The Fear of Falling

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Aragon made it alive after his fall and just arrived at Helm's Deep, where he was greeted by his friends.
"Ugh come here Aragorn, I'm going to kill you!" Gimli says tackling Aragorn with a hug, which he quickly returned.
Legolas and him just pat each other's shoulder with grin across their face, "Le ab-dollen" (You're late) Legolas says, "You look terrible", Handling him his pendant, Aragorn smiles replying "Thank you"

The three walk a same path leading to the King, "(Y/n)?" Aragorn ask.
"Still nothing" Legolas replied sadly.
"She'll be back, I knew it" Gimli says, "Gimli's right, let's not bring our hopes down. Besides, a battle will be soon held" Aragorn seriously said entering the room where the King is.

Stormy night has come and on the way, (Y/n) come across with hundreds or maybe millions of strong-looking soldier marching towards her destination.
"Holy shit..." she whispers getting down on the horse and letting it go, hoping it'll find its way back where she 'borrowed' it.

"Let me have your eyes Heimdall" she whispered and closed her eyes and by the time she opened them she saw an on going battle between men and these creatures, the wall is already have been down. Elves and mens together fighting for the same enemy, they were winning but with another million soldiers on the way, they don't stand a chance.

She blinked and her vision came back to normal. Putting her sling ring, she picture the image she saw with Heimdall's vision, the battle, the Helm's Deep, the fallen wall, Legolas...
Slowly a portal was made beneath her and soon, she is falling above the Helm's Deep battle as the last enemy killed.
Unfortunately, more of them is coming and there's no much left to battle them.
"More are coming!" Aragorn shouts, "They're too many! I don't know if we stood a chance! We need to leave!" one of the elves shout back.
"No! There's no escape, we don't have enough time to flee, it's either we die fighting or we die running like cowards!"

Gimli is the first, who notice a girl is falling from the sky. A thunder rumbles as he saw who's that girl is.
"It's (Y/n)!" he shouts in happiness making them look where Gimli staring.

(Y/n) was now covered with green mist like fire, her eyes completely turned into full green light. She is flowting mid-air facing the incoming enemies.

The storm became more violent as the dark clouds turned into whirlpool above the sky.
"Feel the pain as it rains above you" her voice echoing above.
Soon, swords and arrows fall above the enemy's head like a rain, hitting and killing them. Some tried to run away but miserably failed.

Those once strong standing army is now lying lifeless on a battlefield, as (Y/n)'s spell gone. The storm turned back to normal.
"Damn this is exhausting" she whispered before passing out.

"She's falling! Legolas!" Aragorn shouts in worry looking for his friend, only to find him on his way above the wall.

Legolas is running towards the edge of Helm's Deep wall not taking his eyes off to (Y/n)'s falling body.
With all his might, he jump on the edge catching (Y/n) in his arms, but they're both falling now.

He hug (Y/n) tight against his body, his plan is to take the damage of the fall, he'll use his body to protect her. His back is facing the ground with (Y/n) above him, he just closed his eyes, waiting for the impact.
But it never came, instead of pain, Legolas felt (Y/n) hold into him, he opened his eyes to see him and (Y/n) covered in green mist, stopping their fall just atleast 5 inches on the ground.

"Not really gonna let you hurt yourself because of me" she mumbled on his chest before passing out, again.
The mist surrounds them gone as they fall with a 'thud' and a splash on the wet ground.
The rain stopped, Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf rush beside them.
Legolas carefully sit up, still holding (Y/n) in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Aragorn ask, Legolas nod in response saying, "I am, but (Y/n)....."
Gandalf gently place his hand on (Y/n)'s forehead, "She's alright, but she's extremely tired, she'll be unconscious more than we expected"

"Who is she?" King Theoden ask,
"She's Legolas future wife" Gimli says making Aragorn and Gandalf laugh, and receiving some dirty look from Legolas.

They took (Y/n) to Edoras, where they will stay for now. Legolas refuse to leave her side the whole time.

"Ey! We're leavin' loverboy" Gimli called him out.
"I–" he's not sure if he'll come, he want's to be at her side when she wake up, and those 'what ifs' running in his head.
"She'll be alright, she's safe here" Aragorn comfort him, and with a nod he stand up and leave with the others going to Isengard.

The sun is already gone when they came back, Legolas went straight to the room where they'll be sleeping and where (Y/n) is currently being held, while the others went to the dinning area to eat.

He slowly opened the door, not making any sound. It's dark inside, but he clearly see a shadow of a man kneeling beside (Y/n), gently stroking her hair and whispering strange words.

Grabbing his hidden blade, he burst inside making the mysterious man looked at him,
"Who are you?" Legolas sharply ask and launch forward without hesitation, but the man disappears in thin air before Legolas can get him.
He looked around the room, trying to find the man but he's already gone.

He light the lamps in the room that serves as light making sure that no more intruders were inside.
Once he's sure that there's no more danger around, he breath calmly and kneel beside the unconscious (Y/n).
So far, he didn't saw any sign of harm in her.

Legolas sit beside her, holding her hands and not letting go. He'll make sure to guard and keep her safe as long as she's unconscious.

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