground with a sword on his chest.
(Y/n) acts quickly and run to the hooded creature and sliced its back making it cry out in pain while being consumed by the green fire.

Frodo removed the ring so now, (Y/n) can see him. The ring caught her attention and try to analyze it but she saw a glimpse of one of the hooded creature running away.
She run behind it and trying to catch up but she's tired already.

After a long running, she finally able to catch up and with one swing of her katana, the hooded creature cry out in pain and disappeared.
At the time when she get back where the Hobbits were, she saw that they already leaved.

Thinking of she'll follow them or not, the image of the ring flash on her mind making her want to follow them.
But ofcourse she get lost and didn't know where those Hobbits goes.

The sun rise and there's still no sign of the Hobbit and the ring. She's desperate now,
"Heimdall! Help me, let me see..." and with that, she closed her eyes and when she opened them, her once green eyes turned into golden ones like Heimdall.
She saw a woman riding a horse with the dying Frodo and another 4 hooded creatures behind them.
She blink and my eyes returned to their normal color.

(Y/n) activated my powers and green mist surrounds her again. She thinks that flying really consumed may energy so instead, she used it to enhance her speed in running.
She runs towards their direction like a wind in the air. She's really thankful that she didn't tripped or crash on a tree.
Soon, she's now behind the 4 hooded creature riding their horse. She summoned her staff and it glowed golden as she turned them into daggers. She sets them into green fire and throws them, hitting 2 of them. They scream and burned with green fire.

The beautiful elf-girl gaze behind her and see a mysterious girl running at a incredible speed surrounded by green mist.

(Y/n) summoned back her daggers and throws them again at the last 2 riders, but one of them dodge it.

Arwen crossed the river and looked at her. The last rider running towards them but (Y/n) throws a ball of green fire at it, killing the last dark hooded creature.

She breathes heavily, filling her lungs more air. She walks toward the elf and the hobbit.
"Who are you?" the she-elf asked.
"I'm--" she was cut off by Frodo gasping for air and slowly losing his consciousness.
"No.. No... Frodo, don't give in.. not now" Arwen whispers in panic as he gathers Frodo in her arms.
(Y/n) lean closer to Frodo and move his clothes, seeing his wound. She take a deep breath and put her right hand near the wound.
Activating her magic, her eyes glowed and her right hand covered in green and gold mist. "With the power of Frigga given to me, I shall heal you"
The mist goes inside Frodo's wound and it slowly heals, only a scar is visible now. Frodo's breathing became normal and Arwen laugh in delight and looked at (Y/n) whispering a sweet, "Thank you".

(Y/n) smiled back but soon faded when she felt herself going dizzy. Her head is pounding and her vision is blur. The last thing she saw is Arwen rushing towards her, and then darkness consumes her vision.

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