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ʚ chapter fifteen ɞ

"One more shot, you have already played before your turn twice now." Hayley attempted another shot and made it with the ball bouncing off the backboard. She turned around with a pout on her face. "What happened?"

Hayley sat down on the grass, her legs crossed and her face hiding from her sister. She didn't want her to know she felt embarrassed, but she knew she had already noticed. "I can't make a good shot. You and Jayden can throw any ball and it will make it without hitting the backboard. I will never be good enough."

Annie sat down next to her little sister and pulled her onto her lap. She gently stroked her hair as she spoke, "Practice, practice, practice, Hayley. Do you think I threw my first ever ball like that?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, you are talented in everything you do so I wouldn't be surprised." Annie pulled Hayley's head from her chest and forced her to look in her eyes by grabbing her chin.

"So are you, Haybug. It just takes a little more practice for you than it does for me, and that's okay. I don't know how long I will still be here, but what would you say if I offered you daily private lessons?"

Hayley drastically nodded her head and stood back up again. "I would love that. Can we start now?" Annie nodded her head and was about to stand up when she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket.

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She smiled at the notification. She knew Asher was struggling a lot without her but it felt good seeing him still continuing his work. "I don't know what you're smiling at, but it can't be more important than teaching me."

Hayley was passing the ball from the one hand to the other impatiently, waiting until Annie would get off her phone. "You're right, I'm coming." She dropped her phone in the grass and grabbed the ball out of Hayley's grip.


"Remember, hand on the core of the ball, throw the ball with an arc, point to the ball when releasing." Annie stood behind Hayley to get the best sight of her throwing skills.

Annie has been teaching her the most useful tips she could give. Now, for the first time, Hayley threw the ball in attempt to throw her best shot yet. "Hand on the ball, throw the ball with an arc, point to the ball when releasing." She repeated her sister's words and threw the ball.

The ball nearly missed but made it with a few bounces on the basketball hoop. Hayley tried her hardest not to be disappointed in herself, but couldn't help it. Annie noticed the slight bit of disappointment in her.

"Come on Hay, heads up, you can do this. Remember everything I said and try again." She chases after the basketball which was casually bouncing away onto the streets.

She took a deep breath and threw the ball again. The ball made a perfect arc and if she aimed it a little to the left, she would have made it. She turned around and gave her sister a hug.

"Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it. I think we should head inside though, dinner is almost done. I can smell it." She crinkled her nose, inhaling the fresh air combined with the smell of garlic chicken.

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