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'Baby, Get up its you're graduation ceremony today "he said which only made her snuggle in the blanket..

"You'll be late " He said climbing back into his bed, looking at her figure who was lying flat on her stomach, under the blankets . Naked.

Slowly drawing invisible circles on her bare back, he tried to wake her up, but was bitterly failing at it.

Swiping her hair one side he, hovered on top of her, biting her earlobe making her whine.

'Mhhh..... Stop it, it tickles ' she muttered eyes still closed.

'I'll tickle more if you don't wake up ' he purred in her ear making her get out of bed, only to fall back down. Earning a groan from her.

He laughed at her who was on the ground, cursing at him, limitlessly glaring at him who stopped laughing and giggled at her.

'Is my kitten unable to walk? ' he teased going towards her picking her up in bridal style bringing her to the washroom to get ready for the ceremony. While she glared at him.


'I am ready ' she said sitting still on the stool which was placed in front of the mirror.

'Cute' he mumbled walking in looking at her figure who was patiently waiting for him.

'Let's go, shall we? ' she said signalling him to come and pick her up, she was really sore from last night. He gave her a hard punishment for wearing the black dress.

'Why don't you walk? ' he teased.

'If you won't pick me up then fine, I walk on my own' she said getting of the stool using it as a support she tried to step forward, only to be miserably falling down, making him rush towards her picking her up , walking out of the room.

'Put me down!!!! ' she struggled in his grip, hitting his chest. Trying all possible ways to get down.

'Now, now if you won't stop, I won't stop fucking you until you cry your eyes out and I won't care about the fuck'in ceremony ' he said shutting her up.

' I hate you ' she mumbled.
'I love you too ' he sarcastically said kissing her forehead , sitting her in the car. Driving off to school.

'When will you wear you black graduation robe cloak and hat ? ' he asked.

'' probably in the restroom, when I meet lilly and luna ' she replied and he nodded.


. 'A very good morning to all teachers and students, today's a really important day in our lives and I must say whenever there is a graduation ceremony, I remember my times.

Graduation is the award of a diploma or academic degree, or the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it, in which students become graduates. The date of graduation is often called graduation day. The graduation ceremony itself is also sometimes called: commencement, convocation or invocation.

Now I won't take long but call Ms. Jung and Ms. Bong to come on the stage and give the degree to all students ' he said as both of them walked on the stage , students stood up and bowed to them and they bowed back.

'Good morning, students so I will call out your names one by one please come on the the stage and Ms. Jung will hand your certificates. ' Ms. Bong said and befgan calling out names.


'Lee luna ' she called and luna walked on the stage smiling, Ms. Jung hand over the certificate and shook hands with her as they took a photograph.

'Last but not least the girl who made this college one of the top colleges in the world by achieving the first place in all courses ans student of the year Lin Y/n ' she said and everyone cheered as she stood up from the chair , going towards the stage.

A huge smile on her face as she bowed to both of them, they returned back their brightest smiles handing over the certificate and a huge cup trophy which had a golden slate on it which said 'student of the year, LIN Y/n '

Clicking a photograph she shook hands with them who asked her to say a few words to everyone.

'Hello everyone.Good morning ... Well I didn't know that I was going to be student of the year but now that I am, I am really happy. This year was the best year of my college and school life and there are many precious things I got here .

Best and understanding teachers. I never had best friends and all but I got many of 'em here, I have never felt so loved and cherished., I don't want to keep dragging a big speech but I want to thank my dad and my brother for always supporting me. And to all graduates and seniors , all the best for your future, work hard and never lose hope thank you '

She finished her speech bowing her head to everyone as the room was erupted with sheer claps and whistles.

'Very well spoker Ms. Lin. Thank you that was a wonderful speech and now I would like to call Mr. Park to say a few words ' Ms. Jung said as she hand over the mic to Jimin who smiled and bowed to her.

'Good morning dear students, how 's everyone today ' he asked as girl squealed and giggled.

'GOOD SIR!!! " The boys screamed making him smile.

' that's the spirit boys . Keep on with that. So you all know that I am resiging and that today is my last day too. As a teacher so I want to wish all of you good luck for your future, may all of you succed and achieve great heights in your life. I would like to thank all the fellow teachers with whom I have been working for the past few years, it's was great experience and time being here and I enjoyed it alot.

Now I would like to talk about a very special person who's sitting among you all ' he said as his eyes met hers.

' she quite stoled my heart since the moment she walked in this college , and she is currently wearing my promise ring which marks her as mine ' he spoke climbing down the stage slowly walking his way to her.

' she is cute , hot and sexy at the same time, quite funny sometimes but always logical ' he chuckled and continued while girls continued squealing while her heart started beating fast.

' today 's a really special day to me as today I'll aske her to make me the happiest man on the earth ' he finally stood in front of her smiling before taking out a box out of his pocket his one knee down as he asked opening the box.

'Lin Y/n will you marry me? ' he asked looking at her who was frozen.

She remembered.

'I 'll change the ring on your finger once you graduate '

'SAY YES!!! ' everyone screamed.

'Yes , yes , yes!!!! ' she said her tears falling down as he changed the ring.

She stood up and he pulled her close kissing her passionately as rose petals fell on top of them .

Everyone cheered while they were lost in their own world. Melting in the kiss . This is what they both wanted to get married to each other and spend the rest of their life with each other..

Breaking the kiss they rested their foreheads against each other's. When he picked her up swirling her around in the air hugging her tightly as she giggled.


'On the count of three ok ...... One.. Two.. Three' he said as they threw their caps in the air cheering and hugging each other.

He pulled her out of the crowd and hugged her close.

'Congratulations Ms. Lin ' he said smiling . She rolled her eyes and spoke.

'It's Mrs. Park for you....'

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