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ʚ chapter twenty-four ɞ

*two months later*

"Don't you even dare, Angel!" She screamed so she would sound as intimidating as she could be, but with her high pitched voice it was anything but intimidating.

"Or else?" He teased her by showing her how easy it was for him to grab her off the counter. He gently pocked her calves, in hope she would give up and jump down.

"Or else I might do something you'll regret." She ran across the counter to try and escape his checkmating position, but running on the floor was apparently quicker than running on the counter since Asher was already there when she arrived.

"And what might that be?" The smirk on Asher's face send butterflies throughout Annie's body. She hoped he wouldn't ask her this question because she didn't want to answer, so she rolled her eyes instead.

Seeing the position she was in, she realize she was never going to win. "Okay, okay. I give up." She held her hands up in the air in surrender.

Asher thought he had teased her enough and stepped back so she could peacefully get off the counter. Annie gave him a look of disbelief as he stepped further away from the counter. "What?" he asked, genuinely confused why she acted like he did something wrong.

"You're not helping me? Okay, okay. I get it." Annie was scared Asher would take her too seriously, but thankfully, he didn't.

"Does the little princess need to be adored like always?" he said with a smirk, slowly walking towards Annie again. Annie scoffed at his remark but also knew he said it partly joking.

"Thank you dearly," Annie said once he put her down. He didn't let her go that easily so he held her up against the counter so she couldn't escape.

"Keeping me prisoned in my own house again?" Annie referenced to the time when Asher wouldn't let her leave the house for longer than 5 hours. Asher rolled his eyes as he squeezed Annie's hands gently.

"Well, no—but technically, yes." A smile escaped his lips as he once again rolled his eyes. He unintentionally bit his lip, just because she was getting on his nerves but he did love it.

Annie patted his shoulders as she gently pulled them apart. "We've got a competition to attend," she said while already walking away. She gave him a cheeky wink just before she disappeared in her room. Asher smiled to himself, shaking his head as he followed her steps.


The stands were filling up rather quickly; in a matter of minutes the complete basketball court was surrounded by hundreds of people waiting to cheer their acquaintance on. Annie say next to Asher on the fourth row. It was a perfect seat to oversee the whole field without sitting too close.

Annie acknowledged her mother from across the room, looking around to find her daughter in the audience. Annie waved desperately in her direction, smiling sweetly as she got her mother's attention. It took her mother a few minutes to get to where she was sitting because she was already kind of late so she had to find her way through the coaches and players.

"Nice place," her mother said as she took a seat next to Annie. Annie nodded her head, looking in between the players to find a familiar face. She made eye contact with vibrant brown eye that were already looking up at her. A happy yet nervous smile appeared on her little sister's face.

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