𝐓𝐖𝐎 | 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆

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Few Years ago .....

The thirteen-year-old girl jumped all the way inside her house holding her final term examination results in her hand. She was the one and only Lin Y/n, the granddaughter of einstein Or what people called but she didn't mind. His brother was walking beside having a huge smile on his face, he wasn't jealous of his little sister he was proud of her.

" You cheated on me!?!? " Mrs. Lin screamed she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

  " Honey. No, you go it wrong I wasn't cheating on you now will I ever, I love you and you only " Mr. Lin said trying to calm his wife down.

" I saw She was sitting on your lap and you let her " She fired back. 

" No.. Please listen to me I didn't cheat-".

" Mom- dad look I got my results today " Y/n walked in her backpack still worn by her as she grinned happily showing them the tests.

" Oh my, my daughter is so intelligent as always " Her mother spoke proudly as she hugged her daughter.

" We are proud of you Y/n you never let us down " Her dad spoke and kissed her forehead. 

" How about you go and freshen up let's celebrate at dinner, hmm? " Her mother spoke caressing her hair

" Of course, Mom, I will see guys in a few .... Bye mom, bye dad," She said as she exited the door.

  Walking towards her room jumping all the way outside, she suddenly tripped causing her to accidentally drop all her sheets. Some flew backward towards her mom and dad's bedroom, running towards the door she was about to pick up when she suddenly heard.

" You love your secretary don't you, she is a money digger and I know it " Her mother screamed.

  " Try to understand honey your mis-"

  " Don't honey me you cheater " She screamed at her husband as she wiped her tears.

Y/n couldn't bear to listen anymore she picked up her sheets and ran towards her room still shaken up after what she heard. "Dad is cheating on mom? "She couldn't think but she shook her head trying to avoid such negative thoughts.

" Prove it to me that you are not cheating on me, prove it " Mrs. Lin screamed at her husband's face.

 Her husband thought for a moment then his mind clicked.CCTV he thought as he made a few calls here and there, then finally connected his phone to the television in his home's office where his wife was patiently waiting to wipe her tears trying to prevent them from falling.

𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 |PJM X Reader |✔Where stories live. Discover now