*ARCHIVED* Chapter 9: The Secret of the Elementals

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I hear the muffled voices voices of the boys I've encountered. And among the mist of the murmurs, a girl silences them, a familiar one. Malyia one of the three Fates. I open my eyes and still see black. I'm blindfolded. I hear her footsteps come closer and take the blindfold off. "Hello there sunshine! Sorry for the mishap! Are you ok?" Maylia asks teasingly. There is nothing funny about this. Nothing at all. I'm filled with anger but I speak in a calm voice.

"It was you who killed him. Wasn't it?"

She comes closer, nodding.

"I only did it to make you stronger. You need to learn. The things you love the most are will destroy you. And what better way? To get your ally killed!" She says in a singsong voice.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted her, she was no good when I first met her. "How dare you accuse me of his death?! Your little Fate servants killed him!"

"Yes and they had much pleasure killing him, Mirabella." She exaggerates my name and gives me a weird look. I can't catch it at first until I see she's trying to send me a message.

"One more damn word from you about him and I and I'll kill you." I say seeing her face change in approval. She's not betraying me at I realize, she's actually trying to help me. "I'd love to see you try." She winks.

I pull on the rope that binds me and they release. I punch Maylia sending her reeling across the room. The guards come closer,ready to fight. I hold up my hands in surrender. "I'm going down." I go down on both knees and place both palms on the floor. I watch one of the guards come up to me. "Get her out of here! I WANT HER DEAD!" Malyia yells. I look at her grinning. "I said I want going down without a fight. Wait. I didn't? Oh well." I kick my leg back and knock the three guards off there feet. I stand and the guards back up. "Come on lets have a little fun! Anyone?" Malyia looks at them. "Well, I gave you orders! Kill her!"

I lash out at the guard, punch her and kick get to the ground. One to the next one. Another guard comes and lands one punch before I blast him with air sending him across the room. I taste blood as it trickles from my nose. The taste is bile like.

Gross. I wipe my nose and go to get up when a guard,a very young boy, tackles me and pulls out a small pocket knife, pressing it against my skin he opens the skin just a knick. I try to move away but he only cuts me more. I grab his arm that holds the knife and try to move him but he holds my face in his hands. "Stop moving. When I let go, you aren't going to move okay?" I stay still. He goes to get knife ready moving away from me long enough to headbutt him he backs away covering his face. I barely have time to see the the knife cut through the air in a circular motion scraping me and going up hitting the wall behind me. I wipe the blood off. I grab the knife and fling it the way he did. He moves trying to get away and as he turns the hits bulls eye, sunk deep into his skull. I grimace and feel like I'm about to hurl. Malyia blocks my view and grabs my neck slamming me against the wall, and she presses a black, slender, irregular arrow. "You know what this pretty thing is?" She asks. "Nothing good."

"What does it kill?" I ask.

"More preferably, who. Some people call them a myth. We call them The Elementals. Its who you are."

"What do-"

"Let me explain."

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