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ʚ chapter seven ɞ

Annie hadn't left Elijah's side at all that night. Their atmosphere was filled with laughters Asher couldn't get out of Annie for a little over two months. He was jealous, jealous of the way she leaned on him when he made her laugh, jealous of the way he managed to get her out of her shell ever since he made her get in it.

He decided to sit with his friends to get rid of his jealousy a few minutes ago but it only made it stronger. A brunette girl made her way over to him and sat dangerously close to him.

Since Asher turned his camera off, the strippers came and joined them in the living room while some of them left. Every time one of the boys joked around the room was filled with high pitched laughters from the girls. Asher didn't want to be the one to ruin the mood so he laughed along with the rest.

Asher felt a cold hand creep its way up the side of his leg, resting itself on his thigh when she reached the top. The urge to stand up and walk away was getting bigger by the second. The only reason to stay is to get Annie just as jealous as he was, even though she was in a completely different room.

She tracked circles around his upper thigh, purposely letting her hand slip down every now and then. No matter how badly Asher wanted her hand to leave, he didn't budge. Maybe it will do him good for once, maybe it will get his mind off Annie.

He moved his hand from his lap behind her, holding himself up by leaning on the couch. He still didn't pay any attention to her as he focused on the jokes Jack was telling.

He was rubbing his thumb up and down at the hem his her almost nonexistent shirt. He felt goosebumps originate under his thumb. The boys were too busy laughing to even notice Asher's hand sliding up her shirt more and more.

Her shiny brown eyes reminded him of Annie. The way she used to look in his eyes before they kissed drive him insane. He was debating whether or not he should go any further.

He took her hand and let her through the boys to the hallway, oohing sounds echoing behind them as they walked around the corner. His body took over his actions. He was blinded by her brown eyes to notice this wasn't Annie. He melted away in her eyes as he came closer with every breath.

The brown eyed girl brushed her hands up his chest and tried to push him away. Asher grabbed her hands and pulled them next to her head like he used to do with Annie. He was too blinded by her eyes to remind himself to calm down. He knew the girl he was holding to the wall wasn't Annie but there was something in her eyes that reminded him of her.

The girl in his arms began to squirm in his arms and opened her mouth to speak but she was shushed by Asher locking his lips on hers. He thought that if he kissed the mysterious brown eyed girl, he could relive the experiences with Annie.

The girl didn't kiss him back. She kept her lips stiff and refused to move them. Asher was too desperate to have those brown eyes locked with his to care.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Annie was loving her life talking to Elijah. She hadn't felt this good since two months ago. It was the moment he kissed her for the first time, that had changed her.

An intense amount of feelings ran through her head the second their lips touched. It was that moment she realized her feelings for him didn't go away one bit.

𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 | 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now