*ARCHIVED* Chapter 10: The Worlds Little Secret

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"The Elementals are an elite and endangered group in various parts of the world. The Fates have grown by the years to protect your kind. We a made truce, though some choose not to follow because the dark has consumed them."

"Like those guards?"

"Please let me finish." She lets go of me pacing the room, as if trying to grasp her recognition of what was said so far. "There is one Fate per Elemental. But the main three, more like the first three Fates control them as well as the human world." She pauses.

"But then your my..."

"Fate? One of them."

"But I'm only supposed to have..."

"One. I know. But you . Your power is stronger than we anticipated."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because, its true." She continues. "The main Three, I being one of them, are focused on you Mira. Your needed to save us. There are bad things out there."

"Then what are they? Demon, Angels?" I sit down for a minute.

"The Cursed. It started with one but that person made lies and convinced most of the Fates and Elementals that  The Main Three have been planning to obliterate The Elementals. I was one of the first to believe because the other Two never really told me much."

"Well are they? You should know I mean..." She gives me a glare. "I'm no evil angel no more. Trust me I've changed. I had to make a scene so they wouldn't know. Those are Cursed." She gestures to the passed out "guards".

"They haven't come to obliterate u-you guys. They need someone else for that."


"I'm not sure if I should say."

"WHY CAN YOU GUYS EVER TELL ME ANYTHING?" I see Malyia's face contort. "Fine! You wanna know!  Its YOU! Your the one they need!" "But why?" I whisper. I think about any reason they want to come after me and all that comes back is Lilly and The Controlled. I remembered what it said clearly: 'The Dark Days have finally arrived. Your Fate rest in his hands. Watch your back. The danger lurks closet to the ones you need and the ones you love.  We will meet again, Mirabella Marrie Sapphire.'

 I lean back against the wall  everything rushing through my head. "Mirabella? Mirabella?" Malyia grabs my shoulder shaking me a little and snapping me out of my chain of memories. "Hm?" I look at her  worried face. "Your hands. There bleeding." I un-clench my fist, and wipe the blood away on my pants. "I-I didn't notice. Just thinking of something." I say. 

"Don't look like your thinking of anything good." She ties up her hair in a bun. "Your right. Nothing good." I look at the door and I remember I'm in the basement.

 "Where's Lilly?' I ask. "She's gone. They took her. Don't you remember?" She replies.  "Well after getting knocked out in an alley my brain is still a bit foggy." She sighs. "Lilly was taken by a Controlled." She says sadly. 

"A controlled?" I inquire.

"It's some one who isn't yet a Cursed but is under the power of one." 

"So where did they take her?"

"They sent her to the Cursed hideout." She finishes. "But she's not an Elemental., so why would they take her?"

Maylia seems just as clueless as I am. "Well we should find out where she-" 

"Mira?" I drop my attention away from Maylia and look at who is calling me. "Light?"

The Elementals *ARCHIVED*Where stories live. Discover now