Chapter 59- Scars and Wounds

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The first blow goes to my face.


The second hits my arm, hard enough to leave a purple and black bruise. I try to hold in the screams but the tears have already started to fall. You'd think I would be numb to the pain by now.


A kick to my collarbone and I feel it snap and I can't help but yell out in pain. I sob and I scream hoping that maybe someone will hear me.

"Layla!" I hear someone call my name so I scream louder. Maybe someone finally found me.

"Layla, wake up!" now I was being shaken but I still was screaming and saw nobody but my abuser.

I see him lift up his foot about to smash it into my head and I hope this either kills me or knocks me out. I take in a deep breath as I watch his foot come closer to my face as if it were in slow motion. Right before it hits my face I open my eyes and I'm not where I just was...

"Oh my god Layla you fucking terrified me, I thought someone got in the house and was doing something to you," I look up at Mason who is as white as a ghost.

I'm confused and my head has started to hurt again. My throat feels like its been struck with pins and needles. I try to talk but everything hurts again. I wince in pain at any movement I make and I'm in dire need of cool air as I'm sweating so much. I try to lift the sheets off me but I feel to weak. Luckily, Mason realizes what I'm trying to do and takes the covers off. He also, turns on the ceiling fan that I've never even noticed was there but I'm thankful.

"I'll go get you some more medicine to ease the pain, I'll give you two doses. Hopefully that'll help a little more than last time," Mason quickly leaves the room while I sit there in almost complete darkness.

I realized Mason had only turned on one lamp to dimly light up the room. Before I know it Mason is already back with the water and medicine. Just like last time he helps me drink the water and swallow the pills. I really can't help the thought again at how intimate this seems. Mason also helps me drink the rest of the water to soothe my throat which I'm thankful for. When he is done he sets the glass on the bedside table and puts his wrist on my forehead. His wrist is cold so it feels good placed there against my hot head.

"You're burning up, I really hope you don't have a fever," he sighs then just looks me up and down checking for an other injuries I'm guessing.

I clear my throat slightly to get his attention, "Why'd you wake me up?"

He looks at me confused, "You were screaming in your sleep, were you having a nightmare?"

I feel my eyes bug out, god dammit I shouldn't have stayed the night, "Uh, yeah it's nothing."

He nods his head in response probably realizing I didn't want to talk about it. The silence is kinda tense so I try my best to think of something to say.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up," I whisper feeling sorta awkward.

He shakes his head and actually genuinely smiles, "It's fine, I wasn't getting much sleep anyway. You know it's kind of scary to watch someone pass out right in front of your eyes."

I laugh a little at his joke and he joins in then it's silent again.

"We should probably head back to bed," Mason says and gets up to walk away.

"No-," I say but stop myself.

He looks back at me confused, "Sorry, I just... can you stay? I mean you don't have to but I just feel like I need some company to help me fall asleep. You know what just ignore w-," Mason cuts me off. "Sure, I'll stay with you the rest of the night if it helps you fall asleep.

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