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White. All white.
She stared at herself in the mirror.

'Today is the last day of me being a single girl '
' I 'll be married to the love of my life '

'Girl are you ready? ' Lilly entered the room. She gasped

'You are so damn gorgeous I am jealous ' she pouted.

She helped me wear my veil and tiara along with, white nude heels.

'You look equally as gorgeous as me because your my bridesmaid' I said and she shook her head.

'I ain't that beautiful because you're the star of the show ' she said and we walked out.

As we walked out I saw my brother his eyes red and puffy.
He cried a lot.

I smiled and went towards him. He tried his best to hide his tears but I hugged him.

'Please don't cry ' I pleaded.

'I can't believe your getting married so early, if mom would have been here she would have been a crying mess ' he said chuckling.

I hugged him as a few tears slipped down my eyes.
'No. No don't cry it's ok ' he said wiping my tears.


'Dad please not you too ' I said as I wiped his tears.

'Gem this reminds me of the time when your mom walked down the isle and I knew that I was the luckiest man on the entire planet. ' he said.

Luna gave me my bouquet as I held my dad 's arm .

'Together, Gem ' he said

'Together '


Lilly and luna walked in front of us dropping the flower petals as we walked

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Lilly and luna walked in front of us dropping the flower petals as we walked.

They stood behind me as I came face to face with him.

As my dad joined our hands together and stepped back

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As my dad joined our hands together and stepped back. His eyes met mine as he eyed me up and down winking at me.

I blushed looking down as the priest began speaking..

'Today we are here to witness this beautiful marriage of these two lovers who are to be bound for eternity. Let's hear the vow of the groom and the bride. 'He said motioning jimin to speak.

' I Park Jimin, From this moment forward, with you by my side, I promise to always live by the vows that I make today. I promise to be the best spouse I can be and to be a loving father for our children. I will love you in sickness and in health. I will love you whether we are rich or poor' he said handing over the mic to her.

' I Lin Y/n , From this moment forward, with you by my side, I promise to always live by the vows that I make today. I promise to be the best spouse I can be and to be a loving mother for our children. I will love you in sickness and in health. I will love you whether we are rich or poor' she said and the priest spoke.

'Do you Park Jimin, take Lin Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife and therefore change her to your Mrs. Park ? '

'I do ' he said without hesitation.

'Do you Lin Y/n take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband and therefore change your name to his Mrs. Park? '

'I do ' I said looking into his eyes.

' Beautiful. You may kiss the bride ' the priest said and he pulled me closer.

Lifting my veil he caught my lips in his as I leaned back as he held me by the waist.

Cheers, claps and whistles filled the room as we broke our kiss looking into each other 's eyes smiling. He came closer and whispered in my ear.

' I can't wait to rip that dress off of you ' his sinster smirk on his face as he licked his lips. He lifted me up in the air swirling me around.

He finally put me down as I playfully hit his chest and he said
. 'That counts as punishment No. 1'

We chuckled and walked out in the garden as I was about to throw my bouquet.

Counting to three I threw it and found Luna frozen with the flowers in her hands.

I went and hugged her congratulated her as she was completely red...

He picked me up in bridal style sitting me in the car as I waved a bye to my brother and dad who were wiping their tears.

I looked beside me and found him already looking at me smirking as he pecked my lips Catching me off guard .


We stepped out as I saw a gigantic mansion in front of me.
Without thinking twice I ran inside the mansion.

I feel him chasing me, so I ran as fast as I could but unfortunately my pencil heels and dress tangled up making me lose my balance and close my ready to feel the floor

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I feel him chasing me, so I ran as fast as I could but unfortunately my pencil heels and dress tangled up making me lose my balance and close my ready to feel the floor .

Just as my figure was about to come in contact with it, I was swiftly pulled back up and into someone's arms my face buried in his neck.

His intoxicating perfume filled my nose, making my knees weak as he held me close.

I felt my self being lifted up from the ground as I was thrown over his shoulder.

He walked a few steps then stopped opening a door walking in it. Gently laying me on the bed he lossened his tie taking it off, tieing my hands together above my head hovering on top of me.
Whispering on my lips.

'Call me daddy , kitten cause it's time for your punishment,...'

-The END-

𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 |PJM X Reader |✔Where stories live. Discover now