Chapter 1: Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Iwa-chan." Oikawa said, in an uncharacteristically quieter tone. He was probably doing it to be mindful of his mother.

"Don't worry, idiot. She's taking the night shift."

Iwaizumi sat up in his bed, getting in a better position to unleash his frustration.

"Anyway, why the hell were you outside my house in the rain."

Oikawa had been looking down at his feet til then, now letting his eyes trail up to look at Iwaizumi.

"I was thinking we could maybe practice a few things." He cleared his throat. "It is a Friday."

Iwaizumi's heart leaped to his throat. His hands now fisting the sheets tightly.

Not this again.

Oikawa had been pestering Iwaizumi relentlessly to help him flirt with girls.

Which would've been fine if Oikawa hadn't had to make things so personal. Like doing this all with his best friend. It had just made everything between them so... tense.

The idiot should've already known he didn't really have to change anything about how he already acted around his stupid fangirls.

He just needed to flash a smile and they were like putty in his hands.

Did Oikawa know this?

Of course not. Even though Iwaizumi was pretty sure he had a basic idea of the effects he had on girls.

This has all lead to Oikawa insisting that he practice on Iwaizumi. Which didn't really make sense since Iwaizumi wasn't even a girl. Even if he was, he's pretty sure it still would've been awkward. Furthermore, he knew for a fact there were better candidates for this sort of thing than him.

He, of course, was then stuck with stupid Oikawa for these little faux flirting sessions. And it was fine, for a short while, as long as Oikawa never crossed the line between helping and actually doing something both of them might regret. But Iwaizumi knew he'd reached his limit as Oikawa sat there across from him, now sitting cross legged on his bedroom floor, basically begging him to help him practice something new. Something he'd never thought of Oikawa even possibly suggesting.


"Kiss me, Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi was perched on the edge of his bed, looking down on him like a hawk watching his prey, eyes squinted dangerously. He was still trying to figure out if the question was satirical. Which Iwaizumi assumed was the case.

"Iwa-chan! Don't look at me like that! It makes you look ugly!"

Iwaizumi fought every instinct to react to his stupid words. Did he even know what he was saying? Friends don't just kiss friends. Practice or not. He should've left him out in rain.

"That's an awful joke, you ass."

Oikawa made a face like he'd just sucked on a lemon. His shoulders tensing. Iwaizumi could tell he was getting anxious.

"Iwa-chan, please! I need experience if I'm ever going to be a really good kisser."

Iwaizumi didn't think he could narrow his eyebrows any further. He thought for a moment, watching Oikawa put his head in his hands. Everything about this was strange.

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