*ARCHIVED* Chapter 21: Reading...Reading...Reading

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I stay in my room all morning just to read the book Sarah let me keep. It talks about a war that happened long ago that will soon happen again.
A foreshadow? How could they have known? Words after words, pictures after pictures I come across a page titled: The Battle That Has Yet To Begun But Far From Over

It shows a baby girl with the caption that she is the Savoir of Diovannia. I nearly drop the book when I see the name. Mirabella Marrie Sapphire born on November 23 of 1997. She will be our savoir. I keep reading and see everything that had happened so far.

I turn the page and see its blank. And so is every other page. I'm a walking book. Guess I wasn't wrong. Ha.

I race down stairs to show the others my discovery.

"So its a book about you. Heh. You're a walking book!" Light says while we all have a moment of laughter. "That's what I said!" I reply.

"So this book sort of controls you?" Azekel asks his laughter ceased.

"Well I control my self but by the looks of it doesn't. If it did I would have been affected by now. Look the book only stops from where ever I stop. Any other events will fill the blank pages." I say catching my breath. "Well maybe if we go back to Sarah she can have books on us too!" June says. Azekel and I look at each other, his face pale,I give him a calming look and he looks away. "Yes. Maybe. Should we go?"

Everyone nods,Azekel barely, and we head out.

"The books? On you guys? I only ever knew there was one for Mirabella. You guys....I don't know." Sarah says sipping her tea.

"But there are so many books here! There has to be one on us!" June says eagerly, her green eyes sparkling. "Maybe they could find it themselves based on there life and experiences!" I say, remembering how drawn I was to the book. "There's a Library downstairs in the basement. Maybe,just maybe because I'm not betting it's there, there could be books for you guys." Sarah gets up and we walk downstairs to the library. I see the shelves over shelves of books and smile with joy. Fangirls Paradise. "Go onm look guys." Sarah says stay beside me. We chat for a little while before everyone finds there book. We walk upstairs and start reading. I see Light smile and Azekel nervous to open his. June has a starled and sad face as she looks at Azekel. "Zeke, I'm.....Adopted?"

"I meant to tell you sooner but..." Azekel starts.

"My parents....there dead?" He silently nods.

"Why did you never tell me?" She says tears in her eyes.

"Because he couldn't." I say. "He wanted to tell you when he was ready. He no family ethier. Your the only one he has left."

"Is that true?" June looks at Azekel.

"Y-yes. It's true." He looks down. June walks up to Azekel and hugs him. "It's okay. I'll be your family. Now and Always."

"Thank you Sarah." June says. We head out the door and Light puts a hand around my shoulder. "Quite the Helper. Adorable." He laughs.

"Oh shutup." I laugh and nudge him.

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