To Die For (Mature Content)

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May 3
Harry awoke the next morning feeling so warm and comfortable, he didn't want to move. He smiled and kept his eyes closed, inhaling the scent of Draco curled up next to him. He sighed happily and stretched his legs.
Draco froze at the feeling of someone moving in bed with him. His heart sped up and it took him a minute to remember, not only where he was, but with whom. He took a deep breath, calming himself. Yes, the scent of Harry and sex. If he hadn't already woken up with a hard on, that would've certainly done it.
Harry pulled Draco closer to him. "Are you awake?" he whispered into his ear.
Draco's face was pressed against Harry's shirt-clad chest, and he answered by nuzzling it.
"Mmm, guess so," Harry said with a laugh, running his fingers through Draco's silky hair.
Draco slid a hand around Harry's waist, pulling himself up a bit on Harry's chest and then opening his eyes, looking up at Harry's face.
"Morning," Harry said with a smile, his eyes shining. His hands began roaming under the shirt and across the smooth skin of Draco's back.
"Mmm." Draco answered the touch more than the words, blinking at the intensity of those green eyes. "It was real then?" he asked as if he still couldn't believe it.
Harry chuckled. "I think so," he answered quietly, and then he added, "Draco."
"Harry," Draco said, smiling to hear the other boy say his name again.
Harry laughed and pulled Draco up for a kiss. He closed his eyes and kissed him slowly, remembering all over again how wonderful it felt to do this to him.
As Harry pulled him up, Draco gasped at the sensation of being
rubbed against Harry's body and then his lips on his. He kissed back almost fiercely, squirming a bit as his cock rubbed against Harry's hip. Harry could feel Draco hard against him. "What's this?" he asked with a smirk, reaching down and running his hand along Draco's
cock. After last night, he felt bold enough to do it.
Draco growled at the touch, thrusting into Harry's hand.
"Damn," he cursed, but smiled.
"You certainly don't waste any time," Harry said, kissing Draco
again. He continued to let his hand only teasingly touch Draco. Draco's skin was so soft and warm and wonderful. Harry was getting hard too.
Draco rolled his eyes. "You live in a dorm. You should know about morning wood." Then he hissed at Harry's touch. He slid his own hand down to touch Harry's cock as well.
Harry laughed a bit at Draco's remark, but let out a short groan when Draco began touching him. He grasped Draco's cock fully and began fisting it, leaning in to kiss again.
Draco smiled, licking Harry's lips as he leant in. "Stop a minute," he gasped.
Harry stilled his hand, a bit confused, but curious all the same.
Draco rolled away, reaching beside the bed, and smiled as he came back with a small jar. "Whoever designed the room was fucking brilliant." He grinned as he lay back down again.
Harry laughed, but then raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" he asked, indicating what was in Draco's hand.
"Should be some kind of lube." Draco smiled, unscrewing the lid and sniffing it. He nodded and dipped his fingers inside, rolling the substance around and raising an eyebrow at Harry.
Harry bit his lip. "This room is amazing," he said breathlessly.
Draco sat up on his knees, looking down at Harry with a wicked smile. "Spread your legs," he said, and smirked.
Harry gulped. What was Draco going to do? He was a little afraid, but very aroused. Closing his eyes, he slowly spread his legs, his heart beginning to beat crazily inside his chest.
Draco laughed at the look Harry gave him but was thrilled with the way he complied anyway. He moved between Harry's legs, scooting forward. "Bring your knees up, feet flat," he said.
Harry did as told, taking deep, even breaths. He felt very exposed, and a little strange, but his cock was throbbing with the need for
something, whatever Draco wanted to do to him.
Draco chuckled, moving so that his knees tucked in the space
under Harry's. He pressed his own balls and cock against Harry's and sucked in a breath at the sensation. "Open your eyes," he said quietly.
Harry opened his eyes and met Draco's.
Draco looked directly at Harry as he reached with his lubed hand for the boy's cock. He smoothed the oil on that soft skin, enjoying the hardness under it. He had to struggle to keep his own eyes from closing in delight.
"Mmm," Harry moaned. So that was what Draco was going to do. He relaxed completely and gave an upward thrust of his hips.
Draco dipped his other hand into the lube too, coating his own cock as well. Then, with a push of his own hips, he brought the two together, wrapping his own hand around both cocks.
Harry gasped and clutched Draco's thighs, thrusting up again. "Fuck," he hissed out. This felt even more wonderful than anything else they had done; it only got better and better.
"Merlin, yes," Draco gasped, leaning forward to brace himself on one hand while he thrust into his other, sliding along Harry's cock as he did so.
Harry was panting now, moaning on every other breath. He felt like he was on fire. Every part of him that touched Draco felt like ... he didn't even know what it felt like. He just knew that he didn't want it to stop, ever.
Draco gasped, not just at the sensation of their cocks sliding together, but at the way his balls lightly slapped against Harry's with each forward thrust. Each time made him shudder and his head swim. He couldn't last long like this, but he would be damned before he would stop.
Harry was almost laughing now with pleasure. His face burned, and his chest, and his cock. "Oh fuck, Draco, oh fuck, please don't stop! Please don't stop, Draco!" he began chanting, thrusting as quickly as his body would allow.
Oh, that so wasn't fair. Harry chanting like that was going to make Draco come sooner. He gritted his teeth and hung on for control, trying to give Harry just what he wanted.
Harry clung to Draco like he was going to die. He threw his head
back and thrust up with everything he had. A couple more thrusts and he let out an exhausted cry as he came, spurting all over himself and Draco.
The feel of Harry's come on his hands, cock, and even on his chest under the shirt, was electric. Draco screamed, coming right after him. He arched, his head thrown back, and swayed on his knees for a moment, understanding that the expression 'seeing stars' wasn't as much of a metaphor as he'd thought before.
Harry lay still, trying to get his breathing to return to normal. "That was brilliant," he said, panting. He cupped Draco's face with one hand.
Draco nodded, still breathing too hard to speak. He sat back on his feet and smiled down at the mess they had made. His shirt and chest, as well as Harry's, were coated, and his hands were very sticky. He fingered the mess that decorated his own chest for a moment.
Harry watched Draco, his eyes glinting. It was actually quite hot to watch him play with their come. He licked his lips and smirked wickedly.
Draco smiled back and actually blushed a bit. "Maybe you should pass me my wand?" He couldn't take his eyes off the sight of Harry Potter lying spread before him.
"Sure," Harry said, his smirk firmly stuck on his face. He liked it when Draco blushed, he decided. He reached up above him and grabbed Draco's wand, passing it to him.
Draco cast the Cleaning Charm on them both and then continued to sit there, staring down at Harry. He laughed when he noticed a large tray sitting on the side of the bed. It was full of food. Draco had just been thinking that he was hungry, but would rather starve than get out of bed right then.
Harry laughed too at the sight of the food. "You know, I figure we'd probably never have to leave here," he said sadly, knowing as the words left his mouth how impossible that was.
Draco nodded, suddenly sombre. "I wonder how long it will be before they come looking for us."
Harry looked away from Draco. "Ron and Hermione will probably panic if I'm gone for too much longer," he said quietly, fingering the blanket beneath him.
"Let's eat breakfast before we deal with ... the world." Draco
gestured with his hand at 'the world' as if dismissing it with his fingers.
Harry smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He nodded and crawled over to the side of the bed where the food was. He popped a strawberry into his mouth and sighed sadly, not wanting to leave the room. It felt almost like a sanctuary.
Draco lay down beside Harry and reached for a scone, piling cream on. He nibbled on it, seeming more interested in the cream than the pastry.
Harry sighed again. "Want to see my book today?" he asked, remembering the previous night and why he had kissed Draco in the first place. It somehow felt like ages ago.
Draco nodded. "Yes, I do. You know I like Potions work, right?"
"I have managed to pick that up within the past five years," Harry said with a smile, and then he frowned. "Are you still going to tell me ... what you do in here, after I show you the book?" He almost didn't want to know anymore.
Draco looked at him thoughtfully. "I thought I already did." He took another bite of the scone but then grimaced, setting it down. He just didn't feel like eating. He hadn't for a while.
"You told me you wanked in here," Harry said, raising his eyebrows. "But you also said that you – well, you know – the whole multiple choice thing ...." He scratched the back of his neck.
Draco rolled his eyes, lying back and staring at the ceiling. "Well, since I am not having parties in here and I am wanking, that leaves both trying to kill someone and trying to let the powers of, well, you get the picture."
Harry frowned. "Are you serious about that?" he asked, reaching out and trailing a finger across Draco's arm. He watched it, not being able to look Draco in the eye.
"Yes," Draco said quietly, still looking at the ceiling.
Harry's frown deepened. He made a strange sound in the back of his throat, trying to say something, but not being able to find the words.
"And I only have a couple weeks left," Draco added, glancing at Harry and then closing his eyes. "Is it some sort of mission or something?" Harry asked quietly. His worst fears were being confirmed.
"Mission?" Draco sighed. "Makes it sound better that way, doesn't it? Rather than 'do this or I kill you, slowly and painfully.'"
"What is it exactly that you have to do?" Harry asked, dreading the answer. He continued letting his finger trail up and down Draco's sleeve.
"Can't tell you. What I told you already would put you in danger." Draco shook his head. "Except that, being who you are, you are already in danger."
"That is very, very true. You can't put me in any more danger than I'm already in. Tell me, Draco. Please," Harry begged, finally looking at Draco.
Draco sat up, putting his back to Harry. "Yes, Potter, you could be in more danger. Trust me on that one," he spat. "You have no idea how much."
Harry closed his eyes and drew a shaky breath. "I'm sorry," he said, not even sure what he was apologising for.
"So am I," Draco said, letting out the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding. "I don't want to do it. But I am a coward. I don't want to die."
Harry closed the distance between them and came up behind Draco to hug him. He rested his chin on his shoulder. "I don't want to die either," he said quietly. "Don't think that not wanting to die is weak, just know that there's always another way."
Draco snorted. "Gryffindors!" He leant back into Harry's embrace. "I really don't want to die. But I think I can now if I have to."
"You didn't think you could before?" Harry asked curiously, playing with Draco's navel. "What changed?"
Draco was distracted by Harry's hands. "Um, Harry?"
"Hmm?" Harry answered.
"Can't talk ... (gasp) ... when you ...." Draco shivered, leaning his
head back on Harry's shoulder and arching up a bit.
Harry stilled his hands. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "I didn't
realise ...."
"I never have had much control where you are concerned."
Draco smiled, still lying back against him. Harry smiled too. "I've noticed," he said with a smirk and a little nibble on Draco's earlobe.
"Mmmm," Draco sighed, feeling like there was a direct link between his earlobe and his cock. Damn, but it was amazing.
Harry sighed into Draco's ear. "You know what?" he asked huskily.
"Mmmm?" Draco murmured, his cock twitching again as Harry's breath caressed his ear.
"You are going to kill me with all this sex," Harry said, licking around the shell of Draco's ear very slowly. He began caressing Draco's stomach again. "And you're – so – bloody – hot. How the hell did I miss that all these years?"
"Yes," Draco murmured, his hips rising to try to meet that hand, "you have finally discovered my evil plot."
Harry laughed and even that was low and husky. "What do you want me to do to you?" he asked, quickly finding that he loved to hear Draco talk while aroused.
"Everything," Draco gasped. "Anything." He thrust his hips higher, trying to brush himself against Harry's hand.
Harry didn't touch him; he held his hands just out of reach. "Tell me and I'll do anything you want. Just tell me," he whispered before licking along Draco's neck. God, he could do this forever.
"The truth comes out," Draco gasped. "You are truly evil." He turned suddenly in Harry's arms and pinned the other boy to the bed, sending the tray of food crashing to the floor. Draco straddled Harry's waist, having grabbed his wrists. He grinned down at him.
Harry was shocked for a moment and didn't move. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events," he said finally with a raised eyebrow. His heart rate began to speed up again. He felt like there was nowhere else in the entire world he would rather be.
Draco smiled down at Harry, his balls and hard cock pressed against Harry's belly and Harry's cock pressed against his arse. "Anything?" Draco smirked.
Harry gulped, but then made up his mind and nodded. "Yes, anything," he gasped. Draco smiled at him, then looked very serious for a minute. "Harry? Have you .... What have you done before?"
Harry frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You mean like... sex?" He blushed and looked away.
"Yes." Draco rocked his erection against Harry for a moment,
reminding him of the situation he was in. "I presume when you said anything, you weren't talking about playing chess."
"No, I wasn't talking about chess," Harry murmured. "I've never done it before, but – I mean – I'm ... willing .... That is if that's what you want ...." He looked up at Draco's face and he felt like his heart might explode.
"With anyone?" Draco asked.
Harry shook his head. "No one else," he whispered.
"And you want to do this with me?" Draco was really surprised. Harry bit his lip. "I --" he began, but then he simply nodded, not
trusting himself to speak.
"Which way?" Draco asked, his cock twitching as he envisioned
the possibilities.
Harry bit his lip harder. "I – I don't know. Which – I mean –
what do you think?" He was painfully hard now. He'd never had so many erections in such a short amount of time.
"Gods, Harry!" Draco was leaking pre-come now, and Harry's cock against his arse made him rock back against it. "I want ...."
Harry stared up at Draco and squirmed a bit beneath him. "What?" he whispered desperately.
Draco answered by reaching for the lube again and leaning forward to kiss Harry.
Harry kissed him back, eyes sliding closed and heart speeding up even more. All he could hear was its pounding and the small noises his and Draco's lips made as they kissed each other senseless. Was he really about to have sex, real sex? He could barely process it.
Draco deepened his kiss, slipping his tongue in to plumb Harry's mouth. With one hand, he dipped his fingers into the lube and then reached behind, slipping them into himself.
Harry didn't know what Draco was doing, but every time he made the smallest movement, his cock brushed against Draco's arse and he groaned at the wonderful friction. "Mmm, fuck," he breathed. Draco kissed along Harry's jaw, having worked two fingers into himself and breathing deeply to try to relax enough for a third. He whispered in Harry's ear, "Yes, that is the idea."
Harry moaned at that and kissed Draco again. "What are you doing?" he asked breathlessly, feeling as if he were missing something.
Draco sat up a bit and dipped the fingers of his other hand into the lube. He reached back to grasp Harry's cock, slicking it.
Harry gritted his teeth and threw his head back. "Ah!" he cried as Draco's touch sent the most intense tingles up his spine. He knew exactly what was going on now. Draco wanted Harry to fuck him. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Harry almost came at the thought.
Draco looked Harry in the eyes. "You ready? You want this? Tell me."
"Yes. Yeah. Please," Harry said, grasping at Draco's arms. He felt like he was going to jump out of his skin.
"Use the words and use my name," Draco said softly, rubbing the head of Harry's cock against his own entrance.
Harry's cock jumped and if possible, became even harder. "I want to fuck you, Draco. I want to fuck you," he said tightly. He was almost sobbing with need. "I want to be inside you."
Draco smiled, his own cock answering the words, pulsing. He leant back, allowing his own weight to bring himself down on Harry gradually. He felt the head of Harry's cock breach him and groaned loudly, trembling.
"Oh, fuck!" Harry let out, squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't know if Draco had ever done this before; he hadn't asked. It had to hurt at least a little bit, even if Draco had done it before. Harry tried to keep completely still, despite it being against everything his body was telling him. He wasn't going to move until Draco gave him the okay.
Draco hissed, and he wasn't sure whether it was in pleasure or pain. Probably both. He slid down, forcing himself to relax and keep moving until his balls were pressed against Harry's belly.
Harry could hardly breathe, and it was a moment before he noticed that he wasn't breathing. He took in a lungful of air and gritted his teeth even harder. He gripped Draco's sides and hoped that he would be able to hold out.
Draco was fully seated and breathing deep. He finally relaxed a bit and opened his eyes, looking at Harry. "Harry?"
"Hmm?" Harry forced out, cracking one eye open. Fucking shit. Draco looked good on top of him. Draco was trembling and, looking into Harry's eyes, said, "Fuck me, Harry."
Harry let out a very long, low moan and slammed his hips up. He'd never felt anything so tight in his life. He hadn't thought anything could be that tight. He ran his hands across Draco's clothed upper body, his arms, his chest, his stomach; he couldn't get enough of him.
Draco began to rock, meeting Harry's thrusts. It felt truly amazing to have Harry inside him.
"Merlin, you feel amazing," Harry panted. Draco probably couldn't even understand what he was saying. He was practically an incoherent blob of completely aroused goo. He thrust up again and again, hoping that he wasn't hurting Draco, but unable to stop.
"Yes, Harry," Draco sobbed. "Fuck me!" He was rocking, his hands clenched on Harry's shoulders as he moaned with each thrust.
Harry was tossing his head all around, his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. "You're so tight, Draco. Merlin, so tight," he gasped. He slammed his hips up harder, wondering just how far inside Draco's body he was.
Draco was getting dizzy, which meant he was either going to come or pass out; he wasn't sure which. He bent his head and leant forward more, letting Harry do most the work. Something about the angle changed the feeling and then Harry's cock hit something inside of him. Something amazing. He screamed and sobbed Harry's name.
Harry didn't know what he did, but he was pretty sure it was something good. He thrust again and again, breathing heavily, his chest heaving. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer. If he hadn't already come that morning, he probably wouldn't have even lasted this long.
Draco felt like Harry had somehow opened him up inside. He was flying, and it wasn't like coming usually was. It was less focused in his cock but seemed to ripple out from some point inside him. He wasn't even aware that he was shouting Harry's name. Harry was on the very brink of an orgasm. When Draco came and shouted his name like nothing else mattered in the entire world, Harry couldn't hold back any longer. He came with a wild shout of, "Yes, Draco!" and emptied himself into Draco's arse.
Draco slumped forward, his head resting beside Harry's, his face pressed into his hair. "Definitely worth dying for," he muttered. Harry didn't really understand what that meant, but he didn't say so. He wrapped his arms around Draco and pulled him down to lie on top of him. He kissed his hair and took deep breaths, calming himself. "It was perfect," he whispered so quietly, Draco might not
have heard him.
Draco was exhausted. He lay panting and probably, from what he
could tell, going in and out of consciousness.
"You all right?" Harry asked gently, tucking Draco's hair behind
his ear.
Draco's eyes were closed and his breathing slowed, his body
relaxing. He didn't hear Harry.
Harry's eyes widened. Had Draco passed out or something? He
hadn't meant to be that rough. "Draco?" Harry asked a little louder, shaking him lightly.
"Mmmm," Draco murmured but didn't open his eyes.
Harry let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you had passed out." He laughed, stroking Draco's hair again.
"Mmm, I think I did," Draco said with a sigh.
Harry smirked. He couldn't resist. "That good, eh?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes," Draco whispered. "You are eloquent as always." Draco squirmed a bit. "I think I need to move."
Harry nodded and let him go, allowing him to sit up.
Draco didn't sit up, he slid up, moaning as Harry's cock slid out of him. He fell to the side, curling against Harry with his head on the other boy's shoulder.
Harry smiled and stared up at the ceiling, tracing circles on Draco's shirt-clad back. "Mmmm, we just woke up and I swear I'm ready to go to sleep again," he murmured.
"Yes." Draco sighed, then smiled when he realised his hand was resting in more warm goo on Harry's chest. He swirled his fingers in the come and spread it over Harry's nipples.
Harry shivered from the touch and grinned at Draco. What Draco was doing felt good, even if it was a bit strange. Draco rubbed Harry's nipples, his fingers still coated in lube and now come.
Harry stretched his neck and bent for a kiss, letting one of his hands join Draco's on his chest.
"Messy again," Draco murmured, still playing with Harry's
Harry shivered. "Mmm, yes, but I don't mind this kind of mess,"
he said. "I think I'm out, though. I probably won't be able to get hard again for a few hours."
"I think I will pass out if I come again right now." Draco chuckled. "I need sleep."
"Mmm, yeah, me too," Harry said sighing. "How about we sleep for an hour or so and then show our faces to 'the world' so people don't start ripping the castle apart to find us?"
"Mmm." Draco was asleep before he could think of anything else to say.

Hex Me or Kiss Me Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now