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ʚ chapter twelve ɞ

"If I lift you, will you do it?" Annie shook her head firmly. "Why not? You asked me to play with you and now you are not wanting to throw a ball?" Annie knew he was kidding by the way he talked.

"First of all, you asked me. Secondly, I am a strong, independent woman who can throw a ball on her own." She grabbed the basketball out of his hands and made it within one shot. "See," she stated proudly.

Annie was shocked herself that she made it first shot but she was glad she did; it would have been very embarrassing if she didn't. Elijah was impressed with her shot. He ran after the basketball and tried to make the same shot as Annie but failed immensely.

Annie laughed and felt even prouder of her shot. "Okay, okay. You win," he said. He tried to make more shots as Annie sat on the grass watching him. She felt the grass vibrate and picked up the phone who was laying next to her.

I know you said not to bother you while you were gone, but would you mind sending me my planner so I know what to do.

Seeing his name pop up on her screen again had an impact on her she hadn't felt before. She missed him but felt rage all at once. She hasn't forgiven him yet but she did accept the situation. It happened and she can't change it anymore.

"I'll be right back." She got up and watched Elijah nod at her before running inside. She ignored the glances she got from running inside and went straight to her room.

She opened up her laptop and opened up his planner. He had the final decision on his new merch today. She knew how much he was dreading that appointment today.

It made her miss being around him even more. The way he would hug her when she got upset, the way he would run his hand through her hair while comforting her. She missed it all.

Deep down she knew she shouldn't think about his, especially not in this way right now, but she couldn't help it. With one click she sent him his planner without any context.

She closed her laptop and fell down on her back. Why did he have to text her, why now? Why couldn't he just keep his own planner on his phone, why did she?

She looked out her window and saw Elijah playing basketball with Hayley. Hayley always shied away in Asher's company and Annie never really knew why. For as long as Hayley has know Elijah, not once did she hide from him.

Annie would love to know what Asher ever did wrong to Hayley that caused her to become shy towards him, apart from their kiss last time of course.

He held Hayley up in the air so she could reach the basket and dunk. It made her smile knowing things could be different. Her sister could also get along with the boy you like, she doesn't always have to try and get away from him.

She went back downstairs but didn't go outside yet. She found her mother sitting at the table working on her laptop. She always took certain days to work from home so she could be with Hayley while she did school.

Annie's parents divorced when they were little. Her father left when Annie was only four years old and Hayley was a few months at the time. She has never known her father nor the reason why he left.

𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 | 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें