Monday Morning

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May 5
Harry was so warm and comfortable that he didn't want to move at all. He remembered the previous night and smiled, snuggling closer to the body curled up with him. "Draco?" he asked thickly with a yawn.
Draco felt warm and tired. He smiled at the sound of Harry's voice, but didn't open his eyes. Instead, he burrowed against Harry's body.
Harry sighed happily, but then frowned as he remembered what had happened before the amazing sex. "Draco, I'm sorry," he whispered, holding him even closer.
Draco opened sleepy grey eyes to look up at Harry. "I'm not," he said, blushing. He whispered, "I am yours."
Harry gave a small smile and a tiny nod, settling again. And then his eyes went wide. "Draco, today's Monday," he said, and then he sat up quickly. "What time is it?"
Draco shrugged, unhappy about the sudden reminder of the rest of the world. He wanted to hide in the room for as long as he could. He knew that wasn't really practical but didn't actually care about it at the moment.
Harry leapt out of bed and began throwing his clothes on frantically. He groaned when an alarm clock appeared out of nowhere. "Draco, it's already 9:00! We've missed our first class!" he said, picking up Draco's trousers and throwing them so that they landed on Draco's head.
Draco moaned, rolling over and burying his head under a pillow. He mumbled a response from there but, of course, it was unintelligible.
"Draco, we have to get up! It won't take long for people to figure out we're both missing. Hermione and Ron will send McGonagall up here or something!" He finished dressing, regretting that he was in Muggle clothes. "Draco!" he tried again when he looked up and saw that Draco had buried his head under a pillow.
The image of McGonagall finding him nearly naked was enough to make Draco roll over and start trying to figure which end of his trousers was which. "Where's my wand?" he asked groggily.
Harry reached down and picked up Draco's robes and tossed them to him. "Most likely in the pocket," he said. He felt disgusting and dirty, probably because he was. Harry sat down in a chair to wait for Draco. He supposed he could've just left, but he didn't want to. Not yet.
Draco pulled his wand and performed Cleaning Spells for both of them. He pulled on his trousers and then went to do up his shirt. He grinned and looked at Harry when he realised his shirt no longer buttoned.
Harry blushed a bit. "Erm ... sorry," he said sheepishly. "I was a bit ... eager."
Draco grinned. "I like eager." He looked around the room and did a Summoning Charm to find the missing buttons, then a Reparo on the shirt. It didn't look great, and one of the buttons was still missing, but at least it closed. He found his tie and finished putting the rest of his clothes on. "Can you go to class like that?" He frowned, realising Harry was not in his school uniform.
"Probably not," Harry said, looking at his jeans and his trainer- clad feet. "I don't have any of my stuff with me anyway. I'll change when I go up to get it. Merlin, we're going to be so late," he groaned.
"You go on and get changed," Draco said, walking over to Harry. "I'll go ahead to class. It probably would be better if we didn't arrive together anyway." Draco stood for a moment, almost afraid to move, afraid that if he left it would all dissolve.
Harry nodded sadly and got to his feet. "All right," he said with a sigh. He pulled Draco to him quickly and gave him a swift kiss on the lips before walking over to grab his Cloak. "I'll see you later, yeah?"
Draco nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He watched Harry leave and then sat down for a minute on the chair Harry had left. He tried to remember who he was supposed to be when he left this room. So much had happened in such a short time. He didn't know if he could find the face he was supposed to wear to class.
Harry ran all the way up to Gryffindor Tower. He gathered all his things very quickly and dressed even faster. By the time he had reached Slughorn's classroom door, he looked a complete mess. His hair was all over the place, well, more than usual anyway, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, his shirt was buttoned the wrong way, and his robes were all rumpled, but at least he was there.
Draco made it to class before Harry, but not by long. He had used charms to make himself look presentable, but he didn't miss the suspicious glares he got from the other Slytherins, especially Crabbe and Goyle. He had definitely been missed. He gave them his usual, or as close to usual he could manage, withering look and took his place. And it was all he could do to keep from laughing aloud when Harry came stumbling in. It wasn't until then that he remembered he had Harry's book.
Harry burst into the room, panting. "Sorry I'm late, Professor," he said, scratching the back of his neck. He made quick eye-contact with Ron and Hermione, who both looked worried and a bit angry. He then gave Draco a very quick look.
"Well, I'll have to take twenty points from Gryffindor, Harry," Slughorn said from the front of the class. "It must be come-to-class- late day! Mr Malfoy was late as well!" he added good-naturedly. Harry couldn't help the small blush that crept across his face. He nodded and moved to take his seat next to Ron.
"Harry, where were you --" he began, but Harry shook his head, cutting him off.
Draco schooled his features to show only mild disdain at being grouped with "Potter". Meanwhile, he was trying to figure out what to do about the fact that Harry didn't even have a Potions book today.
Slughorn continued talking about the potion the class was working on. Harry picked his bag up from the floor and pulled out parchment and a quill. He reached in for his Potions book and frowned when he didn't seem to have it. He searched his pockets for a moment before his eyes shot to Draco. He had Harry's book.
Draco was watching Harry with increasing agitation when he started looking in his book bag. He widened his eyes and gave a kind of helpless open gesture with his hands to indicate he understood.
Harry groaned quietly. What was he going to do now? He couldn't walk over to Draco Malfoy and get his book back! What would everyone think? "Ron, can I share your book today?" he whispered.
Ron gave him a funny look. "Where's yours?" he asked, frowning. "I forgot it," Harry lied, giving a nonchalant shrug.
Ron shook his head and didn't look completely convinced, but he
placed his book between him and Harry. Harry gave him a muttered, "Thanks."
Draco hesitated and then pulled the book out, turning it to the assignment. Since he had not gone back to the dorms to change, it was the only copy of the book he had with him.
Harry struggled through the assignment, missing his book dearly. He turned out a potion that was barely the colour it was supposed to be, thicker than it should've been, and that let off a strange smell. He winced when Slughorn began making his rounds about the class to see how everyone had done.
Draco followed the notes in the book and was surprised to find his potion came out better than expected. He was normally good at this anyway, but the suggestions were interesting. He was so caught up in looking at other notes in the book that he almost missed it when Slughorn stepped in front of him. He closed the book a little too quickly but didn't show it in his face. Slughorn laughed and praised the potion, and Draco felt increasingly uncomfortable. Normally, doing so well would've had him smirking at Potter, but he was afraid to even look in Harry's direction at this point.
Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco. The git had used his book. Harry shook his head at him.
"Erm, what's this, Harry?" Slughorn asked when he was in front of him.
"A - a rather bad potion, sir," Harry said, frowning. "Sorry. I'm not feeling very well today."
Slughorn frowned. "Well, perhaps next time then," he said.
Harry nodded and looked over at Draco again. Ron and Hermione were staring at Harry. Ron was looking rather confused, Hermione looking rather suspicious. Draco could feel his face flush when Harry spoke. He ducked his head to cover his embarrassment, glad that class was almost over. He was feeling dizzy again and confused.
Class finished after a few more minutes, and Harry packed up slowly and told Ron and Hermione to go on ahead.
Draco was holding onto the top of the desk, pretending to be
studying notes he had taken. He heard the other students filing out but didn't look up. In fact, he was afraid to move. The room was spinning again, and he was seeing dark spots in his vision.
When everyone had left except Slughorn, Harry figured it would be safe to walk over to Draco. "Have fun?" he asked quietly with no real malice in his voice.
Draco startled at the sound of Harry's voice but didn't rise. He was afraid to shake his head, but he managed to whisper, "No." He spared a glance and noticed Slughorn leaving too.
Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco's reaction and moved to stand in front of his desk. "You all right?" he asked, chancing running a finger across Draco's hand.
"Just," Draco began, trying to think of what to say, "just tired, I think." He struggled to breathe slow and deep, trying to keep from passing out.
Harry frowned. "Draco, are you feeling like you're going to pass out again?" He knew better than to buy Draco's 'I need sleep' farce anymore.
"It will pass," Draco said quietly. "It always does. Someone will see you if you stay. Your friends ...."
Harry glanced at the door. "What if it doesn't, though?" he said, looking back at Draco. He watched him for a few more seconds. "Here, c'mon. I'll help you to the hospital wing." He made to move behind Draco and help him to his feet.
Draco stood up at Harry's urging and the room spun crazily, going black in swirls. He slumped unconscious into Harry's arms.
Harry gasped and gripped Draco hard before he fell to the floor. "Oh, shit," he said, looking around madly as if someone would come out of the shadows to help him. No one came, however, and Harry, panting, dragged Draco to the door and struggled to get it open. Draco was heavy, even for someone who hadn't been eating. "Draco, please wake up," he said frantically. "Please, please wake up." He managed to finally get Draco through the door and was greeted with a shriek of, "Harry! What on earth are you doing!" Ron and Hermione were still standing outside the class, waiting for him.
"He just passed out!" Harry yelped. "Help me!" Ron rushed forward and grasped Draco's arm to pull it around his shoulders. He and Harry began walking forward, carrying Draco along with them.
"Wait!" Hermione cried after they had gotten halfway down the corridor. "Did you try to Ennervate him?" she asked frantically.
Harry closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I didn't think of that," he said. Merlin, he was an idiot.
"Ennervate!" Hermione said, pulling out her wand and pointing it at Draco.
Draco woke with a start, suddenly realising he was being held between two people. Looking quickly to each side, he saw first that familiar mop of black hair and then an equally familiar, but frightening, red head. He stiffened in their grasp, trying to pull himself up.
Harry swallowed heavily and let go of Draco quickly. He turned red, knowing that Draco would be angry at him for not thinking to Ennervate him himself.
"What the hell is going on?" Ron asked, backing away from Draco as well, looking quickly from him to Harry.
Draco nearly stumbled as both boys suddenly released him. He could remember being in class and not much else after that. He frowned, trying to figure it out. "What happened?"
"Erm, you passed out," Harry said quietly. "I panicked. I didn't know what to do ...."
"What the hell is going on!" Ron repeated, louder.
"Yes, Harry," said Hermione. "What is going on?"
Harry looked from Draco to Ron to Hermione. "I just - I - he
passed out and I had to do something! I couldn't just leave him there!" "I'm fine now, Potter," Draco drawled, trying to play the part as always. But despite the spell, he was still feeling tired and very light-
headed. "I've got class," he said, and turned to leave.
Harry didn't want to let Draco leave, but he couldn't do anything
about it with Ron and Hermione standing there. Hermione did it for him.
"Wait, Malfoy!" she said. "You just passed out in class. Shouldn't you go to the hospital wing or something?"
Harry looked at Draco pointedly.
"Since when do you care?" Draco sneered, not having to work at that one. He was still uncomfortable with Harry's friends. He met Harry's eyes briefly but shook his head, clearly refusing.
Harry sighed angrily. He knew Draco was never going to allow him to do this, so he was just going to have to do it. "Malfoy's not fine," he said firmly. "He's in trouble. He needs help." Harry knew Draco was probably going to hate him, but it didn't matter right then. He could deal with Draco hating him again if it meant that he would
be okay.
Draco scowled and did his best to stalk off. Unfortunately, he
didn't make it far. His balance was off, and he found himself crashing into a wall and falling to his knees. "Bloody hell," was all he could think to say.
Hermione gasped, Ron let out a 'Bloody hell' to match Draco's, and Harry rushed forward.
"Draco, stop!" he yelled, not even bothering to use his surname.
"What's the matter with you?" Hermione asked Draco almost fearfully.
Draco stayed on his knees, breathing deep. He was pretty sure that if he had eaten anything that day, he would have thrown up. As it was, the queasy spin was enough to make him paler than any ghost in the castle. "Tired," he said in a clipped voice, not looking up.
Harry rolled his eyes and got to his knees beside Draco. "No, he's not," he said to Hermione. "He hasn't eaten in days."
"Why?" Hermione asked, horrified.
"He just won't!" Harry let out furiously.
"You barmy bugger," Ron said, crouching down next to Harry to
peer at Draco. "Why don't you eat something?"
"None of your fucking business, Weasel," Draco tried to snap at
him, but it came out almost as a gasp. He leaned forward, bringing both hands to rest on the cool stone. Now on his hands and knees, he was trying to think of something to do about this, but everything seemed so foggy.
"I'm taking you to the hospital wing," Harry said firmly, getting to his feet. "Ron, grab his arm again."
Ron shrugged and nodded, getting to his feet as well.
If Draco had had any strength left, he would have fought them. As it was, he remained silent. His arm around Harry's shoulder clutched at him, needing that contact more than he could admit.

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