What If

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Harry turned to Draco, frowning. He stared at him for a long time. "I don't know what I'll do if I can't save you," he said, closing his eyes.

Draco reached for his hand and then pulled Harry upright and into his arms. His lips closed on Harry's as his other hand slid into the boy's hair.

Harry kissed Draco back as if it would be their last. "Oh, Merlin, I love you," he gasped, clutching at Draco's robes.

"I am yours," Draco said softly. "Show me. Make love to me."

Harry pulled back and looked Draco in the eyes. He nodded slowly and kissed him again, pulling him flush against his body. He stood, pulling Draco with him and bringing him over to one of the cots, never breaking the kiss.

Draco sighed, opening to Harry's kisses and his touch, following him where he led.

Harry shook as he began undressing Draco slowly, kissing every inch of new skin exposed. He felt like crying, but held it back, trying to be strong for Draco. He knew Draco needed this -- Harry needed this.

Draco trembled under Harry's touch. He wished he could have a lifetime of being with Harry. His throat was thick, and he swallowed around the lump in it. He only had this one night left, and he was glad that Harry understood why he needed this. He sighed and arched as Harry undressed him, his flesh responding happily to his lover.

"I love you," Harry said, sighing as he licked around one of Draco's nipples. "I love you." Quick fingers fumbled with the fasteners of Draco's trousers, and he ran his hands around the skin there before he slowly slid down Draco's body to remove his shoes and socks and finally his slacks. He kissed his way back up Draco's legs, to his chest again as he began pulling at his own robes.

Draco's quick fingers worked at Harry's shirt and trousers, helping him undress. He wanted to touch every part of Harry. He wanted to know every intimate inch of him.

Harry let out a gasping breath as Draco's fingers touched his skin. He shucked his robe and his unbuttoned shirt off and then toed off his shoes and tried wiggling out of his trousers, still unwilling to pull his mouth away from Draco's skin.

"Wait," Draco said, smiling. He Summoned his wand to him and flicked it toward the cots. Three of them slid together and, with another quick spell, were Transfigured into a large comfortable-looking bed. He grinned and raised an eyebrow at Harry.

Harry smiled down at Draco. "That's better," he whispered, moving his mouth back to Draco's skin. He finally managed to get all of his clothes off and hissed as he allowed himself to slide completely against Draco's skin.

"Gods, yes," Draco gasped. The feel of Harry's skin was pure delight. He pulled Harry back with him into the bed.

Harry mouthed hotly and wetly along Draco's chest and collarbone, licking and sucking at the skin there. He never wanted this to stop, and his heart gave a painful beat at the thought that this might be the final time. "I love you," he said again. He'd never meant what he said so strongly in his life.

"Yours, love, only yours," Draco whispered, working long fingers into Harry's hair, the thickness of it luxurious. He still trembled under the other boy. He wondered, if he lived, if he would always tremble at Harry's touch.

Harry had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment to keep from crying, but he held out and moved back up to Draco's face. He kissed his lips slowly. He brought his tongue out and licked along them, tracing them, trying to burn them to memory.

Draco's mouth opened for Harry, feeling his tongue against his lips and wanting more of him. One hand still clutching his hair, Draco's other hand slid up, stroking Harry's back. He marvelled at the texture of bone, muscle, and skin so warm and vibrant. He had always admired Harry's fire and the way it always seemed to radiate from every part of him.

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