With that, I leave Gaius's chambers and head back to my own to finish the paperwork that I need to send to my father by the end of the day. Maybe if my buffoon of a servant comes back soon, I can have him help complete some of this work.

*Two hours later*

As I'm in deep concentration of my work, I hear my chamber's door being opened and closed. There is only one person who dares enters a prince's chambers without knocking first.

"Merlin. Nice of you to finally join me. Hope your time picking herbs were eventful. Now, I believe you have some bags to back."

I can feel Merlin rolling his eyes at me.

"Yes sire. Would you like me to scrub your fat bottom while I'm on it?"

"You know, I can have you thrown in the stocks for that. You shouldn't be insulting a prince."

"How about an ass?"

"You really love the stocks, don't you?"

"And when will you put me in the stocks, sire? Today, before I pack all your bags or after? Or how about after we get back from the week long hunting trip that we leave for tomorrow? Or maybe I can go tomorrow morning before I prepare the horses? Or should I go afterwards? No, not enough time. Why not just bring the whole thing with us and you and the knight can just pelt me with rotten food while you guys are killing animals? Or how about-"

"Okay Merlin, I get it. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I just have a bad feeling about this hunting trip."

"You have a bad feeling about everything."

"And I'm usually right."

No he's not. I mean, besides a few times. Or, a lot of the times. But, Merlin doesn't need to know that.

"You are just trying to come up with excuses not to go on the trip. It's your punishment you know. You can't skip out of you punishment."

"I'd rather get flogged."

Over my dead body.

"Well, too bad. If you rather get flogged, then I know bringing you on a hunting trip will bring you the worst misery. Perfect punishment."

"You are cruel."

"Maybe. But it's not like I woke up my master in the middle of the night with frogs, tied him up, wake him up extra early for breakfast with his father only to-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. Now, I believe you have paperwork to finish and I have bags to pack."

~~Merlin's POV~~

After a long day of completing chores for Arthur and Gaius, I'm finally able to get some sleep. Given, I only have three hours before I have to get up again. But, three hours is better then no hours.

I lay down in my not so comfortable bed. Even though it's not that comfortable, it's a lot better then sleeping on the floor, like I did back in Ealdor. Closing my eyes, I can only hope for Gaius to wake me up in time.


I pop straight up in my bed and look around. I don't see anybody around.


The voice is in my head. I know exactly who it is and they are just going to have to wait.

"Merlin. I know you can hear me. Don't ignore me."

At least I can try to.

"Merlin. It concerns your destiny."

Ugh. I hate you overgrown, cryptic lizard.

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