What Is This?

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Draco wasn't so disoriented when he woke this time, although he was sore. He winced as he sat up and then looked down at Harry sleeping. Was it possible for him to look even more beautiful? Draco sat watching him, wishing life would allow them this kind of quiet just a bit longer.
Harry's eyelids fluttered in his sleep. He was having the most wonderful dream. He was disappointed when movement next to him stirred him from sleep, but then he remembered that Draco was still there with him and he smiled.
Draco smiled a bit as well. "You are beautiful," he said quietly.
Harry cracked his eyes barely open to see Draco staring at him, a look of adoration painting his sharp features. Harry's smile grew and he yawned.
"I checked," Draco said. "It's nearly noon."
Harry groaned. "I guess we should get going then?" he asked, closing his eyes again.
Draco reached his hand out, running his fingers through that thoroughly, even more than usual, messy hair.
Harry sighed contentedly at Draco's touch. He opened his eyes and sat up, crinkling his nose at the dried come coating his shirt. "Think you could manage one of your Cleaning Charms?" he asked.
Draco nodded, feeling pretty messy as well. He reached for his wand and cast the spells.
Harry stared at Draco, studied his face. He looked more subdued than earlier, maybe even a bit paler. There seemed to be something off about him. "You sure you're not ill?" he asked quietly, leaning in and kissing him very lightly. Draco's shirt was rumpled and the Cleaning Charms could only go so far. He shrugged and climbed out of bed. "Not in any way that means anything." Harry frowned at that, but let the subject drop. Draco had said something equally as abstract as that the last time Harry had asked about him being ill. He got the feeling Draco didn't want to talk about it. He climbed out of bed too and looked around him. "Where the sodding hell are my glasses?" he asked, searching.
"You would think you would just Summon them like you do your wand," Draco teased.
"Oh, heh, yeah, I guess that would work." Harry Summoned both his wand and his glasses and began to get dressed, watching Draco at the same time.
Draco dressed slowly but carefully, in a way that showed he was accustomed to doing things in a certain order. A mirror materialised when he frowned at one point and he stepped in front of it to make sure he looked right. He picked up a comb that had appeared on the table and set about trying to fix his hair. He finally resorted to a charm for that as well.
Harry laughed a bit at Draco as he himself simply threw his clothes on and shuffled his hair around with his hands. He did, at least, straighten his tie.
Finally dressed and groomed as best as he could be, Draco turned and found Harry watching him. "Ready?"
Harry frowned slightly. "No, but I have to go anyway," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"So here we are again, back to our Houses," Draco smiled sadly, "and me hoping that you will kiss me before you leave."
"No, I most certainly will not kiss you before I leave," Harry said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. He grinned and raised his eyebrows.
"Prat," Draco sneered, but smiled, standing with his hands on his hips.
Grinning wickedly, Harry moved as quick as lightning and pinned Draco against the wall next to the door. He was a bit shorter, so it was kind of awkward, but it worked all the same. "What am I?" he asked teasingly.
Draco's smirk grew. "A bloody Gryffindor prat."
Harry smiled goofily. "And you love it," he said as he leant in and gave Draco a long open-mouthed kiss. Draco groaned into the kiss, his tongue twisting with Harry's. He loved being pinned like he was and, if Harry kept it up for very long, he doubted he would have the willpower to open the door.
Harry kissed Draco for several moments before he had to tear himself away. "We have to go," he said with a laugh, shaking his
head. "I swear you're trying to kill me."
Draco was panting when Harry pulled away. "Who's trying to kill
whom here?" he nearly whimpered, having to adjust his trousers to even stand up properly.
"Sorry," Harry said with another laugh, backing away from Draco. He tried picturing Hagrid in a bikini to stop the sensation in his lower abdomen.
Draco sighed, trying to slip his usual face on as he breathed. "After you, Potter," he said in a voice as close to normal as he could manage at that point.
Harry grinned. "See you around, Malfoy," he said as he reached for the doorknob. "Hopefully literally," he added.
Draco waited until Harry had left, then he leaned with his back against the door and took several big breaths. He had received more than he'd bargained for and was somewhat at a loss now. If he continued seeing Potter, it put everything in jeopardy. Who was he kidding, he thought, of course he would see him again. While he still had time to. Finally, he opened the door and left through it.
When Harry had gone up to Gryffindor tower he'd been nearly attacked by Ron and Hermione.
"Where have you been?"
"What were you doing?"
"Were you with someone?"
"Were you outside that stupid room again?"
Harry had put his hands up in defence. "I was outside 'that stupid
room' again," he told them, trying his hardest not to let anything show on his face. Ron seemed to buy it, but Hermione kept giving him funny looks for the rest of the day. Harry hadn't seen Draco at any meals and was a bit worried. He was glad when he saw him heading for the seventh floor that night on the map. He grabbed his Potions book and his Cloak and set off for the Room of Requirement again. He brushed Ron and Hermione off in the common room, wanting to get away quickly.
Draco didn't go to lunch or to dinner that day, spending most of his time in the Slytherin common room, where he was supposed to be studying. Slytherin didn't have Quidditch practice until Sunday, so no one seemed to have missed him yet. That evening, he headed to the Room of Requirement. He found the door waiting for him without really having to concentrate. Sometimes he wondered about the castle's magic and what kind of game it might be playing. When he stepped inside, he wasn't too surprised to find a very large four- poster bed and the same fireplace. But there were other amenities besides the bed and the fireplace – like a table sitting there, already stocked with food. He scowled at the room. He hadn't eaten that day, and it seemed to be pushing a bit. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited to see if Harry would show.
Harry arrived in minutes. The door was already there when he reached the seventh floor, probably because Draco was willingly letting him in now. He opened it up and stepped inside, taking off his Cloak as he did so.
Draco let out a sigh when Harry entered into the room. He realised that he had been unsure as to whether or not the boy would actually return.
"Hey," Harry said, dropping his Cloak and watching with mild interest as a chair materialised to catch it. He dropped his book as well. "Hungry?" he asked, eyeing the food.
Draco shrugged. "Not really." He removed his robes too, laying them across the back of the chair already waiting.
Harry raised an eyebrow. "I didn't see you at any meals today," he said, coming over to sit next to Draco.
Draco reached for Harry's tie and used it to pull him in close, licking the other boy's lips.
That made Harry forget about food. He sighed and let his tongue out to meet Draco's, wondering how he'd even gone the day without him.
Draco sealed his lips over Harry's and thrust his tongue into his mouth. He brought his other hand up to remove Harry's glasses and reached back, setting them on the bedside table.
"Mmmm," Harry moaned, gripping Draco's shirt tightly. Draco's tongue was very suggestive, and Harry was already getting aroused.
Draco pulled Harry back onto the bed with him, ending with the other boy nearly on top of him. He used both hands to pull him close.
Harry placed his knees on either side of Draco's body and
continued his assault on the other boy's mouth. One of his hands wandered down to cup Draco's crotch. Harry smirked.
Control forgotten, Draco arched and moaned as Harry's hand cupped him. He had been halfway hard from the moment Harry'd arrived. There was no halfway now.
"I would've never known I had this effect on you," Harry said quietly into Draco's ear. "Why didn't you kiss me sooner, Draco Malfoy?" He smiled and gripped a little harder, moving his fingers just so.
"You ask ... (gasp) ... questions ... (gasp) ... then make it hard ... (moan) ... to answer," Draco finally managed to say.
Harry laughed a bit. He pulled his hand away from Draco's cock and stared down at him. "What do you want to do?" he asked, voice low.
Draco looked back intently, his grey eyes seeming much darker. He tried to read Harry's eyes rather than think of an answer to his question. Finally, he said quietly, "I am at your mercy."
Harry gazed at Draco just as powerfully. He leant in again and whispered, "Can I fuck you again?" It was a rather crude way of asking, but it certainly made Harry's own trousers tighten.
Draco's eyes closed and he groaned, his hips rising in answer. "Yes," he hissed.
Harry's heart leapt and he moaned quietly. He kissed Draco's neck and his face and his lips, all the while undoing Draco's trousers. He slipped his hand inside and stroked him a few times before sitting up, pulling off his own shirt, and grabbing the lube that had appeared.
Draco raised his hands above his head, opening himself to Harry's choices and watching with eager eyes as Harry began to strip.
Harry unbuttoned his own trousers before rolling away from Draco for a second to wriggle out of them and his pants. He kicked his shoes off the side of the bed and rolled back over to Draco, clad only in his socks and tie because he'd been too impatient to remove them. He pulled Draco's trousers and pants down in one quick swipe and removed his shoes too, throwing everything into a messy pile on the floor. He slid up Draco's body and began working on his shirt, fingers flying.
Draco froze when Harry started unbuttoning his shirt. He had
been so mesmerised watching the other boy strip, he had forgotten that Harry had not seen him without his shirt. And couldn't. He breathed deep, letting Harry undo the buttons and trying to think of what to say next.
Harry's heart sped up as every button came loose. He kissed the exposed skin of Draco's chest and worked on the last three buttons, prepared to throw the garment out of his way just like all the rest.
Draco's hands were still above his head, the cuffs of his shirt still buttoned. He crossed his arms, putting his hands on his elbows. The pose looked sexy enough, but would make it impossible to slide the shirt off him. He waited, tensing in expectation of the moment when Harry figured it out.
Harry tried to pull Draco's shirt off of him, but paused when Draco prevented it. He raised an eyebrow at him and frowned. It was a strange thing to do.
"You keep your socks and tie if you like, the shirt stays." Draco smirked, trying to make light of it.
Harry grinned and shrugged, leaving Draco's tie on as well. He did look rather sexy with his shirt simply open like it was, the deep green of his tie making him look even paler. "The shirt stays then," he said, picking up the lube.
Draco relaxed, enjoying the feeling of his arms being somewhat confined by the shirt and the relief of not having to explain. When Harry picked up the jar of lube, his pulse sped up again for an altogether different reason. Had he really fucked himself on Harry's cock only that morning? He felt both increased arousal and a little soreness at the memory. He hadn't told Harry that he had never done that before. Draco smiled up at him.
Harry unscrewed the jar and coated his fingers liberally, blushing a little as he thought about what he was supposed to do next. He looked Draco in the eye and bent down to kiss him before making his next move. Draco kissed Harry but stayed passive, waiting and watching. He felt amazing, spread like he was, letting the other boy do what he wanted with him.
Harry reached down between Draco's legs and trailed one finger across his entrance. Then he slowly began pushing it in. "Okay?" he asked. "Am I doing this right?"
Draco bent his knees, putting his feet flat on the bed and spreading his legs as far as he could. He nodded, trying to relax.
Harry nodded too, his cock twitching at the sight before him. He bit his lip hard and worked the one finger for a bit before slowly adding another one, looking up to study Draco's face for any signs of pain.
Draco's face was calm, showing none of the confusion he felt. He didn't want to do anything that would distract Harry from what he was doing. He liked the feel of him touching him, yet it was hard to relax and let it happen, especially since he was still sore from the morning. He breathed deeply and kept his eyes focused on Harry. His cock twitched, and he felt so open and so needy right then.
Harry took a big breath and began stretching Draco out, scissoring his fingers, not at all sure how long he was supposed to do it. "Should I put three?" he asked, looking up at Draco again.
Draco gave a quick nod as he felt Harry's fingers move inside him. The earnest look in Harry's eyes was intoxicating and the feeling of his fingers a strange mixture of pain and pleasure that pushed Draco further towards some kind of edge.
Harry nodded and pushed another finger inside, flexing them all a bit. He worked at it for a few more minutes and then looked up at Draco one last time. "Is that good?" he asked, feeling like an inexperienced idiot.
Harry's eager, anxious face made Draco smirk. "Brilliant," he said softly. "Gonna fuck me sometime soon?" He couldn't help it. He had to tease Harry. Sometimes he thought it was the only thing that kept him going.
Harry withdrew his fingers and narrowed his eyes, but he smiled too. "As you wish," he said, grabbing the lube again and spreading some across his length. He wasn't really sure what to do with Draco's legs, and his arse was a bit too low to really get a good angle. He manoeuvred Draco's limbs over his own shoulders, lining things up a bit better. Then he positioned himself and looked at Draco again, meeting his intense gaze. "Ready?" he asked.
"Yes." Draco grinned. "Always ready for you."
Harry nodded once more and then pushed the head of his cock into Draco's opening. He groaned, but waited for a response from Draco.
Draco moaned, his eyes rolling back and his body arching. Pain, hot and sharp, followed by the most intense burst of pleasure up his spine made him feel like he was coming apart in two directions. "Go, yes," he managed to stammer, afraid that Harry would stop.
Harry gripped Draco's legs and thrust in a bit more. His eyes closed in pleasure and his breathing became erratic. "Fuck," he let out. Apparently, it was his favourite word during sex. He pushed all the way in, pausing one last time to wait for Draco. He didn't know where his self-control was coming from.
Draco's hands grabbed the covers under him, desperate for something to hold on to. "Oh, Gods," he gasped as Harry buried himself. He felt a burning inside and a feeling of fullness. He felt like Harry's cock caressed his spine. It wasn't a sensation he knew how to describe; pain and pleasure so much the same that they no longer had a reference point. "Fuck me, Harry, please," he sobbed when it seemed like the other had stopped moving.
Harry nodded, his mouth actually going slack. He pulled back out slowly and then pushed back in. It was so much easier to move in this position. He soon found a steady pace, becoming entranced from the pleasure of it all and the sounds they each made. He moaned Draco's name over and over, quietly, as if being any louder would somehow shatter the moment.
Draco couldn't have said whether it had been a minute or an hour as he lay there under Harry. Forever would have been fine with him. He was lost in a world of internal sensation. The feel of Harry's cock sliding past his tight opening, the way he could feel its progress inside him and the way he clutched at it again when it retreated. Somewhere in his mind he was aware that he was in that floating space again that meant he would come soon, even if he didn't know how to get there. Harry let his eyes close, speeding up just a bit, a building pressure in his groin. "Oh, fuck, I love this," he said just as quietly as before. "I love this so much, Draco. I love the way you look, and I love the way you feel, and I love the way you smell, everything. I love everything," he said, opening his eyes again to see Draco's face. Draco could hear Harry, but couldn't have formed a coherent response if his life had depended on it. Instead, he smiled, trying to focus his eyes on Harry's face, to see him. With hands, he groped for Harry's hands on his hips, laying his on top of the other boy's. "Yes," he thought he said, but didn't know whether or not it was aloud or only in his mind.
Harry bit his lip and sped up just a bit more and then he was coming, coming so hard he thought his eyes crossed. He continued thrusting weakly, his body twitching with aftershocks.
When Harry began moving faster, the angle changed and he was hitting that place inside Draco again. Draco's body arched with it and he came in hot spurts all over himself as he felt warmth and magic spreading inside him too.
Draco's legs fell from Harry's shoulders as Harry slumped forward, feeling like a rag doll. He kissed Draco's lips again and again, whispering between kisses, "You're bloody amazing, you're bloody amazing, you're bloody amazing."
Draco felt high. He didn't know what else to call it. It was like he was floating somewhere, with Harry pressed into him. He slid his arms around Harry, holding him close and smiling. It was probably a kind of dopey smile, but it was the best he could do.
Harry smiled too and let out a sated sigh. He took in a deep breath and pulled Draco even closer, breathing in the smell of his skin and his hair. Was it possible to feel this way about someone after only two days? Or was he just going mad?
Draco lay quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment. He felt good, so very good. He'd never thought he would ever feel this good. He just wished it could last.
"Draco?" Harry whispered, running his hands underneath the back of Draco's shirt.
"Mmm," Draco sighed, enjoying the feel of Harry's hands on his skin. He still seemed to be floating somewhere safe and unreal. He didn't want to leave that place.
Harry let out a small laugh. "What is this?" he asked quietly, using one hand to gesture between them.
"That was sex," Draco said with a sigh, trying to bring himself back mentally from wherever he had gone. He could feel the tension return to his body like cold water being poured into a glass. He sat up and looked down at Harry, his breath catching when he did, so he quickly looked away again.
"Well, I know, but that's not what I meant," Harry said, sitting up
as well. "It's just that, last night, I thought about ... us? I don't even know if we are an us. This whole thing just sort of happened ...." He spoke quietly, not wanting to make it sound like he didn't want what was happening between them.
Draco frowned, pulling his knees up and putting his arms around them. "I don't see that it matters much. I have already told you I only have a couple of weeks," he said, sighing.
Harry let out a frustrated huff. "How do you know that?" he asked angrily. "You won't even tell me the whole story."
"I've told you all that matters. I have been given orders that I either carry out, die trying to carry out, or will be killed for not doing. It's really pretty simple to grasp," Draco snapped.
Harry narrowed his eyes. "You don't have to do it, you know. Whatever it is," he said, looking away and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Did you bring the book?" Draco asked, sitting up and starting to button his shirt.
Harry rolled his eyes at the abrupt change of subject. He wasn't going to drop it, but perhaps now wasn't the best time. "Yeah," he said shortly, watching Draco button his shirt back up.
"Well, get it." Draco said, sighing again. He finished the buttons and reached for his wand, performing a Cleaning Charm on himself. Then he turned to Harry, raising an eyebrow by way of question.
Harry gave a curt nod, not looking Draco in the eyes. Everything felt colder all of a sudden; he didn't like it much.
Draco cast the spell, his chest tightening at the unhappy look in Harry's eyes. He couldn't help it, he told himself. If Potter went all emotional about this, it would just make it all harder in the end.
"Thanks," Harry muttered, getting to his feet. He didn't bother putting any of his clothes on and simply walked over and picked up his book from where he had dropped it. He came back over to the bed and flopped down on it, tossing the book to Draco as he did.
Draco was distracted again by the sight of Harry walking naked in front of him; his breathing hitched and he felt a thrill down his spine. It was almost embarrassing; Harry had just shagged him into the mattress and he still wanted more. He closed his eyes and almonds missed it when Harry threw the book to him.

Hex Me or Kiss Me Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now