Stefan wet a cloth in some water and gently wiped her face for her, doing his best to make her feel better. "There's nothing to apologize for" he told her, setting the cloth aside and placing his hand on her leg. "You didn't get any on me, so no worries" he said, making light of the situation.

She couldn't help but laugh a little, even while she was crying and even though it hurt to do so. Elena placed her hand on her chest and took in a deep breath to try and calm down. She started coughing again. "It really ... hurts ... Stefan" she said in between her coughs.

"Here, try some water" he said, grabbing her water cup for her and holding it up to her lips to drink. He watched her take small sips before pushing his hand away. "Lay back, and I will go and get a nurse" Stefan said, helping her to lean back into her pillow.

He was only gone for a split second after having found someone to check on Elena. It broke his heart to walk back into the room with the nurse and to see Elena looking so miserable.

"Hi there Elena" the nurse said as she went to check on Elena's fluids. "You're coughing a lot and your throat is hurting still?" she asked.

Elena nodded. "And I'm really nauseous" she added, holding her throat that hurt when she spoke.

The nurse checked Elena's chart. "Alright, what I am going to do for you is give you something for the pain and nausea and then I am going to put you back on oxygen for a little while" she explained, making notes on Elena's chart. Then she reached around Elena for the oxygen and got her situated.

Elena looked worried. "Am I going to have to stay overnight?" she asked.

The nurse looked at Elena sympathetically. "Possibly" she answered. "Let's give the oxygen a little more time to work and then we'll talk about what will be best for you" she said, grabbing Elena's hand gently and smiling down at her. "I'll be right back with your medication" she promised before disappearing out of the room.

Elena looked down at the IV in her arm and frowned. "It itches" she whispered. She hated those damn things and was glad she was so out of it when the EMT had started it.

Stefan returned to his spot in the chair next to her bed. He grabbed her hand and gently ran his thumb over the tape holding her IV in place, trying to give her some relief. "I'm sorry you're going through this" he said softly. He felt helpless, like there was nothing he could do for her that would make things better. "I talked to Damon a little while ago and he's going to get your room set up for you" Stefan mentioned.

Elena wanted to tell him that she would rather stay at his house on the beach. But she couldn't sound like she needed him. The past six months, she had been trying to prove to herself that she didn't. She could be independent. "I want to rest for a little while" she whispered. It took a lot of effort for her to roll over on her side, away from him. Silent tears fell, but she knew he couldn't see them. "You don't have to stay here" she said quietly.

Stefan stayed where he was, having no intention of going anywhere. "I'll be right here if you need anything" he told her.

Elena closed her eyes and did her best to hide the fact that she was crying.

But he knew she was.


Stefan put his jeep in park and shut the engine off in Damon's driveway. Elena dreaded having to get out of the jeep. But what other choice did she have? Her place was no longer livable. If it weren't for Damon, she would be living under a bridge. She was grateful for his hospitality. Damon was a good person who she loved very much. But she still did not want to get out of Stefan's jeep.

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