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ʚ chapter twenty-one ɞ

The second her first foot stepped in the abandoned looking building, her nostrils were filled with the lingering smell of alcohol. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze in an attempt for reassurance, but all Elijah did was let her hand go. He man-greeted a group of people standing around the bar.

Annie looked around her, it definitely wasn't just alcohol what they were taking - it had to be something stronger. Hundreds of people managed to fit in a 150 square foot room. Eyes that looked possessed and their skins as white as a corpse. Annie had predicted thus would be bad but this? This was a disaster.

It wasn't just teens who attended this party. Everywhere you look you saw people, probably in their midlife-crisis, dancing with way younger people. No, this wasn't a party; this was some weird cult. There were countless posters hung up on the walls, showing a god-alike figure - but with a mysterious white pounder in his hands. She couldn't figure out the language, but it looked a whole lot like Chinese writing. She would have loved to know what it said, mainly for her own safety, but it was too late since Elijah dragged her over to the dance floor.

She knew being short would only come in handy in very few circumstances, and this definitely wasn't one of them. People who were easily two feet longer than Annie danced around her heavily. She got knocked over multiple times but managed to keep her balance. Annie had enough, she needed to get out of there before she started to get claustrophobic. "I'm going to go over there for a minute," Annie said. Elijah looked at her for a second, nodded, and went back to dancing with his friends.

Annie's stomach growled loudly as she made her way to the bar again. It seems to have clear up around the bar since everyone was on the dance floor instead of hanging around the bar. Not that Annie would mind, she finally had time on her own to take a breath. "Do you have anything to eat?" Annie asked as she sat down on the barstool.

The man behind the bar desperately nodded and handed Annie a yellow card. She guessed it used to be white, but due to the immense smoky air, it had turned yellow over time. She scanned her eyes over the crusty paper. Annie was a big fan of eating new things, but this was something different.

I know you will like this
Soft, gooey deliciousness I guarantee you will love

Maybe you like this more
Soft, gooey deliciousness I might guarantee you will love

If you like neither, you will love this
A little less soft but still gooey deliciousness I won't guarantee you will love

Annie scanner the paper once more. She really was hungry and she was scared she might faint if she didn't eat. "I'll take the first one," Annie said with a frown on her face. She crossed her arms and rested them on the bar. She had a feeling this might turn out to be a long night.

Not even a minute after she had ordered her soft, gooey deliciousness, it was placed in front of her arms, taking Annie by surprise. She had ordered her food not even a minute ago and it was already done. It made her question where he had got it from but decided to let it slide since they offered nothing better to eat.

The image you create by the sound of soft, gooey deliciousness, is exactly what Annie's plate contained. It was white, but yellow at the same time; you also weren't mistaken if you saw a little bit of brown in it. It wasn't as gooey as they described; though, you would occasionally find rock-hard pieces of god-may-know what. It was served with brown, cinnamon sugar; so Annie figured it had to have a sweet taste. Her expectations were ruined as she took a bite of the bitter, sour substance. Her face constricted as it rolled from one side of her mouth to the other. With much pressure of the bartender watching her and her own body begging for nutrition, although she was pretty convinced it didn't contain many nutritions; she swallowed it.

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