For Nothing

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For Nothing

Earlier that evening, while Harry had been talking with Dumbledore, Draco had been on his way back from the Slytherin dorms. When Crabbe and Goyle caught up with him, he was ready for it this time. What he had not been prepared for was that they were not alone.

He had managed to take out Goyle before they got him. Then he lay on his back in a full Body-Bind with a group of Death Eaters looking down on him.

"We've come to help you with your mission, Draco," Amycus had leered. "We heard you've been a bit confused about your priorities."

"Yeah, we're here to set you straight again." Alecto laughed at her own joke.

Crabbe had Draco's wand and had been smiling down at him too. "We don't know what Potter did to you, but for the sake of your family, you're being given a last chance, Malfoy."

They had taken him to meet the others then, explaining the plan on the way. They had almost reached the tower when the fight had broken out with Harry's friends. Draco had been pushed and dragged to the door of the tower and shoved through it.

He had reacted on instinct when he saw Dumbledore, disarming him before he had had a chance to even realise what he was doing. But he hadn't been able to do it. Snape had.

The only thing that had made the shock and anger bearable was that Harry had been missing from the fight. Until they left the tower and Draco suddenly realised that he was behind them. Snape was dragging Draco away while Harry was screaming his name.

That was when Draco had realised that Harry had witnessed the scene on the tower. The second broom had made sense. Draco hadn't thought it could be worse, but it was. Harry had heard it all, seen it all.

Dumbledore was dead, Snape a murderer, others hurt or dead, and worst of all, Harry betrayed – all for nothing. Draco sat staring at the serpent coiled around his arm, fangs still sunk into his flesh. Snape had been wrong. It mattered who killed Dumbledore. Draco had failed his mission and would be punished for it.

Snape was pacing the small room in a fit of anger over the turn of events. His godfather had been certain he had saved Draco from the death sentence. Draco almost laughed. He still had a way to cheat the Dark Lord of his punishment. He and Harry had never shown anyone the contents of their binding promises. Snape did not know that Draco would be dead by morning. And that suited Draco just fine.

Draco could feel his body growing cold as the sun began to rise. He wondered if this was how a vampire felt. Tired, he lay down on the cot he sat on and feigned sleep. "I love you, Harry," he whispered.


Harry had dozed off on the couch. "Potter," he heard. "Wake up," the voice snapped. When he opened his eyes, Snape was standing over him, wand pointed at this throat.

Harry took a sharp breath and couldn't even think of anything to say, he was so shocked.

"Don't move," Snape warned, backing up, holding Harry's wand in his other hand. Snape stood at the other end of the couch, glowering at Harry. "You never did tell the headmaster the contents of the binding promise, did you?"

Harry was glaring at Snape now, but that had definitely caught his attention. "Where's Draco?" he asked angrily.

"What did you do to him, Potter? Make it so that if he ran from you, he would die?" Snape sneered.

Harry began shaking. "Where is he?" he asked again, voice full of suppressed rage.

Snape shook his head, glancing around the room. "This place isn't your style, Potter, though it is Draco's. Is this where you tricked him into it?"

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