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ʚ chapter six ɞ

She didn't kiss back, keeping her lips on his until she could fully realize what was happening. After not even five seconds, she pulled back but she didn't push him away. "What are you doing?" she said softly. She was too scared to look him in his eyes, instead she fidgeted with the strings of his hoodie.

"I.. I thought." He sighed. He still had his hands around her waist but let them swing back to his side as he finally understood what she meant.

"You thought what? That the make out session opened doors that used to be superglued? I still stand by my words Asher; it was an one time thing, a heat in the moment. And by the way, best friends don't kiss," she said, her voice filled with confidence. He clicked his tongue, nodding his head as he backed up even further.

He understood where she was coming from because he knew it too, if they made it a regular thing it would get addicting. He knew she was right; best friends don't kiss.

With his head still nodding, he slowly made his way to his room. Just like last time, he stripped down and stepped in the shower to try and wash away any remaining tracks of her.

He showered quickly, not having any other reasons to shower other than get Annie's scent from his body. He wasn't planning on leaving his room for the rest of the night so all he wore were soccer shorts and got in bed. It didn't take him very long to drift off into a deep sleep.

Annie was still standing in the same position in the kitchen, completely flabbergasted from the last few minutes. What did she say that was the trigger for him to walk away from her? She didn't understand it. Wasn't she right?

They both agreed a long time ago they would never go any further than being friends. Because just like she predicted, it would ruin their friendship.

She took the vacuum out of the cabinet and cleaned up the remaining glass mess from the ground. She grabbed his credit card and ordered him a new phone and made sure it was delivered the next day; she's still his assistant no matter the circumstances.

About ten minutes have passed after she heard him turn the shower off. She knew he was a quick sleeper and therefore knew she was safe to go check on him.

She slowly opened his door and immediately closed it behind her, not wanting the light from the hallway to wake him up. Her footsteps neared his bed. She slowly lowered down until she was met with his bed.

He was facing her. She slowly stroked her hand through his wet hair to get it out of his face. His face felt warm and she could hear him breathing through his mouth, which wasn't usual for him. His breath felt warmer than normal.

She hated seeing him like this. Especially if she knew she was the reason, without even fully knowing why. She ran her hand through his hair to make place for her lips on his forehead. "Best friends don't kiss, right?" His sudden words caused her to pull away immediately.

She carefully smacked his chest and got up. Asher laughed and coughed at the same time. "Shut up." She walked out of his room to his bathroom to get him some medicine so he could feel a little better.

As she looked in the bathroom mirror she had an unlikely rosy color on her cheeks. Did he make her sick too? She filled a glass with water and handed it to him. He took the medicine as she opened his window for some fresh air and tucked him in better.

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