*ARCHIVED* Epilouge: "I Get What I Want And No One Interferes"

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"You know the plan correct?" She asks pacing the room full of Cursed.

"Yes Ma'am." They say in unison.

"You find her, destroy Diovannia and we get everything. After we kill off the Puny Elementals and Fates we move on to The Mundane World." She says.

"Yes Ma'am." They reply.

"You Cursed are so adorable. Now go and destroy every Elemental there is. Every Fate too. But of course wait! Stephanie!" She calls her Cursed partner.

"Yes Commander Lilly?" Stephanie asks.

"Bring your daughter here. Dead or Alive. Doesn't matter to me." She waves her away.

"Yes as you please." Stephanie runs to fufill her duty.

"Ahh look at you guys go. Diovannia will sure be destroyed by tommorow. Gives me enough time to catch up on my prime time shows. I will finally get what I want and no one interferes." She smiles and lays her head back gleaming with joy.

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