Chapter Seven

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~~Unknown POV~~

Now it's time to continue my plan. I've already set doubt in the prince's head about magic, now it's time to test Emrys's loyalty to him.

This hunting trip will truly show if Arthur Pendragon will be the once and future king to unite the lands of Albion.

~~Uther's POV~~

Knock, knock.

"Come in."

I look up from my desk to see Arthur standing at the doorway.


"Father. I wish to go on a weeks long hunting trip."

"Did you complete the papers I left for you?"


"Okay. Leave it for me and you may go. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"And who is joining you?"

"My usual knights and my manservant."



"Ah. Are you sure it is wise to bring the boy with you?"

"He has come with me prior. He is a good cook and he carries everything. Although, his clumsiness seems to scare off all of the animals."

"He scares off the animals?"

How does someone scare off animals?

"Merlin tends to trip a lot and causes a lot of noise."

"Are you sure the boy isn't doing it purposely?"

"I assure you father, Merlin couldn't walk in a straight line if his life depends on it. I must go now."

"Of course."

With that, he leave.

I wonder, why does my son allow a servant on his trips with him? Though, I'm not draft enough to see that the boy is much more than just a servant. What my son does to protect the boy is beyond me. But, what intrigues me more is what the boy does to protect my son. I wonder why a simple servant is so loyal to Arthur. I guess that blind loyalty can come in handy in the future if Arthur is ever in trouble. I know the boy would give his life before he lets something happen to Arthur. And, the boys has shown to be a great asset against magic. He has warn me of several magical users around and lied to protect Arthur from killing me.

One day, I'll have to formally get to know the boy's mother and find out how she managed to get the boy to be so loyal. For now, I just have to get back to all this boring paperwork. At least I know when I'm dead, I don't have to deal with all this work.

~~Arthur's POV~~

"Gaius, is Merlin in here? I need him to pack my bags for tomorrow?"

"Good afternoon sire. I sent Merlin out to gather some extra herbs to bring on your hunting trip. Always somebody tends to get hurt on one of these trips."

"Not always. Only the ones where Merlin scares away the animals. Then somebody gets hurt. Oh wait, I supposed that's always then."

"You know, sire. You should give Merlin a little more credit. He does more then you think for him."

"Merlin? Sure, he sometimes actually decides to do his chores. I must leave now, but please send Merlin to my chamber when we gets back."

"Yes sire."

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