Avengers Just Wanna Have Fun

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Once (Y/n) entered her room, Friday told her that the Avengers were already back from their mission,
"Cool, thanks Friday" she say and go to the Lounge where the Avengers are currently resting.
There goes everyone, except Thor.
"Hey guys!" (Y/n) greeted them as they all looked at her direction.

Let's just say, they all happy to see her again.
"So, what brings my lovely niece here?" Tony ask with alchohol in his hands,
"Nothing. Just taking a break, I guess" she answered.
"You're on an adventure again?" Natasha ask, "Yeah, and they're currently on a fight against this giant eye"
"Giant eye huh? Easy to shoot and blow" Clint says bringing out one of his arrows, "It's not that easy uncle Clint"
"Oh yeah? Tell me about it" he challenged, very confident,
"You see Uncle, it's not just an ordinary eye, you know? He's a spirit and got an army of these ugly creatures called Orcs"

"Orcs? What does it look like?" Bruce ask, "Uhhh, like an Ogre maybe, but uses sword and weapons?" she answered, gaining a nod from the scientist.

"Well, so you decided to take a break?" Tony ask standing on his bar and smiling like an idiot, "Then let's get this room up high!" and raise a bottle of alchohol above.

And there is that. The party started and alchohol everywhere. And yes, Steve is also drinking...

Drinking apple juice.
"Aw come on uncle Steve, can you even atleast try wine? Wine is good for the heart" (Y/n) tried to convince him.
"Nah, I'm good. Apple juice is good too you know" he say.
"Atleast I tried" she say defeated

"Buckle up everyone! Let's spice everything up!" Tony announced gathering us on a floor,
"What you got there Stark?" Bucky ask, taking his sit next to Steve,
"We'll be playing..... TRUTH OR DARE" Tony say excitedly
"Really? Are we some kind of teenage sleepover?" Bruce ask very confused and Tony just looked at him and say, "Yeah... Yes we are"

"Everyone! Let the game begin!" Tony exclaimed and spin an empty bottle of wine in the middle.
And it landed on Steve, and everyone cheered looking at him, and Tony with mischievous smirk.
"Well well Capsicle, it's time to take your virginity out of here... I dare you to kiss everyone here in the room" Tony say and everyone cheered again, at the sight of a blusing blonde.
"I think you guys are too drunk" Steve says and tried to stand, but, Natasha pull him back, "I don't think so Cap"

Steve just sighed in defeat and face Bucky first, and quickly peck on his cheek, and into the rest, except Tony, who grab him on his neck kissing him on his lips, "What the hell Stark?!" "Language Cap", and (Y/n), who received a kiss on her forehead.

Then, Steve spin the bottle again, and it landed on (Y/n).
"Truth or Dare (N/n)?"
"Dare" she boldly answer.
"I-um... I dare you to tell us about your crush" Steve say
And the room filled with 'oohhhss' and 'yeezz'

"Well, I might say, this blonde elf guy I met" she starts,
"Tell us more about him" Natasha encourages,
"He's cute, with his shiny blue eyes and nice jawline. Looking awesome everytime he use his bow. Oh, and I believe he's a prince" she finishes thinking about Legolas.
"Our little (Y/n) is growing so fast" Bruce say
"She already found a prince" Wanda says with a smile.
"You didn't mention his name" Tony say taking another sip on his drink.

"Legolas. His name is Legolas, but we've been in a fight so... yeah, I'm slightly pissed at him"
"Why? What did he do?" Bucky seriously ask,
"It's just... He called me that word..."
The whole room grew silent, and next thing I know, everyone is planning to kill him.
"Relax guys. It's fine, he didn't mean it"

"Dont care, he's dead (N/n)" Clint says readying his bow.
"No! I-I.. leave it to me, just... don't harm him" she silently say and everyone stop,
"She's right, we don't have a right to mess with her lovelife" Steve say,
"But remember, if he did it again, promise that you will tell us" he said looking straight into (Y/n).

She only nod and the group decided to rest. And (Y/n) to be back on Middle Earth.

She called out for Heimdall, and quickly transported back to Middle Earth, where she didn't know where she is right now.
She also didn't know if she'll go back to the fellowship or not.
"Ugh. Damn it. I swear to Frodo that I'll be with him on this journey" she silently whispered to herself and go off into a random path.

After hours of walking, she saw many Orcs bodies laying dead, and a familiar one. "Boromir..."
She ran next to him only to find out that he's already gone.
"I'm sorry Boromir, I'm not there to protect you. May your soul rest at peace on Helheim, and rule at my Aunt Hela's side" she softly whispered to him.

With the last glance, she used her magic to burn Boromir's body.
She stand and walk away, leaving a bright green fire burning Boromir's corpse. "Farewell my friend"

(Y/n) is trying her best to find the path where the fellowship goes to. "Why is everything messed up?" she silently say, as she keep sensing them on a different place. "The hell?"
She shook her head and just follow the one she thinks is right.

A path that leads to the land of Rohan.

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