Tender Trap

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"We're dressed, Severus," Draco said quietly. The older man sat up then, taking a deep breath and bringing his hands up to rub his face before standing. He walked over to the food area and used his wand to start the teapot.

Harry's eyes never left Snape, and he followed him with his body as well, turning as Snape walked about the room. "Where's my wand?" he spat.

"Safe," Snape said as he prepared a tray with the tea and three cups. He pulled out some tinned foods and set them on the tray as well. When he was finished, he carried the tray over to the table. He pulled his own chair up and gestured for the others to sit.

Harry hesitated and looked at Draco. Now that Draco was okay, Harry wasn't so ready to go along with the man who had murdered Albus Dumbledore.

Draco stood, glancing at Harry. He held out his hand to the other boy.

Harry took Draco's hand after staring at him for a moment.

Draco walked over to the table, gently pulling Harry with him, using his free hand to pull out chairs for the two of them. Snape was pouring tea. Now that he was closer, Draco's breath hitched when he saw the telltale red eyes and tear-stained cheeks of the man's face.

Harry was very shocked to see that Snape had been crying. He sat in the chair and said nothing, squeezing Draco's hand.

Snape automatically added milk and sugar to Draco's tea before pushing it toward him. He pushed unaltered tea at Harry and then set the sugar and milk where the boy could reach it. He put some bread and cheese in front of them as well.

Draco took his seat and sipped at his tea, still holding Harry's hand.

This was probably the strangest situation Harry had ever been in. He'd just shagged Draco Malfoy with an obviously crying Severus Snape in the room; Snape had just killed Dumbledore and now they were all going to have tea together?

Draco was quietly nibbling on a piece of cheese, contemplating the situation. "So," he said at last, "I guess the two of you decided to keep me alive anyway. Do you have a plan?"

Harry looked at Snape. "I have no idea what's going on," he said. "Just a second ago I found out that damn serpent is still on your arm, Draco."

Snape huffed, shaking his head. "It would have made matters much less ... difficult ... if either of you had told us about that serpent before last night."

Harry looked at Draco pointedly. Harry had wanted to tell about the serpent, but Draco hadn't.

Draco shrugged. "The serpent was placed there last summer, and the spell included an injunction against telling the identity of the target."

"You still didn't tell anyone about the serpent, even if you couldn't tell them who it was you had to kill," Harry muttered.

"I told you," Draco said.

"Yes, and then you didn't want anyone else to know. Ron and Hermione were the only others," Harry said quietly. "You had given up."

"Enough," Snape snapped. "What else do you know about its commands? How was it placed there?"

Draco sighed and shook his head. "It was put on last year on my birthday. I was told it would release me if the target died. That it would kill me, painfully, on my next birthday if not. He put it on me himself."

Harry's hands shook a little at that, and hatred flared up inside him. He didn't say anything though, waiting for Snape's next words.

"Could you understand the words of the spell?" Snape asked, studying Draco.

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