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ʚ chapter two ɞ

The house felt quiet without Annie, too quiet if you asked Asher. He liked having her present. No, he didn't like her. She was his best friend, how could he possibly like her?

Asher cleaned up the best he could before the boys arrived to minimize the mess as less as possible when Annie came home. She wasn't his maid but she felt the need to keep the house clean, for her own purpose as well.

"A cleaning Asher Angel? Never in my life did I think I would ever witness this." Asher could recognize the voice out of millions.

"Shut up, Jack" Asher greeted his friend from high school with a high-five. Asher and Jack have always been more than just acquaintances in high school, just not enough to really call each other friends.

One day, years after high school, they ran in to each other at Starbucks. The click they had back in high school became stronger the more they talked, eventually becoming friends.

"Am I the only one here? Wow I guess I'm really witnessing things today I never thought would happen." Jack jumped over the backrest of the couch, letting gravity take over his body until his back was met with the couch.

"Where's Annie? I heard something about Starbucks?" Asher picked up the last few things before he joined his friend on the couch.

"Yeah, she's picking up Starbucks right now. She told me to ask you what you want?" Jack thought long about his decision while the rest of the boys always had a go to order.

Asher had already texted everyone's order while Jack was still thinking deeply about it. "Come on dude, she's waiting." Asher said annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let your girlfriend wait for me. I'll have a pink drink." Jack said after thinking way too long.

"Dude why do you always think about your order way too long and then order the same thing over and over gain?" He shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the girlfriend reference.

One by one, Asher's friends arrived at his house. It became more chaotic as the minutes passed. Asher filmed everything his friends were doing, the content he got was amazing.

Somewhere in the middle of a pingpong ball fight, Annie came home with the drinks. Everyone was too busy dodging the balls that flew around the house to even notice Annie coming home.

Annie was wise enough to just grab her drink and hide in her bedroom from the balls that were flying around the house. She checked her phone to see if she needed to get anything done today, which she didn't.

She grabbed her laptop and connected her AirPods to her laptop. The last thing she would want is Asher and his friends to scream loudly and interrupt her Netflix.

It wasn't much later than 10 o'clock when the boys left, leaving Annie and Asher alone again. It was an extraordinary moment because they normally don't leave before the clock hits one. Asher grabbed his laptop and laid down next to Annie and he began editing.

Annie didn't even budge when her door opened. Asher always came in her room to edit his videos; he liked her company while he edits. Annie's eyes felt heavier every minute that passed. Asher seemed to notice and waited for her to completely be asleep so he could leave without waking her.

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