Say My Name (mature content)

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Harry almost fell asleep in the direct moments after his orgasm, though he was fully awake when he felt Malfoy clutch at him tightly. He lifted his head to look at Malfoy's face and frowned at what he saw. "What's wrong?" he asked hoarsely, a little shocked that Malfoy was crying again, that he was letting Harry see it.
Draco looked away from that intense gaze and closed his eyes, still holding Harry tightly. He was unable to literally face him at that moment.
Harry didn't know what to do. He respected that perhaps Malfoy didn't want to let Harry see him cry. He laid his head back down and waited, feeling Malfoy still gripping him for dear life; Harry was oddly comfortable.
Draco kept his eyes closed, feeling Harry settle back down against him. He took deep breaths, letting the overwhelming feelings wash themselves out as he found his sense of centre again. His grip on the other boy relaxed, but he didn't let go. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling for a minute. The room was dark except for the fire in the hearth. Perhaps it really did know what people needed.
Harry could sense it when Malfoy had got a hold of himself. "You all right?" he asked quietly.
Draco couldn't help the single laugh that came out almost like a cough. The question was so innocent. He nodded and added quietly, "Yes."
Harry nodded. What were they supposed to do now? He'd just had his first ever other-person-induced orgasm, the other person being Draco Malfoy, whom he was supposed to hate, and who was another boy. It felt so strange to disregard those things.
Draco opened his eyes and looked at Harry, searching his face to find an answer to a question he couldn't even voice yet.
"What?" asked Harry, nearly whispering.
Draco smiled. "Does that answer your question?" Harry gave a minute smile of his own. "I suppose," he said, his eyelids drooping.
Draco reached his hand up and laid his palm against Harry's cheek. "I wanted to know if ... if what I felt was ... real?"
"Was it?" asked Harry simply.
"Apparently so," Draco said, smiling and running his thumb over Harry's lips as he still held his face.
Harry's stomach swooped like it had been doing earlier, only now he knew what it meant. "So ... what now?"
Draco leaned his head over and licked at Harry's lips, his eyes still open and watching the other.
Harry inhaled sharply. "Oh," he said with a small laugh.
Draco smirked at the lovely reaction and leaned in again, kissing Harry gently, his hand sliding along his jaw and into his hair at back of his skull.
Harry kissed back languidly. He let out a contented sigh through his nose. "You're a very good kisser," he whispered against Malfoy's lips - Draco's lips. Because, suddenly, it felt odd to think of him as Malfoy.
"Not bad, I think. But together, we are bloody fantastic," Draco said with a small laugh.
Harry laughed too and yawned. "What time is it?" he asked sleepily. He didn't feel like moving.
"You really don't want to know. Chances are we are past curfew," Draco answered, carding his long fingers through that impossibly thick, dark hair.
"No, I don't want to know really," Harry said, settling in against Draco. He kissed the side of the blond's neck and yawned again. He found himself wishing for a blanket and suddenly felt one covering both of them. He shifted around a bit and then felt the sticky mess in his trousers. "Ugh," he said, "I'm all ... gross."
"Cleaning Charms work wonders." Draco smiled sleepily. He noticed the blanket and then grinned. He imagined they were lying in a very large bed instead of the sofa. He laughed when they were.
"I'm not very good at Cleaning Charms," Harry said, smiling at the bed. He sat up and pulled his wand out of his robe pocket. He muttered the charm and felt a little less sticky, but not completely clean. He thought for a moment and suddenly, there was box of tissue sitting next to him on the bed. "Call me old fashioned," he muttered as he grabbed some tissue and shoved his hand down his trousers.
Draco frowned and retrieved his own wand. He did a quick charm on himself and made a strange face watching Harry with his hand down his trousers. He swallowed hard and found that hard was something his body was thinking, too. "Hm, want some help with that?"
Harry looked up at Draco when he finished with the tissue. "Nah, that's all right, I'm fi -" but then he saw the look on Draco's face, and he, too, swallowed hard. "Help?" he asked breathlessly.
Draco sat staring for a moment at Harry. "And just what would you like help with, Harry?" he purred, smiling wickedly.
Harry bit his already raw-feeling lip. He took a deep breath. It was good to be sixteen. "I think you can figure it out," he said, his voice husky. He'd never even heard his voice sound like that.
Draco set his wand down on a shelf at the headboard that seemed to be just for such occasions. He was breathing heavier already from the sound of Harry's voice and the look in his eyes. "Lie down," he said quietly.
Harry's heart sped up erratically. He did as told and closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly with every breath. He brought one hand up to grip in his own hair, and the other he covered his face with. What was Draco going to do to him? He very much wanted to know.
Draco knelt next to Harry and nearly laughed at his odd pose. Instead, he reached forward and began unbuttoning Harry's trousers and then slowly pulled them back.
"Oh, Merlin," Harry said nervously, already half hard again.
"Indeed," Draco whispered, reaching a hand to caress the other boy's cock still trapped in his shorts. Almost reverently, he slid his fingers along the side of it.
Harry gasped even at such a simple touch. No one had ever touched him there before; he found that he liked that it was Draco. Who knew that he could find out so much about himself within the confines of a few hours?
Draco's eyes widened a bit at Harry's reaction, and then he smiled, moving his hand more confidently. He slid his hand back up, continuing up so that he pushed Harry's shirt with it. At the first contact with the skin of Harry's belly, Draco gasped as well.
Harry swallowed, feeling like he was drowning in a very good way for the second time that night. "Oh, Merlin, just do it," he pleaded, loving that Draco was taking his time, but feeling tortured as well.
Draco chuckled then, but complied, sliding his hand back down, but under the waistband of Harry's shorts. When his hand moved over Harry's cock this time, it was skin on skin, and Draco wondered if he could come just from doing this to the other boy.
"Oh, my God," Harry let out, arching into Draco's touch. He'd never felt something so good in his life, and he'd thought that what they had been doing before had been good. This direct contact was heavenly; so much better than his own hand. He thought he would burst, and Draco wasn't even moving fast.
Draco grinned at the feeling of Harry's cock jumping in his hand when he touched it. He wrapped his long fingers around that warm flesh. "Harry," he said quietly, "don't cover your face."
Harry pulled his hand from his face, flushed and hot. He almost came when he looked down at Draco, at what Draco was doing to him. He propped himself up on his elbows, wanting to watch, hardly able to breathe.
Draco's expression was a mixture of delight and awe as he began to fully stroke Harry's cock with his hand. With his other hand, he pulled Harry's shorts down so that his erection was free of the fabric. He glanced up at Harry and grinned at the look on his face.
Harry locked eyes with Draco, panting. "Kiss me," he whispered.
Draco nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He shifted his body so that he lay alongside Harry's, his hand still holding the other boy's flesh as he used his arm to prop himself up. He leaned over and kissed Harry, his hand squeezing gently as he did.
Harry's arms gave way and he fell onto his back, pulling Draco along with him. He continued to kiss him, all mouth, and tongue, and wetness, and perfection. Harry had never felt as exhilarated as he did right then.
Draco began to stroke Harry in time with his tongue thrusting into the other boy's mouth. His own clothed body was pressed against Harry's hip. Long fingers gently slid up and down, thumb flicking over the head of Harry's cock and spreading the moisture on the down stroke.
Harry was close to coming again. The rhythm that Draco had
developed between his tongue and his hand was so fucking hot, it made Harry imagine doing things that he knew he wasn't ready for, but fuck, they were hot all the same. "I'm gonna come," he whispered against Draco's skin.
"Good," was all Draco could say, nipping and sucking at Harry's jaw as he concentrated on keeping the rhythm.
Harry pulled Draco's mouth to his and came with Draco's tongue still inside. He cried out, lost to everything except the boy on top of him.
The room was spinning, but that was fine with Draco. The feeling of Harry's hot come on his hand, Harry's hands pulling him, their mouths and tongues entwined, and Harry's body shuddering against him, reminded him a lot of flying. And it was perfect.
Harry smiled against Draco's lips as he slowly came down from his high. "Mmmm," he sighed happily.
Draco licked Harry's lips and pulled back to look at his face, smiling. "Now I really have to show you how to use a Cleaning Charm," he teased.
Harry's grin widened. "Be my guest," he said, stretching.
Draco laughed and sat up again. He groaned a bit as he did, the tightness in his trousers restricting his movement a bit. Picking up his wand, he did a simple Cleaning Spell on his hand and on Harry. He returned the wand to its shelf and sat staring down at the boy splayed out before him. Harry's trousers and shorts were pulled half-way down his hips, and his shirt was pulled up just enough to show his belly button. They both still wore the rest of their school clothes.
Harry watched Draco stare at him, and he didn't miss the wince when Draco had sat up. He knew exactly what that was from. Smiling to himself, he said, "Well, I think I'm going to sleep," just to see what Draco would do if he didn't think he was going to get wanked off too. Harry shucked out of his pants and his trousers and threw them off the side of the bed along with his robe. He curled up on his side, still smiling wickedly to himself.
Draco raised his eyebrows at Harry but didn't comment. Instead, he climbed out of the bed and carefully removed his robes, laying them on a chair that suddenly appeared nearby. Then he undid his tie and slid it out of the collar, folding it and laying it across the robe. He sat on the edge of the chair and removed his shoes and socks. Then he stood again to unbutton his trousers and pulled both them and his shorts off. He laid those on top of the other clothing.
Harry watched as Draco undressed himself, so much more gracefully than Harry had done. If Draco turned around Harry would see his cock, and he probably wouldn't be able to keep up his facade.
Draco did turn then and found Harry watching him. Standing there, in just his shirt, Draco grinned and cocked his head, meeting the other boy's gaze.
Harry bit his lip for what felt like the millionth time that night. He didn't say anything. He tried to keep a straight face, but his eyes were probably giving him away.
Draco nodded, liking the look in those sparkling green eyes. He glanced down at his erection, jutting out from blond curls just below the shirt hem. Then he brought his eyes back up to Harry's.
Harry allowed himself a grin. He wanted Draco to get his arse over to the bed right that second, but he still didn't say anything.
Draco put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow, silently challenging the other boy.
Harry knew exactly what Draco was doing and admired his willpower. An erection like that had to be aching. He engaged in a silent staring contest, a small grin playing on his lips.
Draco smirked, but held his position. Yes, his cock ached, but a small amount of pain never stopped Draco from getting what he wanted.
Harry smiled and then caved. "All right fine; get over here, you prat," he said playfully.
Draco lifted his arms, stretching them over his head. The movement made his shirt ride up and his cock bob. "Prat, is it?" He smirked and walked slowly forward until he stood next to the bed.
"Yes, you are a prat," Harry said again. He waited a few seconds. "Well, are you going to get in or not?" he asked with a laugh.
Draco nodded and sat down on the bed, then lay back, swinging his legs up onto the mattress and stretching like a cat.
Harry was very quick to roll on top of him, sliding his hands up under Draco's shirt to caress his pale skin. He kissed him lightly on the mouth before working his way across his jaw again. Draco hissed, arching under Harry and throwing his head back.
"Mmm, I like it when you do that," Harry said, sliding one teasing hand ever lower. He touched Draco's inner thigh, so close to his throbbing cock, but not quite there.
"Now who is the prat?" Draco hissed between clenched teeth, his hands gripping the bedspread under them.
Harry let out a small laugh and kissed Draco's chin. "Do you want me to touch you, Draco?" he said slowly, licking a trail from Draco's chin to his neck.
"Fuck, yes!" Draco gasped, his hands twisting the fabric of the counterpane and his body tense under Harry.
Harry smiled, loving what he was doing, amazed that he wanted to do this so much. He finally let his hand close around Draco's erection.
"Yessss," Draco hissed again, shuddering at the anticipated contact.
Harry felt his cock twitch at that. Merlin, how had he ever gone without Draco Malfoy? He began pumping his hand and went back to licking and kissing along Draco's neck. He loved the little sounds Draco made.
If Draco had ever doubted his own capacity for self-control, he didn't then. He'd almost come just from the sound of his first name on Harry's lips. And when Harry touched him, he'd had to fight it back then. He didn't know how long he could last, but he was determined to test it.
"Tell me what you're thinking," Harry whispered into Draco's ear, wanting to hear how good he was making Draco feel. He sped his hand up, adding a twist at the end.
"Not ... thinking," Draco gasped. "Feeling." He was panting loudly and his hands hurt from gripping the bedding, his whole body trembling.
Harry knew that Draco was close, and that he was trying with all his might to hold it off. What could put him over the edge? An idea sprang to mind; it was worth a shot. Harry imagined a snake slithering before him and then whispered, "You're so fucking gorgeous," in Parseltongue.
Draco had no idea what it was that Harry said, but that definitely did it. He came with a hoarse shout, arching off the bed so far that his shoulders and heels were probably the only parts still on the mattress for a moment. He collapsed into a shuddering, moaning heap, curling onto his side, facing Harry.
Harry grinned widely, probably looking like an idiot, but not caring much. He waited for Draco to stop shuddering. "Was it good?" he asked cheekily.
"Kiss me, you tosser!" was all that Draco managed. He lay curled on his side, feeling utterly wrung out and completely in bliss. He blinked his eyes, trying to focus on Harry's face.
Harry smiled and obliged, kissing Draco lightly on the lips before curling up next to him. He had no idea where his glasses had gone, but it didn't matter. "Oh, Cleaning Charm," he said, remembering. "Want me to attempt one?"
"Can you do one without removing my parts?" Draco mumbled sleepily.
"Yeah, I hope," Harry said. "I really wouldn't want to lose those." He reached and grabbed Draco's wand, not feeling like retrieving his own at the moment. He performed the spell and was amazed that it actually worked.
Draco twitched slightly at the feeling of Harry's magic and then sighed.
"I guess there's a first time for everything," Harry mused, putting Draco's wand back. He scooted under the covers and pulled them up over himself and Draco, settling in next to him.
Draco reached for Harry, pulling him close. His thoughts began to drift. He smiled a bit and muttered, "Using Parseltongue is cheating."
Harry's own eyes were beginning to droop and he yawned. "Perhaps, but you loved it," he said.
"Say my name again," Draco whispered.
For some strange reason, Harry's heart leapt at that. "Draco," he whispered, squeezing him.
"Harry," Draco whispered back, his eyes closed. His last thought before he passed out was that Harry's kiss was worth dying for after all.

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