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(Y/n) have been walking for atleast 30 minutes. She saw a path and decided to follow and walk in it.
She can feel dark and powerful magic lingering in the air. She slightly flinched and stopped when she heard yelp that followed by screams, snapping twigs and leaves. Finally 4 little man-like creatures fall in front of her. (Y/n) studied their features, they looked like human but more smaller and taller than dwarves, their ears are also a little pointed.
(Y/n) knew that once in her life, she reads about creatures like them at the palace library.

She never move out of her place as she kept on staring at the 4 little creatures not caring about their small discussion about vegetables.

"Mushrooms!" one of them, named Pippin, shouts in delight and crawl over to the mushroom sticking on a tree beside her. He stopped and slowly turned at the mysterious man standing and staring at them.
One of them, named Frodo, already standing and notice her immediately and looked at her wide eyes.

All of them just stand there and stare at each other, not knowing what to do.
(Y/n) is the first one to broke at their little frozen-staring game because she felt something on the wind.
She gasped and turned around, focusing on the mysterious wind and the sound of horse coming closer to them. Not feeling the good vibes by it, she turned back at the Hobbits and said, "Hide. Now."
And in that two word, the 4 Hobbits rush and stumble down the bank and hides at a not so comfortable log.

While (Y/n) run to hide behind a large tree.
Soon, the black rider came and (Y/n) can feel the darkness and evil within this creature. It stopped just beside the tree log where the Hobbits hide.
There is a long pause and sound of silence followed by the sound of the rider coming down on its horse.
(Y/n) stayed put and relax so this creature doesn't notice her presence.
She slowly move and peek behind the tree, seeing the creature is completely right above and looking at where the Hobbits were.
But there's more, she sense a powerful thing. She can definitely say that this thing is dangerous and evil and it is coming from the dark creature, but from the Hobbits.

Feeling this strong feeling to save and help the Hobbits, she made a plan.
Even though the princess of Asgard never knew anything about them, even their kind. Yes, she doesn't even know that these creatures are called Hobbits.

Taking a very deep breath, determination fires through her eyes and finally move out of her hiding spot, pick up a small stone and throws it at the head of the hooded creature with all her might. The creature face her but she can't really see its face, only the color of black.
"I'm here dark creature! Why dont you pick on someone your own size?!" she shouted the exact phase she learned on Midgard. After that she turned around and run as fast as she can.
While busy running, she heard the sound of horse and a wail, a sound of cry by a lonely man.
The rider soon appeared behind her and with that, she decided to use her powers.
Her eyes glowed green and green mist sounds her body. With a light jump, her body is now floating in the air and fly ahead, copying the position of her uncle Tony Stark when he flies with his suit, hoping that the rider can't catch up. With a last glance on the rider, she boosted up her powers and fly faster alowing her to lose the rider after her.

She giggled to herself but changed into a panic expression when her magic wear off and landed, face first, on the dirt with a 'thud'. She used to much of her magic so she can't fully use it now.
With a groan, she tried to push herself up but failed. Her body really aches so she decided to just lay there for a minute to ease the pain.
She grew tired and soon fell asleep at the ground deep in the forest, because of the energy she consumed for her magic.

Near, where (Y/n) fell asleep, a prince, named Legolas, is scouting that place. He tried to be as quiet as possible in his every steps.
Legolas saw a big rock and climbed it up. When he reach the top, he looked around and a girl caught his eyes.
He quickly rushed towards the unconscious girl in the ground and slowly turned her so her body is now facing upwards.

Legolas gently touch her face, staring, wondering why such a beautiful lady is unconscious in the woods. He's thankful that she is alive and breathing.
Thinking that he can't just leave this lady unconscious and defenseless in the woods, he decided to stay and set a camp with her.
He picked her up bridal style and put her against the tree for her support. The prince finds himself staring at the lady again, how her hair flawlessly rest on her shoulders, how her skin glows and her breathing gives him comfort and relief inside. He carefully reached her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

Legolas stopped and collected himself, he can't just do that, he can't just gain attraction towards this girl, she's just a human, she can be a bad person, he thought.
He noticed that the sun is now setting so he starts to collect woods to start a fire, making sure that he don't go far away from the unconscious girl.

(Y/n), on the other hand, woke up and looked around confused. Then it hit her, she fell asleep. Looking at the sky, she noticed that it will be night time soon and this place and sleeping is not a best idea.
She stands up and make a little stretch and stars walking alone, hoping that she'll find a place to stay.

When Legolas came back, panic starts to rise as he let go of the woods he collected, letting it fall on the ground. The girl is no where to be seen. Soon his panicked feelings change into a worried one.
He starts to run no where in particular, hoping to find the girl. There's so many what if's running in his mind.

(Y/n) heard a sound of someone running towards her place. She quickly climbed the tree beside her with the help of her magic. Standing at it branch and peeking at the leaves, she waited.
And there she saw a man, with long blond hair and pointy ears, wearing green robes and arrow quiver straped on him and holding a bow.
(Y/n) smiled at herself because of how cute this man is.
He stopped there for a second looking around and soon left running at the direction where she's planning on going.

"Maybe its a good idea, if I'll just stay here for the night" she whispered to herself and sit at the branch making herself comfortable.

Green Magic (Legolas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now